

1.Government buildings in Washington, Paris and Berlin show democracies choosing classical models. Parliament’s decision ‘established the Gothic as the national style even for secular architecture’. Pevsner, Nikolaus, London I: The Cities of London and Westminster, The Buildings of England (Harmondsworth, 1957), 455.

2.Riding, C. and Riding, J., eds, The Houses of Parliament (London, 2000), 15.

3.‘Inigo Jones [had] put a renaissance shell on the West end, nave and transepts [of St Paul’s] before the Civil War put an end to the work . . . When the chief Gothic monument of the land was to be given a new classical shell, men’s vision must have been dominated by new forms.’ Clark, Kenneth, The Gothic Revival: An Essay in the History of Taste (London, 1928), 4. Wren’s St Paul’s is smaller than Old St Paul’s. For the rebuilt St Peter’s in Rome a long nave had also been required.

4.Clark was twenty-five in 1928. Some of his assertions show how taste has changed: for instance, the Gothic Revival produced ‘little on which our eyes can rest without pain’. Or, ‘art historians have neglected the Gothic Revival. They write about works of art.’ Clark records his changed attitudes in footnotes to the third edition (1962).

5.For a brief introduction which does justice to the European and American dimensions of the Revival, see Lewis, Michael J., The Gothic Revival (London, 2002).

6.The name ‘Ivanhoe’ is found in the area in 1839. Wamba Road appears in 1927; Ravenswood Avenue in 1942. The Heidelberg Historian 30 (Melbourne, 1972).

7.Acceptance of this subsidy marks the end of the Stuart claim. See Champ, Judith, The English Pilgrimage to Rome (Leominster, 2000), 121.

8.See Robinson, Fred, ‘Medieval and the Middle Ages’, in The Tomb of Beowulf and Other Essays on Old English (Oxford, 1993), 304–15.

9.See Lewis, C.S., De Descriptione Temporum, his inaugural lecture in the Cambridge Chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature. Essays in Criticism VI (Oxford, 1956), 247.

10.Panofsky, Erwin, Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art (New York, 1969), 10, note 1.


1.Percy, Thomas, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (London, 1765, 1767, 1794, 1812). Quoted from the essay on ballads in the edition of Edward Walford (London, 1880), 18. The maxim also appears as, ‘If a man were permitted to make all the ballads, he need not care who should make the laws of a nation.’ Fletcher of Saltoun was author of An Account of a Conversation concerning a Right Regulation of Governments for the Common Good of Mankind . . . (1703).

2.Fairer, D. and Gerrard, C., eds, Eighteenth-Century Poetry (Oxford, 1999), ‘The Bard’, 388.

3.Ibid., ‘Fragment 8’, 410.

4.Walpole, Horace, The Castle of Otranto, Lewis, W.S., ed., introduced by E.J. Clery (Oxford, 1998), x.

5.Walpole entitled his first publication, a catalogue of his father’s paintings at Houghton Hall, Aedes Walpolianae, ‘The House of Walpole’. William Marshall is the name of the man whom Thomas Cromwell commissioned to translate Marsilius of Padua’s Defensor Pacis (1535), which maintains the superiority of the State to the Church. On Chatterton and Walpole, see Meyerstein, E.H.W., A Life of Thomas Chatterton (London, 1930), 262ff.

6.Fairer and Gerrard, Eighteenth-Century Poetry, 313.

7.Thus, the Earl of Surrey’s epitaph on Sir Thomas Wyatt claims that his friend’s verse had ‘reft Chaucer the glory of his wit’. Jones, Emrys, ed., The New Oxford Book of Sixteenth-Century Verse (Oxford, 1992), 111, line 14.

8.Butt, J., ed., The Poems of Alexander Pope, A One-Volume Edition of the Twickenham Pope, rev. edn (London, 1968), Essay on Criticism, 295–6, 153.

9.Hayden, John O., ed., William Wordsworth, The Poems, 2 vols (Harmondsworth, 1977), II, 873.

10.Keegan, Paul, ed., New Penguin Book of English Verse (Harmondsworth, 2000), 398, lines 1–5, 11–12.

11.Butt, The Poems of Alexander Pope, ‘Eloisa to Abelard’, 1–3, 252.

12.Pope’s slumbering abbot is picturesque but unhistorical. ‘The Black Monks have rendered invaluable services to civilization, not only in preparing the social organization of the Middle Ages during the chaos of barbarian rule after the fall of the Roman empire, but also in preserving (for instance through the eighteenth century in France) the ideals and practice of true scholarship . . .’. Cross, F.L. and Livingstone, E.A., eds, Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1990). English Benedictines included Bishop Walmsley (1722–97), a mathematician who led Britain to accept in 1752 the Gregorian Calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.

13.Butt, The Poems of Alexander Pope, Essay on Criticism, 166, 690–1. Thomas Hearne (Wurmius), though a layman, lost his Bodleian Library post for his Non-Juring principles. He had printed the text of The Battle of Maldon and much else. Anglican Non-Jurors declined to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy to William and Mary, as breaking those they had sworn to James II. Non-Juror scholarship preserved many documents of the past, as in Bishop George Hickes’s Linguarum veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus of 1703–5.

14.Walpole, Otranto, Clery’s introduction, xxxiii.

15.Johnston, Arthur, Enchanted Ground: The Study of Medieval Romance in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1964). Johnston’s full exploration of this ‘important byway in eighteenth-century studies’ leaves out ballads, Chatterton, Ossian, Tyrwhitt, Gray’s Old Norse, Horace Walpole, etc. Also ‘architecture, art, sculpture, tapestries, wall-paintings, political institutions and social organisation. Before any adequate study of the Medieval Revival as a whole can be written, these separate topics need to be studied thoroughly.’

16.Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene, ed. Roche, T.P. (Harmondsworth, 1978).

17.Percy, in Boswell’s Life of Johnson, ed. Chapman, R.W. (Oxford, 1953), 36.

18.Crabbe, George, The Library, 1781; Johnston, Enchanted Ground, 28.

19.Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor (London, 1864), I, 324. Johnston, Enchanted Ground, 40.

20.Pope, Alexander, The Dunciad, I, 128–30. Cf. Scott, Walter, Marmion, IV, 87–90: ‘For Eustace much had por’d / Upon a huge romantic tome, / In the hall window of his home, / Imprinted at the antique dome / Of Caxton or De Worde.’ Poems by Sir Walter Scott (Oxford, 1913), 174.

21.Duncan-Jones, Katherine, ed., Sir Philip Sidney (Oxford, 1989), 231. ‘Chevy Chase’ is a ballad on one of the many clashes between English Percys and Scottish Douglases in the hunting forest of the Cheviot Hills.

22.Gray added some Norse mythology to ‘The Bard’, arguing that a poet might be ‘permitted (in that scarcity of Celtic ideas we labour under) to adopt some of these foreign whimsies, dropping however all mention of Woden and his Valkhyrian virgins.’ Johnston, Enchanted Ground, 85. The scholarship of ‘The Bard’ is scrupulous yet unhistorically eclectic.

23.In a note, Percy quotes Sidney’s praise for ‘the old song of Percy and Douglas’, and Joseph Addison’s account of the ballad in The Spectator. Its first line is ‘The Persé out of Northumberlonde’.

24.Cf. the comment of a civil servant on Charles Dickens: ‘he seems . . . to get his first notions of an abuse from the discussions which accompany its removal’. Sir Stephen James Fitzjames, ‘The Licence of Modern Novelists’, in Wall, Stephen, ed., Charles Dickens: Penguin Critical Anthologies (Harmondsworth, 1970), 106.

25.Hayden, Wordsworth, The Poems, II, 939–42. Lyrical Ballads (1798) begins with ‘The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere’, a ballad in form and spelling. Coleridge’s ‘Dejection: An Ode’ begins ‘Well! If the Bard was weather-wise, who made / The grand old ballad of Sir Patrick Spence’.


1.Johnston, Arthur, Enchanted Ground: The Study of Medieval Romance in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1964), 56.

2.Ibid., 50.

3.Burke, Edmund, Reflections on the Revolution in France, ed. Mitchell, L.G. (Oxford, 1993), 77.

4.Duncan-Jones, Katherine, ed., Sir Philip Sidney (Oxford, 1989), 169; see also the French Triumph, ibid., 299ff.

5.Johnston, Enchanted Ground, 22.

6.Anderson, W.E.K., ed., The Journal of Sir Walter Scott, rev. edn (Edinburgh, 1998), 286.

7.Hardy, F.E., The Life of Thomas Hardy (London, 1962), 49. Some Victorian classicists accepted Marmion as a true epic, John Conington using its metre for his 1867 translation of the Aeneid. See Gransden, K.W., ed., Virgil in English (Harmondsworth, 1996), xxvi.

8.Sutherland, John, The Life of Walter Scott (Oxford, 1995), 150.

9.Johnston, Enchanted Ground, 179.

10.Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Canterbury Tales, Fragment VII, lines 712–17, 778–91, 891–3. Benson, L.D., ed., The Riverside Chaucer, 3rd edn (Oxford, 1987).

11.Ibid., Troilus and Criseyde, III, 1090ff.

12.Carley, James, Glastonbury Abbey: The Holy House at the Head of the Moors Adventurous, rev. edn (Glastonbury, 1996), 36–7.

13.Biddle, Martin, King Arthur’s Round Table: An Archaeological Investigation (Woodbridge, 2000).

14.Sisam, Kenneth, ed., Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose, 1921; corrected edn (Oxford, 1975), 14–15.

15.Buchan, John, Life of Sir Walter Scott (London, 1932), 50; Johnson, Edgar, Sir Walter Scott: The Great Unknown (London, 1970), 93.

16.Coleridge could have found ‘Fair Cristabelle’, the daughter of a ‘bonnye kinge’, in ‘Sir Cauline’, the fourth poem in Percy’s Reliques. Christabel’s octosyllabic, four-stress couplet comes from Chatterton’s ‘Unknown Knight’.

17.The Works of Sir Walter Scott (London, 1995), 2.

18.Poems by Sir Walter Scott (Oxford, 1913), The Lay of the Last Minstrel, Canto I, iv, 4–5.

19.Ibid., 32–2.

20.Saintsbury, George, A Short History of English Literature (London, 1898, 1908), 664.

21.Scott, Walter, Ivanhoe, ed., Tulloch, Graham, Penguin rev. edn of the Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels (Harmondsworth, 2000), 70.

22.The way Isaac of York pushes to the front at Ashby may be modelled on the way prominent Jews were accused of behaving at Richard’s coronation, causing a riot. I thank Professor John Gillingham for confirming details of this incident.

23.See introduction and notes of Ivanhoe, ed. Duncan, Ian (Oxford, 1996).


1.Percy, Thomas, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, ed. Walford, Edward (London, 1880), 62.

2.The first of the ‘Ballads that Illustrate Shakespeare’, ibid., Book II, 95.

3.Poems by Sir Walter Scott (Oxford, 1913), Marmion, Introduction to Canto VI, 10–13.

4.Scott, Walter, Ivanhoe, ed. Duncan, Ian (Oxford, 1996), 16. Strutt’s O.E. does not make sense: Glig-Gamena means ‘Of the Glee-Games’, but Angel—Deod joins ‘Englan(d)’ to ‘Theod’ (‘Nation’), without making ‘Angel’ possessive. Strutt, an engraver, also wrote A Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, 1796–9. Scott’s completion of Strutt’s unfinished novel Queen-Hoo Hall in 1808 was a flop, but gave him the idea of Waverley.

5.Carey, J. and Fowler, A., eds, Poems of John Milton (London, 1968), 46, lines 155–60.

6.As in ‘L’Allegro’, 77–80. Ibid, 136: ‘Towers and battlements it sees / Bosomed high in tufted trees / Where perhaps some beauty lies / The cynosure of neighbouring eyes.’ The ‘it’ is ‘mine eye’.

7.Colmer, J., ed., Coleridge: Selected Poems (Oxford, 1967), 119–20, lines 175ff.

8.Crawford, T., ed., Sir Walter Scott: Selected Poems (Oxford, 1972), The Lay of the Last Minstrel, V, xi, 176–8; V, xii, 199–202.

9.Ibid., V, xii, 218–24.

10.Ibid., II, xi, xv.

11.Poems by Sir Walter Scott (Oxford, 1913), The Lady of the Lake, III, stanza xxix; Marmion II, xix, xxv, xxxii.

12.A sectarian libel; originally, perhaps, a misunderstanding of the cells of the hermits known as anchoresses. Julian(a) of Norwich was a famous anchoress. Dame Julian, born c. 1343, was the most winning of the mystics of her era. At the window of her cell, in the wall of a church in the middle of Norwich, many came to consult her. Margery Kempe walked from King’s Lynn to Norwich to do so.

13.In his ‘Essay on Chivalry’ in the Encyclopaedia Britannica Scott wrote of ‘the Romish clergy, who have in all ages possessed the wisdom of serpents, if they sometimes have fallen short of the simplicity of doves . . .’ Scott ‘had little understanding of Catholicism. This man, for whom when he was dying John Henry Newman besought the prayers of the faithful, cherished a blunt Protestantism, to which he was never weary of testifying.’ Buchan, John, Life of Sir Walter Scott (London, 1932), 227–8.

14.Matthew, 27:56. For the identification of the ‘sinner’ with Mary Magdalene, see Murray, Peter and Linda, eds, The Oxford Companion to Christian Art and Architecture (Oxford, 1996), 291–3.

15.Barnard, J., ed., John Keats: The Complete Poems, 2nd edn (Harmondsworth, 1977), ‘The Eve of St Agnes’, stanzas xxiv–vi.

16.Newman, J.H., A Letter Addressed to the Duke of Norfolk . . . (London, 1875), section 5.

17.Letter of 3 February 1883. Gardner, W.H., ed., Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Harmondsworth, 1953), 194–6.

18.Although his ‘Jerusalem’ employs the romance legend of Joseph of Arimathea having brought Jesus to Glastonbury, Blake was not a historical medievalist. See Carley, James, Glastonbury Abbey (Glastonbury, 1996).


1.Doyle, William, The French Revolution (Oxford, 2001), Ch. 1.

2.Beales, A.C.F., Education under Penalty (London, 1963), 272–3.

3.Scott, Walter, The Monastery (London, 1878), 28.

4.Anderson, W.E.K., ed., The Journal of Sir Walter Scott, rev. edn (Edinburgh, 1998), 249. Jeffrey Wyatt was the nephew of James Wyatt, Beckford’s architect at Fonthill Abbey, drastic restorer at Salisbury Cathedral and elsewhere and Pugin’s ‘Wyatt the Destroyer’. In 1824 Jeffrey Wyatt had his name chivalricly augumented to Wyattville.

5.Girouard, Mark, Return to Camelot: Chivalry and the English Gentleman (New Haven and London, 1981).

6.Lewis, Michael J., The Gothic Revival (London, 2002), 52; Anderson, Journal of Sir Walter Scott, 66; Sutherland, John, The Life of Walter Scott: A Critical Biography (Oxford, 1995), 134 and 27.

7.Lewis, Gothic Revival, 81.

8.Ibid., 84.

9.Milner’s scholarship was not confined to architecture. See Couve de Murville, Archbishop M.N.L., John Milner, Archdiocese of Birmingham Historical Commission 2, 1986.

10.Lewis, Gothic Revival, 84.

11.See Atterbury, Paul and Wainwright, Clive, eds, Pugin: A Gothic Passion (London, 1994).

12.Pugin’s fervour can be seen in this comment upon the demand for his church designs in Australia: ‘England is, indeed, awakened to a sense of her ancient glory, and the reverence for things speedily passes on to the men and principles which produced them. But why do I say England, – Europe, Christendom is aroused; wherever I travel, I meet pious and learned ecclesiastics and laymen all breathing the same sentiments regarding mediaeval art, and more than one Bishop has departed across the ocean to the antipodes, carrying the seeds of Christian design to grow and flourish in the New World, and soon the solemn chancels and cross-crowned spires will arise, the last object which the mariner will behold on the shores of the Pacific till their venerable originals greet his glad view on England’s shores.’ Andrews, Brian, Australian Gothic (Melbourne, 2001), 69.

13.Hewison, Robert et al., Ruskin, Turner and the Pre-Raphaelites (London, 2000), 18.

14.Wainwright, in Atterbury and Wainwright, Pugin, 19.

15.Wainwright, quoted in Parry, Linda, William Morris (London, 1996), 355.

16.In 1842 the Home Secretary put the number receiving poor relief in England and Wales at nearly 1,500,000. See Disraeli, Benjamin, Sybil, ed. Smith, Sheila (Oxford, 1988), viii. As for Irish immigration, the 1841 census showed 289,404 Britons born in Ireland living in England; and in 1851, nearly 520,000. See Winder, Robert, ‘Bloody Foreigners’, The Tablet (London, 5 June 2004).

17.The idea that Gothic is natural and classical artificial is ancient. ‘In 1510, in the report of the so-called Pseudo Raphael . . . the theory is first advanced that the Gothic style had its origins in the forests, because the Germans could not cut down trees, but bound together the branches of living trees, thus creating the pointed arch. This theory that the Gothic style was born in the forests of Germany lived on in various forms with unbelievable tenacity, sometimes in a literal form, and sometimes in the form of metaphors.’ Frankl, Paul, Gothic Architecture, rev. Crossley, Paul (London and New Haven, 1962, 2000), 263.

18.Most of Pugin’s commissions were ecclesiastical, but some Catholic authorities objected to rood-screens as preventing sight of the elevation of the consecrated host. Some of his screens were later removed. Among buildings he designed are the Catholic cathedrals of Birmingham, Newcastle, Southwark and Killarney; St Giles, Cheadle; also Taymouth Castle, Alton Towers and Maynooth seminary. His sons carried on his work.

19.An interesting exception is the (Nonconformist) chapel of the Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion, Bath, 1765: ‘purely Gothick of the most playful kind’. Pevsner, Nikolaus, North Somerset and Bristol (Harmondsworth, 1958; London, 2000), 68.

20.‘The invisible structure – foundations, construction, ventilation, heating, fireproof construction and the iron framing of its towers – was a triumph of industrial technology, making it the world’s first large modern building, where the architect was forced to consider the mechanical systems as a central part of his task.’ Lewis, Gothic Revival, 83.

21.Ibid., 82.

22.James Harrington’s The Commonwealth of Oceana, 1656, posits the existence of an ancient or Gothic constitution. For the influence of this idea see Pocock, J.G.A., The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law (London, 1987). Also Smith, R.J., The Gothic Bequest: Medieval Institutions in British Thought 1688–1863 (London, 2002).

23.‘Cwaeth hwaethre that he wolde mid his freondum and mid his ealdormannum and mid his witum spraece habban and getheaht. . . . Tha haefde he spraece and getheaht mid his witum, and synderlice was fram him eallum frignende hwelc him thuhte and gesewen waere . . .’ Davis, N., ed., Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Primer, 9th edn (Oxford, 1970), 90.

24.Onions, C.T., Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Reader (Oxford, 1959), 6.

25.See Jones, Edwin, The English Nation: The Great Myth (Stroud, 1998).

26.Henry Hoare the Second wrote to his daughter in 1762, ‘As I was reading Voltaire’s L’Histoire Générale lately, in his character of Alfred the Great he says, Je ne sais s’il y a jamais eu sur la terre un homme plus digne des respects de la postérité qu’Alfred-le-Grand, qui rendit ses services à sa patrie.’ At Stourhead, Wiltshire, Hoare built Alfred’s Tower (160 feet), completed in 1772. The inscription reads ‘ALFRED THE GREAT / A.D. 879 on this summit / Erected his standard against the Danish Invaders / To Him we owe / The origin of Juries / The Establishment of a Militia / the Creation of a Naval Force / Alfred the light of a benighted age / was a Philosopher and a Christian / The Father of his People / The Founder of the English / MONARCHY AND LIBERTY.’ Hoare also acquired Bristol High Cross in 1764. This medieval monument originally stood at a crossroads in the city, but was removed by petition of the citizens, who described it as ‘. . . a ruinous and superstitious Relick, which is at present a public nuisance . . .’ Alfred had appeared in the Temple of British Worthies at Stowe in the early 1740s. Woodbridge, Keith, The Stourhead Landscape (London, 1986, 2002), 26. See also Lewis, Gothic Revival, 19–20; Bevington, Michael, Stowe House (London, 2002).

27.Macaulay, Thomas, ‘Sir James Mackintosh’, Essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review, Vol. 2 (Edinburgh, 1843).


1.Riding, C. and Riding, J., eds, The Houses of Parliament (London, 2000), 15.

2.Carlyle, Thomas, Past and Present (London, 1843); edn of 1872, 19.

3.Ibid., 57.


5.Ibid., 238.

6.Ibid., 221.

7.Blake’s ‘On Virgil’, engraved in 1820, Keynes, Geoffrey, ed. The Complete Writings of William Blake, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1966), 778.

8.Disraeli, Benjamin, Sybil or, The Two Nations, ed. Smith, Sheila (Oxford, 1998), Ch. 3, 9.

9.Ibid., 10.

10.Ibid., Ch. 5, 65–6.

11.The editor of Sybil (ibid., 434) quotes Carlyle’s ‘this once merry England of ours’ (Chartism, Ch. 10), and Pugin’s ‘Catholic England was merry England, at least for the humbler classes’, from The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture (1841).

12.Disraeli, Sybil, 78.

13.Ibid., 273.

14.Cf. ‘The Crimes & Cruelties of this Prince, were too numerous to be mentioned & nothing can be said in his Vindication, but that his abolishing Religious Houses & leaving them to the ruinous depredations of Time has been of infinite use to the Landscape of England in general, which probably was a principal motive for his doing it, since otherwise why should a Man who was of no Religion himself be at so much trouble to abolish one which had for Ages been established in the Kingdom?’ Jane Austen, The History of England by a partial, prejudiced & ignorant Historian (1791).

15.Disraeli, Sybil, 434 and 323.

16.Blake, Robert, Disraeli (London, 1966), 172.

17.Ibid., 581–7.

18.Ibid., 273.

19.Ibid., 171–2.

20.Riding and Riding, Houses of Parliament, 15.

21.See this volume, Ch. 11.

22.Wheeler, Michael, Ruskin’s God (Cambridge, 1999), 125–52.

23.Blake, Disraeli, 504.

24.Disraeli, Sybil, Ch. 12, 111.

25.General Preface to 8th edn of Lothair, 1870; quoted in Vernon Bogdanor’s introduction to his edition (Oxford, 1975), xiii. See Hunter Blair, Right Rev. Sir David, John Patrick, Third Marquess of Bute, K.T. (London, 1921); Macrides, R.J., ‘The Scottish Connexion in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies’, St John’s House Papers No. 4 (St Andrews, 1992); and Mordaunt Crook, J., William Burges and the High Victorian Dream (London, 1981).

26.Newman, J.H., Apologia pro Vita Sua, ed. Ker, Ian (Harmondsworth, 1994), 99. Compare the wording of this comment on Sir Kenelm Digby’s conversion, which took place in 1825: ‘his boyish mind, like that of so many others, was turned in a Catholic direction by the chivalrous poems of Sir Walter Scott’. Holland, Bernard, Memoir of Sir Kenelm Digby (1919; Sevenoaks, 1992), 37.

27.Newman, Apologia, 99–100.

28.Everett, Barbara, review article on Coleridge, London Review of Books (London, 7 August 2003).

29.Ker, Ian, John Henry Newman: A Biography (London, 1988), 323. See also Kemp, Martin, The Chapel of Trinity College Oxford (London, 2014).


1.Ellis, George, ed., Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, 3 vols (London, 1805).

2.Scott, Walter, Ivanhoe, ed. Duncan, Ian (Oxford, 1996), viii.

3.Jones, George, ‘The Coronation Banquet of George IV’, in Riding, C. and Riding, J., eds, The Houses of Parliament (London, 2000), 79.

4.Mancoff, Debra N., The Return of King Arthur: The Legend through Victorian Eyes (New York and London, 1995), 35.

5.Keegan, Paul, ed., New Penguin Book of English Verse (Harmondsworth, 2000), 675; Priestley, J.B., ed., The Novels of Thomas Love Peacock (London, 1967), 222.

6.Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte Darthur, ed. Shepherd, Stephen H.A. (New York and London, 2004), xxxix.

7.Cited in ibid., xxix.

8.The 1634 edition, ‘still quite widely available’ in the 1790s, was on sale in 1798 at £2.10s, and in 1814 at 12 guineas. Cooper, Helen, ‘Malory and the Early Prose Romances’, in Saunders, Corinne, ed., A Companion to Romance: Classical to Contemporary (Oxford, 2004), 104–20.

9.Digby, Sir Kenelm, The Broad Stone of Honour (1822). The First Book: Godefredus (London, 1829), 3. Digby’s conversion to Catholicism in 1825 informs the third edition of his book.

10.Ibid., 5. ‘If the inspiring conception of Kenelm Digby’s first book took place in pastoral dauphiny, its title flashed upon him, he says, when he saw the ruined castle of Ehrenbreitstein, on the opposite bank of the Rhine to the ancient city of Coblenz. Ehrenbreitstein means, in English, Broadstone of Honour.’ Ibid., 62.

11.Ricks, Christopher, ed., The Poems of Tennyson (London, 1969), 1755–6, lines 33–41.

12.Abbott, C.C., ed., The Correspondence of G.M. Hopkins and R.W. Dixon, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1955), 24.

13.Ricks, Poems of Tennyson, 595, lines 239–41.

14.The Duke of Argyll wrote to Tennyson on 22 February 1862: ‘It will touch you, I think, that she [Victoria] had substituted “widow” for “widower” and “her” for “his” in the lines “Tears of the Widower” [XIII].’ See Dyson, Hope and Tennyson, Charles, Dear and Honoured Lady (London, 1969), 67. I am obliged to Professor Michael Wheeler for this point and to Sir Christopher Ricks for the reference.

15.Ricks, Poems of Tennyson, 354. The lines quoted below, 46–50, 55–9, 69–72, 73–7, 93–4 and 109–7, are from the 1842 revised text. Only 46–50 has substantial differences from 1832.

16.Pope, Epistle to Arbuthnot, lines 43–4, Butt, J., ed., The Poems of Alexander Pope (London, 1968).

17.Tillotson, Kathleen, in Ricks, Poems of Tennyson, 164.

18.Ibid., 1461.

19.Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript, ed. Cooper, Helen (Oxford, 1998).

20.Cooper, in Saunders, ed., A Companion to Romance, 112.

21.Cooper glosses: ‘wan] darken’. This is modelled on Malory’s source in the Stanzaic Morte: ‘waters deep and waves wan’. But ‘wan’ could be an adjective. See Cooper edition (note 154), 562.

22.Ricks, Poems of Tennyson, 591–2, lines 136–42. The numbers of the lines quoted next are 1–2, 9–10, 182–3, 226–7 and 269–72.


1.Wedgwood, Alexandra, ‘The Mediæval Court’, in Atterbury, Paul and Wainwright, Clive, eds, Pugin: A Gothic Passion (London, 1994), Ch. 18.

2.Brown, Peter, The Rise of Western Christendom, 2nd edn (Oxford, 2003).

3.See for example ‘An Octangular Umbrello to Terminate a View’, in Batty Langley’s Preface to his Gothic Architecture Improved (1742); Pl. III in Clark, Kenneth, Gothic Revival: An Essay in the History of Taste (London, 1928), 51.

4.See Mordaunt Crook, J., The Problem of Style (Chicago, 1987).

5.Geats would become Yeats in modern English. (Ancestors of W.B. Yeats came from Yorkshire.)

6.Scott knew Sharon Turner’s The History of the Manners, Landed Property, Government, Laws, Poetry, Literature, Religion and Language of the Anglo-Saxons (London, 1805). Turner translates passages from Beowulf. Liuzza, R.M., Beowulf, A New Verse Translation (Broadview, Ontario, 2000), prints an extract from Turner’s version, and from the partial versions made by Conybeare (1826), Kemble (1837) and Longfellow (1838).

7.The Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, The Traveller’s Song, and the Battle of Finnesburh (London, 1833); 2nd edn, I (1835), II (Translation, Introduction, Notes, Glossary) (1837). See Hall, J.R., ‘The First Two Editions of Beowulf: Thorkelin’s (1815) and Kemble’s (1833)’, in Scragg, D.G. and Szarmach, Paul E., eds, The Editing of Old English: Papers from the 1990 Manchester Conference (Woodbridge, 1994), 239–50.

8.Samuel Palmer and his Shoreham ‘Ancients’ of the 1820s had no magazine, no manifesto.

9.Hilton, Timothy, The Pre-Raphaelites (London, 1970), 23.

10.Ibid., 20.

11.Ibid., 11.

12.Clark, The Gothic Revival, 14; Hewison, Robert et al., Ruskin, Turner and the Pre-Raphaelites (London, 2000), 30.

13.In a sermon of 10 March 1849, ‘Sacramental and Anti-sacramental Systems’. Wheeler, Michael, The Old Enemies: Catholic and Protestant in Nineteenth-Century English Culture (Cambridge, 2006), 190. Holman Hunt put John the Baptist in his A Converted British Family Sheltering a Christian Priest from the Druids; Hilton, Pre-Raphaelites, pl. 26; Whiteley, Jon, Oxford and the Pre-Raphaelites (Oxford, 1969), 9.

14.‘Depend upon it, Sir, were it not for the Academy we should all be treated as carpenters’ (William Collins, father of Charles Collins, a Pre-Raphaelite influenced by the Oxford Movement, to Haydon). Hilton, Pre-Raphaelites, 66.

15.Ibid., 52; Hewison, Ruskin, Turner and the Pre-Raphaelites, 30.

16.Ibid., 30.

17.Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s comment: Abrams, M.H. and Greenblatt, S., eds, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7th edn (New York, 2000), 1574. The poem is quoted in the ‘seriously revised’ form in which ‘it appeared in the volume of 1870’. Rossetti, W.M., ed., The Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (London, 1911), 617.

18.Hilton, Pre-Raphaelites, 164.

19.Crump, R.W., ed., Christina Rossetti: The Complete Poems (Harmondsworth, 2001), 796.

20.Wedgwood, in Atterbury and Wainwright, eds, Pugin, Ch. 18.


1.Hewison, Robert et al., Ruskin, Turner and the Pre-Raphaelites (London, 2000), 31.

2.Wheeler, Michael, The Old Enemies: Catholic and Protestant in Nineteenth-Century English Culture (Cambridge, 2006), Ch. 1.

3.Belcher, Margaret, ‘Pugin Writing’, in Atterbury, Paul and Wainwright, Clive, eds, Pugin: A Gothic Passion (London, 1994), 115. Wheeler, Old Enemies, 78.

4.See Lewis, Michael J., The Gothic Revival (London, 2002). Mordaunt Crook, J., The Problem of Style (Chicago, 1987).

5.Cf. ‘Four thousand winter thought he not too long’, in ‘Adam Lay Ibounden’, a lyric in Gray, Douglas, ed., The Oxford Book of Late Medieval Verse and Prose (Oxford, 1985), 161.

6.Cook, E.T. and Wedderburn, A., eds, The Works of John Ruskin, 39 vols (London and New York, 1903–12), XXXVI, 115.

7.Trevor, Meriol, Newman’s Journey (London, 1962), 111.

8.Burne-Jones’s King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid borrows iconography and many details from Tennyson’s poem ‘The Beggar Maid’ (1833): ‘Bare-footed came the beggar maid / Before the king Cophetua. / In robe and crown the king stepped down . . .’ Ezra Pound refers to Burne-Jones’s drawings for this painting in his Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (see page 202). The painting is now in Birmingham.

9.Martin, R.B., Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (London, 1983), 392.

10.Whiteley, Jon, Oxford and the Pre-Raphaelites (Oxford, 1969), 10.

11.Ibid., 46.

12.Hewison, Ruskin, Turner and the Pre-Raphaelites, 31 (Pl. 6).

13.Ibid., 216.

14.Dr Rhiannon Purdie of St Andrews summarises the incident: ‘Sir Isumbras carries two young children across a ford. He, his wife and three children have been banished from their land. The extract below may serve as a sample of popular romance. In it he loses the two elder children while crossing a river; he goes on to lose his wife to pirates and the youngest son to a unicorn.’ Dr Purdie also provides the following extract from Mills, Maldwyn, ed., Six Middle English Romances (London and Melbourne, 1973):

Sex deyes were come and gone


Mete ne drynke hadde they none,


For hongur they wepte sore.


They kome by a watur kene,

arrived at

Therovur they wold fayn have bene,


Thenne was her kare the more.


His eldeste sone he toke there


And ovur the water he hym bere,


And sette him by a brome.


He seyde, ‘Leve sone, sytte her styll,


Whyle I fette thy brodur the tyll

to thee

And pley de with a blome.’

do you play with a flower

The knyghte was both good and hende


And ovur the watur he ganne wende;

began to go, went

His othur sone he nome.


He bare hym ovur the wature wylde;


A lyon fette his eldeste chylde


Or he to londe come.


With carefull herte and sykynge sore,


His myddleste sone he lafte thore,


And wente wepynge aweye.


Ther come a lybarte and fette that other,


And bare hym to the wode to his brother,


As I you seye in faye.


The knyghte seyde his lady tyll,


‘Take we gladly Goddes wyll,

Let us accept

Hertyly I yow praye.’


The lady wepte and hadde grette care;


She hadde almoste herself forfare,


On londe ther she ley.


(lines 163–92)

15.In Sandys’s A Nightmare (Plate 18) a PRB paste pot with stick and peacock feather swings from the saddle. Huddling together on the far shore are the diminished idols of the Royal Academy, Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian. The horse in Millais’s original painting had been criticised as being too big. Sandys makes his ass even bigger. The riddling lines, again provided by Tom Taylor, could be translated: ‘He used to bray for Turner; Millais called him Russet-skin; but women, and men of understanding, called him Great Humbug.’


1.Gilmour, David, The Long Recessional (London, 2003), 9–10; Hilton, The Pre-Raphaelites (London, 1970), 204.

2.Hilton, Pre-Raphaelites, 148.

3.Ibid., 158.

4.Ibid., 133.

5.See Murray, K.M. Elizabeth, Caught in the Web of Words: James A.H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary (London, 1977).

6.In Ellis, Steve, Geoffrey Chaucer, Writers and their Work (London, 1996), 62.

7.Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript, ed. Cooper, Helen (Oxford, 1998), 480. Rossetti takes as his subject the critical moment of Malory’s narrative in Sir Lancelot in the Queen’s Chamber, 1857 (Plate 20). Lancelot is denounced to Arthur as a traitor by Agravain and Mordred. Ambushed in Guenevere’s chamber, Lancelot kills most of his accusers, but the Round Table is broken up. In defeating Mordred, King Arthur will die.

8.Benson, L.D., ed., The Riverside Chaucer, 3rd edn (Oxford, 1987), The Nun’s Priest’s Tale, lines 3212–13, 3163–5.

9.The line means ‘Swollen with anger, he destroyed the doomed creature’. See Crawford, R., ed., Launch-Site for English Studies (St Andrews, 1997), 146.

10.Morris’s translation of the Aeneid makes it ‘sound more like an Anglo-Saxon poem than a translation of Virgil’. Gransden, K.W., ed., Virgil in English (Harmondsworth, 1996), xxix.

11.Mendelson, Edward, ed., The English Auden: Poems, Essays, and Dramatic Writings 1927–1939 (London, 1977), 243.

12.The Cantos of Ezra Pound (London, 1975), Canto LXXXIII, 528, line 5.

13.Morris: ‘If a chap can’t compose an epic poem while he’s weaving tapestry he had better shut up.’ MacCarthy, Fiona, William Morris (London, 1994), 262.

14.The Cantos of Ezra Pound, Canto LXXIV, 426.

15.Gardner, W.H., ed., Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Harmondsworth, 1953), 171.

16.Ibid., 245.

17.Gladstone wrote on the half-title of his copy of Cobbett, in 1837: ‘A “rollicking”, impudent, mendacious book; most readable; with great art and felicity of narration . . . Here truly is a man master of his work, not servant of it.’ In a letter of 1885, Ruskin called Cobbett’s ‘little History of the Reformation, the only true one ever written as far as it reaches’, adding ‘the sum of my 44 years of thinking on the matter . . . has led me to agree with Cobbett in all his main ideas, and there is no question whatever, that Protestant writers are, as a rule, ignorant and false in what they say of Catholics – while Catholic writers are as a rule both well-informed and fair’. Wheeler, Michael, The Old Enemies: Catholic and Protestant in Nineteenth-Century English Culture (Cambridge, 2006), 142.

18.Gardner, Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 234.

19.Abbott, C.C., ed., The Correspondence of G.M. Hopkins and R.W. Dixon, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1955), 98.

20.Ibid., 99.

21.Letter of 7 September 1888. Abbott, C.C., ed., Letters of G.M. Hopkins to Robert Bridges (Oxford, 1935), 284.

22.Gardner, Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 11.

23.Ibid., 184.

24.‘Attempting to convince the sceptical Robert Bridges of the pedigree of sprung rhythm, Hopkins writes in a letter dated 18 October 1882: “So far as I know – I am enquiring and presently I shall be able to speak more decidedly – it existed in full force in Anglo saxon verse and in great beauty; in a degraded and doggerel shape in Piers Ploughman (I am reading that famous poem and coming to the conclusion that it is not worth reading).” From this it is clear that by 1882 Hopkins had not read much, if any, Anglo-Saxon poetry in the original. A few weeks later he wrote: “in fact I am learning Anglosaxon and it is a vastly superior thing to what we have now.” Tantalisingly (and perhaps tellingly), that reference is the last he makes in any of the surviving correspondence to his study of Anglo-Saxon. We are left to guess at which texts he read, in which editions, how long he continued his study, and indeed whether the poetry lived up to his high expectations.’ Jones, Chris, A Deeper ‘Well of English Undefyled’: The Role and Influence of Anglo-Saxon in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Poetry, with Particular Reference to Hopkins, Pound and Auden (Ph.D., St Andrews, 2001), 57–8.


26.Colmer, J., ed., Coleridge: Selected Poems (Oxford, 1967), 141, lines 58–64.


1.Vinaver, Eugène, ed., Malory: Works, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1971), 618. Spelling modernised.

2.Gardner, W.H., ed., Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Harmondsworth, 1953), 174.

3.Prettejohn, Elizabeth, Rossetti and his Circle (London, 1997), 12.

4.On The Death of Chatterton, see Hilton, Timothy, The Pre-Raphaelites (London, 1970), 122.

5.Gardner, Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 196.

6.Prettejohn, Rossetti and his Circle, 52.

7.Ibid., 59.

8.Hewison, Robert et al., Ruskin, Turner and the Pre-Raphaelites (London, 2000), 243.

9.Ricks, Christopher, ed., The Poems of Tennyson (London, 1969), 1593, published as Vivien in 1859 (later ‘Vivien and Merlin’); Prettejohn, Rossetti and his Circle, 62.

10.Prettejohn, Rossetti and his Circle, 45.

11.Ibid., 62.

12.Ibid., 35.

13.See the Malory epigraph to this chapter. Crane’s Knight is too pale and slender for Lancelot, and has little in common with Spenser’s Red-Crosse Knight, mentioned in Wilton, A. and Upstone, R., eds, The Age of Rossetti, Burne-Jones and Watts: Symbolism in Britain 1860–1910 (London, 1998), 133.

14.Bradley, Ian, ed., The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan (Oxford, 1996), 269.

15.Ibid., Patience, Act I, 412–20.

16.Wilton and Upstone, eds, The Age of Rossetti, Burne-Jones and Watts, 222.

17.Bradley, The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan, 451.

18.Ullathorne was the name of the first Bishop of Birmingham (1850–88). See Champ, Judith, William Bernard Ullathorne 1806–1889: A Different Kind of Monk (Leominster, 2006).

19.Bristow, J., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry (Cambridge, 2002), 229. For the effect on T.S. Eliot of reading Symons’s The Symbolist Movement in French Poetry (1899) in 1908, see Press, John, A Map of Modern English Verse (Oxford, 1977), 71.

20.See Pearce, Joseph, Literary Converts (San Francisco, 1999), 3, an account based on Ellmann’s biography of Wilde.


1.Pearce, Joseph, Literary Converts (San Francisco, 1999), 244ff.

2.Bergonzi, B., T.S. Eliot (London, 1972), 39.

3.Finberg, H.P.R., The Formation of England 550–1042 (London, 1976). ‘The Turn of the Tide’ is the title of Vol. X of Churchill’s History of the Second World War.

4.Pearce, Literary Converts, 420.

5.Alexander, M., ‘Tennyson’s “Battle of Brunanburh”’, Tennyson Research Bulletin 4.4 (1985), 151–62.

6.Pearce, Literary Converts, 51. Chesterton, G.K., Autobiography (London, 1937; Sevenoaks, 1992), 10.

7.Jenkins, Roy, Churchill (London, 2001), 224.

8.Pearce, Literary Converts, 199.

9.Ibid., 69.

10.Ibid., 192.

11.See MacCarthy, Fiona, Eric Gill (London, 1989); Miles, Jonathan, Eric Gill and David Jones at Capel-y-ffin (Bridgend, 1992).

12.Hyde, who later involved himself in liberation theology in South America, left the Catholic Church, believing it had drawn back from radical action against social injustice. Pearce, Literary Converts, 244ff.

13.See MacBride White, Anna and Norman Jeffares, A., eds, The Gonne–Yeats Letters, 1893–1938 (London and New York, 1992), 391.

14.Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, in Personae of Ezra Pound (New York, 1926). Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat (1859) was ‘discovered’ in 1861 by D.G. Rossetti. See also note 8 to Ch. 8.

15.Alexander, Michael, The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound (London, 1978; Edinburgh, 1998).


1.Eliot quotations from Complete Poems and Plays of T.S. Eliot (London, 1969).

2.Eliot, T.S., ed., Selected Poems of Ezra Pound (London, 1928), 17.

3.Modernised from Caxton’s text: ‘And so bifelle grete pestylence and grete harme to both Realmes for sythen encrecyd neyther corne ne grasse nor wel nyghe no fruyte, ne in the water was no fysshe werfor men callen this the landes of the two marches the waste land.’ Southam, B.C., A Student’s Guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot, 6th edn (London, 1994), 135, is convenient for such references.

4.Ibid., 166.

5.Cookson, William, ed., Ezra Pound: Selected Prose (London, 1973), 434.

6.See ‘Foules in the frith’, Duncan, T.G., ed., Medieval English Lyrics 1200–1400 (Harmondsworth, 1995), 16; Southam, A Student’s Guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot, 138.

7.Pound, Ezra, The Cantos of Ezra Pound (London, 1975). Eliot’s ‘Mr Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service’ makes comparable use of Piero della Francesca’s Baptism of Christ.

8.The signed column is inscribed: ‘Adaminus de S(an)c(t)o Georgio me fecit’ – ‘Little Adam of St George made me’. See the discussion in Ruskin, John, The Stones of Venice, 3 volume popular edition (London, 1908), Vol. 1, 320–1, and Pl. 17, facing 318. Hugh Kenner’s The Pound Era (London, 1971), 323–4, has a photograph of this column on 232.

9.Pound, The Cantos (1975), LXXV, 432–3.

10.Ibid., LXXX, 511.

11.Ibid., 507; for Furnivall, see ibid., note 193.

12.See Alexander, M., ‘Images of Venice in the Poetry of Ezra Pound’, in Zorzi, R. Mamoli, ed., Ezra Pound a Venezia (Florence, 1985).

13.Pearce, Joseph, Literary Converts (San Francisco, 1999), 188.

14.Jones, David, The Sleeping Lord and Other Fragments (London, 1974), 9.

15.Langland, William, The Vision of Piers Plowman, A Complete Edition of the B-Text, ed. Schmidt, A.V.C. (London, 1984), Passus xvii, 22–3.

16.Pearce, Literary Converts, 209.

17.Jones, David, In Parenthesis (London, 1937, 1963), 165.

18.Ibid., 185.

19.Fussell, Paul, The Great War and Modern Memory (Oxford, 1975).

20.Glover, Jon and Silkin, Jon, eds, The Penguin Book of First World War Prose (Harmondsworth, 1988), 8–9. Corcoran, Neil, ‘Spilled Bitterness: In Parenthesis in History’, in Matthias, J., ed., David Jones: Man and Poet (Orono, Maine, 1995), 209–26.

21.A Christian heroism is to be found in the Anglo-Saxon poem ‘The Dream of the Rood’, where the Redeemer himself is presented as a young hero eager to meet death. See Plate 26.

22.Pearce, Literary Converts, 102.


1.Thom Gunn wrote of Ezra Pound, ‘His politics were abhorrent, but if we forgive Hazlitt for his admiration of Napoleon then we should be prepared to do likewise to Pound for his delusions about Mussolini. And at least he apologized for his anti-Semitism at the last minute, which is more than his genteeler contemporaries did. In any case, he is demonstrably a poet of the highest order.’ Gunn was introducing his Ezra Pound: Poems selected by Thom Gunn (London, 2000).

2.Mendelson, Edward, ed., The English Auden: Poems, Essays, and Dramatic Writings 1927–1939 (London, 1977), xviii.

3.Dickens was published by Chapman and Hall, whose chairman was Arthur Waugh, the father of Evelyn; who liked to kill two birds with one stone.

4.Waugh, Evelyn, Sword of Honour, ‘a final version of the novels Men at Arms (1952), Officers and Gentlemen (1955) and Unconditional Surrender (1961)’ (London, 1965), 15.

5.Ibid. The trilogy has other medievalist moments: ‘Childermas’, 695; ‘Guy, you’re being chivalrous’, 698; ‘The Last Battle’, 700; ‘facilius loqui latine’, 749. The (fictional) regiment Guy joins is the Halbardiers, called after a medieval weapon still carried by the Swiss Guard at the Vatican.

6.Tolkien, J.R.R., ‘The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son’, Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association, New Series Volume VI (London, 1953), 1–18.

7.Osborne, Charles, W.H. Auden: The Life of a Poet (London, 1980), 12.

8.Jones, Chris, ‘W.H. Auden and “the ‘Barbaric’ poetry of the North”: Unchaining one’s Daimon’, Review of English Studies 53, 210 (2002).

9.Auden, W.H., A Certain World: A Commonplace Book (London, 1971), 22–4.

10.Auden, W.H., The Dyer’s Hand (London, 1963), 41.

11.Spender, Stephen, ed., W.H. Auden: A Tribute (New York, 1975), 44.

12.Jones, Chris, Strange Likeness: The Use of Old English in Twentieth-Century Poetry (Oxford, 2006), Ch. 2.


14.Auden, W.H., The Orators: An English Study (London, 1932), III, 5; Mendelson, Edward, ed. The English Auden: Poems, Essays, and Dramatic Writings 1927–1939 (London, 1977), 108.

15.McCrum, Robert, Wodehouse: A Life (London, 2004), 31.

16.‘From the very first coming down’, Mendelson, The English Auden, poem vii.

17.Ibid., Introduction, xviii.

18.Auden, W.H., Collected Shorter Poems 1927–1957 (London, 1966), 200.

19.Jones, Chris, A Deeper ‘Well of English Undefyled’: The Role and Influence of Anglo-Saxon in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Poetry, with Particular Reference to Hopkins, Pound and Auden (Ph.D., St Andrews, 2001), 57–8.

20.Thwaite, A., ed., Philip Larkin: Collected Poems (London, 1988).

21.Motion, Andrew, Philip Larkin (London, 1982), 37.

22.Eliot, T.S., Selected Essays (London, 1951), 16.

23.Press, John, A Map of Modern English Verse (Oxford, 1977), 258–9. On sabbatical at All Souls’ College, Oxford, Larkin was ‘falling over backward to be thought philistine’. Bennett, Alan, Writing Home (London, 1998), 571.

24.Hill, Geoffrey, Mercian Hymns (London, 1971).


1.For Peter Brown, see above Ch. 7, note 2.

2.Sir Howard Newby, quoted in The Oxford Magazine 239 (Oxford, Fourth Week, Trinity Term, 2005), 1.

3.See Bowden, Betsy, ‘Gloom and Doom in Mark Twain’s Connecticut Yankee, from Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur’, Studies in American Fiction, 28, 2 (Autumn 2000), 179–202.

4.J.K. Rowling is said to have retained her initials in order not to alienate boys unlikely to open a story by a female author.

5.There has been so much revision of the received versions of English history that it is invidious to mention names, but among those which should be mentioned are Eamon Duffy, Norman Davies and Linda Colley. See also Jones, Edwin, The English Nation: The Great Myth (Stroud, 1998).