Huge thanks to Katy Loftus, my clever, kind, and wise editor. Your instinct and insight have been my unerring guide throughout this book, from conception to The End. I honestly couldn’t have written it without you, you’re properly brilliant.
Wider thanks to Karen Whitlock, Emma Brown, and everyone at Viking—it’s been a pleasure and a thrill to work with you all.
Much appreciation to Sarah Scarlett and all on the brilliant and terrifyingly glamorous rights team.
To Jess Hart—I cannot tell you how much I love and adore the cover! Thank you, it’s forever on my office wall.
Thank you to Hilary Teeman, Jillian Buckley, and all of the wonderful people at Crown—I couldn’t wish for a better US home for the book. It’s an absolute joy to work with you. Your support and enthusiasm are so appreciated.
Many thanks as always to my agent, Jemima Forrester, and all at David Higham.
On a personal note, love and thanks to the Bob ladies and the minxes—there seems to be nothing I could ask that one of you doesn’t know the answer to! You’re my secret weapons.
Thank you as always to all of my lovely family and friends for your unstinting support and encouragement.
Lastly and most of all, thank you to my beloved James, Ed, and Alex. You’re my forever favorites.