
No book is ever written alone. I feel incredibly lucky to be surrounded by a community of family and friends who have nurtured me and this novel over the last few years.

Thanks to my first readers who I (very tentatively) passed these pages to and who gave me critical feedback and encouragement: Maria Gould, Samantha Haywood, Amina Ally, Esther Vise and Silvana Bazet. I’m also very grateful to my editor, Luciana Ricciutelli, who offered significant insights and helped me with final revisions.

To all of my family and communities who root me in the world, and who inspire my characters—a big thanks. Special appreciation goes to my father, Shamoon, my sister Fariya and my Aunty Rashida (for honouring my creativity), and to my Aunty Roshan (who helped me choose names).

To the past and present members of my writing group—Teenah Edan, Saira Suberi, Nuzhat Abbas, Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha, Julia Gonsalvez—I owe you a debt of gratitude for helping me grow as a writer.

A huge thank-you to the “circle of agents” who support me in various ways: Nupur Gogia, Kristyn Wong-Tam, Shoshana Pollack, Anke Alspach, Anju Gogia, Michael Pastore, Jake Pyne, Ginny Santos, and Hershel Russell.

And finally, to my partner, Judith Nicholson, who has been a constant support since the beginning of this project—this is for you.

A glossary can be found at