Chapter 24

A tentative knock on the door awoke Henry with a start. The dream of having Evangeline in his arms became reality when he opened his eyes. She was pressed up against him, her back against his chest as she’d once liked to sleep. He drew in her scent and savored the moment. The silkiness of her hair covered his arm. He brushed it to one side, which revealed a nasty scar on her neck. It disappeared down her spine, no doubt the result of the fire that had trapped her and almost taken her life.

The evidence of her suffering sent fury surging through him. He would see that Millicent was marched to the gallows and hung as soon as possible.

“Lord Stanton. It is time we leave.” Another rap sounded against the door, this time loud enough to wake the baby.

Sarah whined. Evangeline stirred within his embrace. Henry reluctantly released his wife and slipped out of bed. He walked to the closed door and responded without opening it.

“Thank you, Commander. We’ll be down shortly.” What he wanted to do was rant at the man for disturbing them. What might have happened if… Henry mulled over the possibilities as he pulled on his clothes. He gazed at his wife and longed for the closeness they’d once shared.

Dawn’s rosy blush peeked through the window and highlighted Evangeline’s beauty as she stretched. She tugged the blanket higher when she saw him staring.

“It’s time to get ready.”

“I heard.” She yawned and stretched again.

“Da, da, da.” Sarah’s fussing grew more demanding. “Go!”

“I’ll take care of Sarah while you dress.” He forced himself to turn away when all he wanted was to climb back in bed and remind her how good they were together. Forcing his thoughts on the present, he focused on his daughter as Evangeline disappeared behind the changing screen in the corner of the room. The nightgown she’d worn was flung across the top. His mouth went dry and his heart thumped loudly against his chest. There had been a time when no gown was necessary. He swallowed the regret that rose like bile in his throat.

“Da, da, da.” Sarah reached up and tugged on his tunic, eager to be up and about. “Go.”

“Yes, sweet Sarah, we go.” He finished changing her, checked the pitcher and poured a cup of goat’s milk, which he offered to his daughter.

“No.” She fussed, turned her face and pushed it away. “Go.”

“Shall we go and find more of that delicious porridge?” He gathered her into his arms.

“I’m ready.” Evangeline walked out from behind the screen dressed in a simple dress of linen, her hair brushed until it shone and tied back. Even in a simple unadorned linen dress, a servant might wear, she had that regal air of royalty. “Shall we go?”

“Of course.” Henry followed her down the stairs. The odor of fried meat and fresh bread met them as they descended. His stomach growled.

The food was good, but the meal was hastened with an impatient commander hovering over them.

“My men are ready to take charge of the castle,” The commander said. “Captain Degraf sent two men there to guard from any trying to enter or leave. The villagers say the castle is free of those who besieged it and held Lord Brighton hostage, however I believe it would be better if I take my men ahead and make sure. You should wait and bring your family after we are assured it is safe.” His gaze met Henry’s.

“I agree, but…” Henry barely had the words out before Evangeline raised her voice.

“I refuse to be left behind while my father is in danger,” Evangeline stood and picked up Sarah. “If the gates are locked and there is any resistance, I know ways into the castle you do not, and I can minister aid to any who are injured.”

The commander frowned. “I cannot guarantee their safety, Lord Stanton.”

“I know. But she’s right. A secret passage into the castle would be a great advantage.” Henry hated the thought of putting his family in danger, but he knew once Evangeline’s mind was set it would not be easily changed. Hopefully the rumors proved correct.

“I would be glad to care for your daughter while you deal with matters at the castle.” Helen hovered nearby. “I will protect her with my life.”

“You know that I’d trust you to keep her safe, but as long as Hemming is loose, I shall keep Sarah with me.” Evangeline smiled and gave her friend a quick hug.

“I understand.” Helen turned as a peasant appeared through the back door and motioned for her. “Please excuse me.” She disappeared outside shutting the door behind her.

“The commander insists we leave immediately.” Henry gathered Sarah into his arms and put a hand on Evangeline’s back to edge her toward the door.

Evangeline turned back to say good-bye, but there was no sign of Helen. Only something important would have kept her away. Since her return as Lady Evangeline, the wall of separation between royal and servant had once again risen between them. As Sister Margaret Mary she’d been privy to both realms. Now, she would be once again confined to her royal position. Determination rose inside like a battle cry. With God’s help, she would do what was necessary to again bridge the gap between the classes and keep her friendship close.

She’d heard the mumble of the soldiers, who feared meeting the notorious Fox along the road. Since she had no idea who now played the Fox, an uneasy feeling of imminent danger kept Evangeline on edge.