Radhastami is a very special festival celebrating the day of Shree Radharani’s appearance in Barsana (Mathura Dist, Uttar Pradesh). Radharani is the eternal consort of Shree Krishna. She appeared on the earth fifteen days after Shree Krishna’s Divine birth in Mathura. She is the original and most loving form of Shakti, or the Divine Mother of the Universe. This festival falls on the eighth day of bright fortnight of the Hindu month Bhaadra (August – September).
Radha is often referred to as Shree Radharani, Radhika or Radhika Rani. She is the eternal consort of Shree Krishna. According to the Samrahasyopanishad, the one Supreme entity manifests in two forms to increase its bliss – Radha and Krishna. Shree Krishna is the source of all energies and Radharani is His Supreme Divine energy, or Yogamaya. She is mentioned in the Rig Vediya Radhikopanishad and also in the Atharva Vediya Radhikopanishad. The sage Ved Vyas has referred to her in six of the eighteen Puranas. Her leelas, or pastimes, are also described in detail in the Garga Samhita and the Brihad Gautamiya tantra.
In the Shreemad Bhagavatam there is only indirect mention of Radharani, as the gopi who was the most dear to Shree Krishna. It is explained that the speaker of the Bhagavatam, Shukadev Paramhans is an eternal associate of Radharani. He is so devoted to Her, that if he ever takes Her name he faints for six months. He had to relate the entire Bhagavatam to Parikshit in seven days. Therefore, he referred to her as the one gopi who loved Shree Krishna the most, without directly taking her name.
The story behind Radharani’s birth is very much similar to that of Mother Seeta. She was not actually born to Her parents. King Vrishabhanu was a king of the cowherds the land of Braj. One day, he was bathing in a lake in a place called Rawal, and he found a beautiful little baby girl on the leaf of a lotus flower. Vrishabhanu was filled with fatherly affection and brought the baby back home. At that time Radharani’s eyes were closed, and she refused to open them. She grew up in her father Vrishabhanu’s home in Barsana. A few years went by, and Vrishabhanu had a grand function, in which he invited the neighboring villages. Shree Krishna came along with His parents to the function. When He reached by the side of Radharani, She opened Her eyes for the first time, and saw Her Beloved Lord, for whose pleasure She had descended in the world.
Devotees pray to Her to Bless them with Divine Love for Shree Krishna. In Vrindaban, they sing kirtans:
Radhey Radhey! Shyam se milade!
“O Radharani! Please help us meet Shree Krishna!”
Radharani is the Goddess of Devotion, or Bhakti, and Her love for Shree Krishna is the highest ideal of selfless devotion.
Radhashtami comes fifteen days after Janmashtami, the appearance day of Shree Krishna. It is most fervently observed in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana, and amongst the followers of the Gaudiya and Nimbarka sampradayas. On Radhastami day, Radha Krishna deities are traditionally dressed in exquisite white silk clothes in the morning, and in the evening they are decorated entirely in flowers. It is a spectacular sight not to be missed! Many temples follow the tradition of keeping Radharani’s feet covered on all other days. On Radhashtami day, devotees especially have the auspicious darshan of Radharani’s lotus feet.
People fast until noon and sing devotional songs in praise of the Divine Couple and Their loving pastimes. Devotees pray to Radharani to grant them seva of Her Beloved Lord, knowing that if they can please Her, Lord Krishna will be pleased automatically.