Rule #1: Don’t Follow Your Passion
Chapter One: The “Passion” of Steve Jobs
Chapter Three: Passion Is Dangerous
Rule #2: Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You (Or, the Importance of Skill)
Chapter Four: The Clarity of the Craftsman
Chapter Five: The Power of Career Capital
Chapter Six: The Career Capitalists
Chapter Seven: Becoming a Craftsman
Rule #3: Turn Down a Promotion (Or, the Importance of Control)
Chapter Eight: The Dream-Job Elixir
Chapter Nine: The First Control Trap
Chapter Ten: The Second Control Trap
Chapter Eleven: Avoiding the Control Traps
Rule #4: Think Small, Act Big (Or, the Importance of Mission)
Chapter Twelve: The Meaningful Life of Pardis Sabeti
Chapter Thirteen: Missions Require Capital
Chapter Fourteen: Missions Require Little Bets