In the solitude of her apartment, Nicole decided to write a friend a letter.
My Dearest Delaney,
I hope this letter finds you, Jody, and Fletcher well and looking forward to the holidays. Jared and I are wonderfully blessed. It’s a beautiful winter day here in the city. The sun is out, but there is a definite chill in the air. The weatherman said we might even have a White Christmas.
I was getting ready to send you one of my annual Christmas letters (please pray that this doesn’t mean I’m becoming more like my mother … smile). Anyway, since you’re such a special friend, Delaney, and you played such an important role in my life this year, I thought you deserved your own letter. It’s funny how the art of letter writing has gone out of style and has been replaced by e-mail and the occasional postcard. Remember when I told you I had over ten pen pals at one time when I was a little girl? Sometimes I miss the days when all it took to excite me was an Alaskan postmark.
I want to thank you once again for showing up when I really needed a friend. I’m so sorry I caused us to lose so much precious time, but I promise I will make it up to you. Thanks also for the Iyanla Vanzant books you sent. Sistah knows she can write and tell the truth. I read from one of her books each and every day no matter what. Even when I’m on top of the world.
Jared is out right now, doing some Christmas shopping. I have no idea what he’s getting me, but I’m thinking about getting him a cashmere overcoat. You do remember how cold it gets here, don’t you? We are thinking about going down to Fisher Island in Florida for a couple of days, but that might change if everything works out with the foster child.
I’m sure I told you Jared and I passed all the interviews and could get a child any day. I’m nervous and excited at the same time. But Jared is even more nervous than I am. Every day he comes home and asks me the same questions: Did the agency call? When is the child coming? Is it going to be a boy or a girl? Just between us I know he wants a boy.
My career is picking up. Please don’t say I told you so. I’ve done some voiceover work and I’ve been approached to do a gig at The China Club. They have this cabaret series on Sunday nights featuring Broadway stars. Can you believe it? Like I’m a star! Speaking of Broadway … did Cedric tell you it looks like Dreamgirls might not be coming to Broadway after all? At least not this summer, but maybe next. I’m dreading the thought of the show coming back before Jared and I move out of the theater district. I hear the producers are having trouble finding a suitable theater, and are thinking about going to London before coming to New York. I’m happy about that, ’cause despite how I was treated, those kids in the show gotta work.
Yancey has called and invited me to lunch a couple of times, but I’ve been really busy with my voice and dance lessons. It’s not like I’m avoiding her or anything, but I’ve thought a lot about what you said. I guess it is possible that she was trying to do me in. But if she really did try to harm me, she doesn’t need enemies … she needs prayer and friends. I keep Yancey and other cast members in my daily prayers. If I’m ready to see her by the time she gets back from London, I might invite her over for tea. I wish her only the best, but sometimes you have to be a friend from a distance. I still find it hard to believe; Yancey seemed so sincere. But don’t worry, from now on I’ll keep both eyes open.
I recently got invited to audition for a new George Wolfe musical, and guess what? I’m one of the female leads! It was a close call, honey, because they had offered the role to La Chanze. You know sister not only can sing, but she’s beautiful too. She turned them down to do Ragtime. After I found out, I started screaming, “Thank you, Father!” as I skipped … yes, child, skipped home from my agent’s office. I guess I got some angels pulling for me.
I’m pulling together a benefit for Peaches and More Than Friends. Jared and I are doing everything possible to make sure she has the money for her down payment. Raymond is coming back to help and I’ve already got the cast of Smokey Joe’s, plus Lillias White (with her singing butt), Brian Stokes Mitchell, and Vanessa L. Williams to perform. It should be just fabulous! I’ll keep you posted about the details. I’d love it if you and Jody and that little manchild of yours can come.
I’ve got a lot on my plate, but I’m looking forward to the new year. This year has been tough, but there have been joyful moments. Finally, I’ve realized how blessed I am to have a husband who loves me despite my faults, and to have someone like you to remind me of the true meaning of friendship. At last, I’ve learned one of the lessons my father always tried to teach me … tough times don’t last long … but tough people do. So I guess you could say I’m getting tougher in my old age.
I’m going to close now. I think I might take a long walk after I drop this letter in the mailbox. I love you, Delaney. Thank you for being my sister and my friend.
Love Always,