Window pane controls

The following screenshot shows the window pane controls:

Moving on to the window pane controls, you will see two groups of icons. The first group is called the Editor Mode, and the second group is called the View. Let's look at the functions of the Editor Mode icons:

Editor Mode icons Function
This icon controls the standard editor (which is the center panel in the earlier screenshot of the Main.storyboard file in the navigator panel).
This icon splits the Standard editor into two panels, where you will see the ViewController.swift file on the right. We will use this split screen throughout this book.
This icon is the Version editor. We will not address the Version editor in this book since it is a more advanced feature.


At this point, you might be thinking that there are way too many panels open, and I would agree with you! The last panel is where the previous group of View icons in the toolbar comes in handy.

Let's look at these icons and their functions in the following table:

View Mode icons Function
This icon will toggle (hide or show) the navigator panel (or use command + O).


This icon will toggle (hide or show) the debug panel (or use command + shift + Y).



This icon will toggle (hide or show) the utilities panel (or use command + alt + O).