


Note: A complete guide of unusual names, places and terminology for the Belador series is located on any Belador book page at, but below are from this book.

aiteann – ah chin

Brynhild – burn HILD

Casidhe – CAH sih duh

Cavan – cah VAHN

Connell – kuh NAIL

Dragani – drah GAHN nee

Eógan – OH un

Evalle – EE vahl

Fadil – fah DEEL

Fenella – fuh NELL ah

Garwyli – gar WHY lee

Germanus - jur MAN us

gorse – GOERS (rhymes with course)

Gruffyn – GRUFF in

Imortiks – im MORE ticks

Immortuos Grimoire – im MORH tue ose gruhm WAAR

Jennyver - JENN uh vir

Lann an Cheartais – lahn nah KAIR tus

Luigsech – LOO gi sehk (g is hard like ‘egg’)

Maistir – MY stir

Medb – MAVE

Noirre – NOIR ay

Ossian – AH see un

Pliny Laelius – PLY nee LIE lee oos

Phoedra – FAY druh

Renata – REY not ah

Ruadh – ROO awn

Scamall – SKAH mull

Scáth Force – SCATH (like bath) Force

Seanóir – SHAWN ore ee

Skarde – SKARD

Timmon – tim MAHN

Tzader – ZAY der

“If you don’t fight for what you love, then don’t cry for what you lost.”

~ Unknown

Every major war and crisis can be traced to a specific moment in time.

During the medieval time of chieftains and kingdoms in ancient Ireland, betrayal triggered a dragon war and consequences have rippled through time to today’s world. A supernatural being on a path to expose nonhumans is sparking chaos across the world with Atlanta at the epicenter. Powerful preternatural beings have waited patiently for an opportune moment to strike at their enemies and with no regard for human casualties. Now is the time.

The Belador supernatural race living secretly among humans freed a cursed dragon shifter, who now reigns as their king. Daegan takes a stand to fight for his nonhuman followers as well as vulnerable humans. Tortured by what he lost two millennia ago, Daegan has vowed to destroy any who threaten his new family and allies.

Atlanta and the entire human race have one hope of surviving what’s coming for them, but only if fear of the unknown does not drive them to kill their greatest protector first.