I had a fantastic time doing research for this book, even if only some of it made it into the final version. So to the doctors, medical students, RAF SAR personnel, camper van owners, actors, farmers, teachers, and others who answered my questions: thank you. Any mistakes are definitely all mine!
In particular I have to mention Dr. Tim Sowton, Dr.-to-be Alex Brooks-Moizer, Moira Briggs, Sgt. Matt Weetman, Sally Lawton, Anna (Jancis), Christine Cawson, Adrian Barber, and Pete O’Connor from O’Connor’s Campers. Taking the amazing ‘Bill’ to North Devon in a chilly Easter was an experience I’ll never forget. I’d also like to thank Janice Hume, Nell Dixon, Rosy Thornton, Julie Haggar, and my friends at C19 for their support.
Mega thanks to Claire, Cat, and Sara at LBD for keeping me on the straight and narrow and to Broo Doherty for keeping me writing, come what may.
Finally to Mum, Dad, John, and Charlotte who gave me tea, sympathy, and advice on fights in nightclubs. ILY.