


The Planet itself is well within earth normal standards as far as temperature. It has two moons who orbit close together. Their combined mass is approximately 1½ the size of Earth's moon. The planet has nine continents, the majority of which are scattered along the equator, with 68% of the planet water. The salty ocean waters were warm thanks to the tropical current circling between the next largest land mass (dubbed Mayone) and Treamamas, the continent where the Portal was located. Treamamas, the largest continent is Kite shaped. About 1/3 of it is in the northern temperate zone and the rest of it descends with its narrow tail in the southern temperate zone. The largest land mass in the tropics.

Although most of the colonists decided to settle near the portal which is in the tropics, the planet has enough arable land for farming. The colonists are still engaged in mapping the new world and discovering new animal species, most of which seem to be compatible genetically enough with humans to provide food sources if need be.

Although they have topographical maps of the planet, Colonists are only actively engaged in exploring Treamamas. The other eight continents from largest to smallest, are Mayone, Iablari, Sashoa, Troyai, Ridall, Tresoni, Kritual, and Luasilith. Plans for exploring them exist, but not in the immediate future.

It takes 425 days to orbit the sun, and each day is 27 hours. The colonists use the Greek Calendar in naming the months, with each month being between 33 and 38 days.

The Portal came out close to the equator. The capital city of Savano where the Portal is located, has been built to withstand the predations of tropical, fast-growing plants, and extreme humidity (it rains nearly every day). The colony is troubled by insects so they Cultivate the Lint Dragons and Hermit Flyers to assist with bug control. Farmlands have been cleared and the soil is fertile, but the crops are under constant attack by native plants. Most of the cultivating is done by robots.