


ANDRI GAVREAU, was indeed a member of the Black Templars governing board. He closed his com and turned to his companions. “You heard?”

“Yes,” Guillaume Peele, a tall, slim man with greying hair, practically rubbed his hands together in glee. “Maybe this time we have a whip to tame Coudet.”

“Maybe,” Thomasine Villars who was in her sixties but still beautiful, said pessimistically. “It won’t be the first time we thought we had him, and he slipped out of the noose.”

Joan Merton, the youngest of the board members was in her late thirties. “I don’t like the sound of this teenage girl. If he’s passed her on to some of his associates, she could be in bad shape by the time Langston and the others find her.”

“You heard her father—he doesn’t care what they’ve done to her. she’s still his little girl.”

“Ummn, what do we know about this Carlos Santana?” asked Guillaume Peele. He was Randal Langston’s boss in the Templars.

“He’s a lawyer,” answered Mathieu Heroux. “I believe he represented a couple of actors in that contract negotiation scandal a few years back. He’s also the family attorney for the Garney’s.”

“Isn’t Agustin Garneys one of our operatives? He and his partners own Dreamedia Laboratories, the business we asked to employ Simone Gusset before she was murdered.” Joan supplied.

“Santana’s a cool customer in court,” Mathieu said. “I don’t know how he’ll react when it’s about his family. I think we’d better keep an eye of the search party.” Villars said.

“I agree with Thomasine,” said Peele, “Devon Morton is back for Langston’s wedding. He and Coudet have a history.”

Gavreau frowned, “Just how much of a hothead is this Morton?”

“He doesn’t look it, but he’s a tough customer,” Peele stated. “Last time he was here, Langston asked that he be given honorary Templar membership. Together, he and Randal Langston made a good team.”

“Where did you tell them to look for Coudet?” Heroux asked.

Gavreau shrugged. “Coudet’s moved up in the world. He hangs out at that new place on Government row now.”

“The Violet Glass Pub?” inquired Peele. “Are they grooming him for a political office?”

“Not after that debacle with the date rape drugs,” Heroux snorted. “More likely he’s supposed to be gathering information the Red Conclave can use to pressure a few politicos.”

“Well now, Perhaps I’ll drop in for lunch one of these days,” Peele said. “It could prove interesting. Especially if Langston and Morton come in looking for Coudet.”

“Getting a little tired of retirement?” Villars asked with a grin.

“Not at all. Not at all. I just like to enjoy a good meal with a few friends.”

