BY THE TIME they had had coffee and an after-dinner drink, the snow was a foot deep in the streets. They piled into the Lincoln.

“Home, James,” Tiff said. “I’ve always wanted to say that,” she said. “And his name really is James.”

The car fishtailed slowly up the street and turned downtown. “I wish I had chains,” the driver said.

“You’re doing fine,” Tiff replied.

The driver worked his way downtown and over to Park Avenue, passing cars in various levels of disarray along their route. They had just turned south again when Stone pointed ahead. “Look!”

Tiff peered through the windshield. “All I see is snow.”

“It’s the red Hummer,” Stone said. “Stop right here, driver.”

“I’m afraid that if I stop, I won’t be able to get going again,” James replied. They were passing the Hummer, now, which had apparently stopped to help another car out of a drift.

“Pull over right here, goddammit!” Stone orderd.

“Pull over, James,” Tiff said.

James pulled over.

“Now what?” Tiff asked.

“James, are you an FBI agent?” Stone asked.

“No, sir, I’m just a hired hand.”

“Are you armed?”

“Yes, sir.”

“James is an employee of the Justice Department, and he’s armed, but he’s not a law-enforcement official,” Tiff said. “He can’t arrest anybody.”

“James, will you loan me your gun, please?” Stone asked.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Barrington, but I can’t do that,” James replied.

Swearing under his breath, Stone got out his cell phone and called Lance again.


“Lance, I’m in a black Lincoln, stopped at the corner of Ninety-fourth and Park, and the red Hummer is right behind me, pulling another car out of a drift.”

“Hold, please,” Lance said.

Stone could hear him ordering up people on a landline.

“I’ve scrambled some cars, but in the present circumstances, it’s going to take them some time to get there. Are you armed?”


“In the future, I would prefer that you carry at all times. This fellow is dangerous.”

“I’m aware of that, and we have an armed driver, but he can’t arrest anybody, and he won’t loan me his gun.”

Stone looked out the window and saw the Hummer drive past. “The Hummer is on the move,” he said, “driving down Park.”

“Stay with him, and keep me posted; I’ll stay on the line.”

“Let’s go, James,” Stone said. “Stay with the Hummer.”

“Right,” James replied. He put the Lincon in gear and pressed the accelerator. The car did not move. “Oh, shit,” James said.

“Try rocking it back and forth,” Stone said.

James tried doing that, but it didn’t help.

“Lance,” Stone said, “We’re stuck in the snow, and we’re losing the Hummer. Are your people anywhere near?”

“Hang on.” Lance went back to the landline, then returned. “They’re making their way up Park from about Thirty-fourth Street,” he said.

“Well, all you can do is to keep them on Park, looking for a red Hummer. If they spot him, then they can make a U-turn.”

“That’s what they’re doing,” Lance said. “I’m going to hang up, now; I’m missing Letterman’s Top Ten.” He clicked off.

“So much for the CIA,” Stone muttered, putting away his cell phone.

“You’ve been on the phone with the CIA?” Tiff asked.

“Try and forget I said that.”

“This Lance guy is CIA?”

“I told you, I can’t talk about him.”

“Stone, I’m a high federal official; you can talk to me about the CIA.”

“No, I can’t; I’ve signed a contract that . . .” He stopped himself. “I’m going to shut up now.”

James was still trying to rock the Lincoln back and forth.

“I’m not going to leave you alone until you tell me about this,” Tiff said, goosing him.


She grabbed his crotch and squeezed.

“Easy, there!” Stone cried. “That will get you a lot, but not the information you want.”

Then the car started to move. “I got it going,” James said.

“Stay on Park and find the red Hummer,” Stone said.


“Oh, all right, do it, James.” Tiff sighed. “I’m never going to get you into bed, am I?” she whispered to Stone.

“Yes, you are,” Stone said, “but let’s take Billy Bob, first.”

“I can’t see ten feet in front of me,” James said. “It’s crazy to be driving in this stuff.”

“James,” Tiff said, “If you don’t see the Hummer by the time we get to the Waldorf, we’re stopping there.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I want Billy Bob,” Stone said.

“You may have to settle for me,” Tiff replied, snuggling up to him, leaving her hand, more gently, on his crotch.

Presently, James turned left, and the Waldorf swam at them out of the snow.

“Continue on to my house,” Stone said.

“Oh, all right. Do it, James.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

By some miracle, they made it to Stone’s, and they got out and made their way toward the front steps. Suddenly, Tiff pushed Stone, and he went facedown in a drift.

“I’m going to get you for that!” Stone cried, struggling to his feet and throwing a handful of snow at her as she trudged up the front steps.

“Do it in bed!” she yelled back.