
abikou Yoruba word for the spirit of a child who diedin early childhood.
Allah arhamu May his soul rest in peace.
beit al wali Governor's palace, his present residence.
buna Coffee.
Gaallos Whites.
gabay Somali poetic genre.
geeraar Somali poetic genre.
guux Somali poetic genre.
haga The hottest season of the year (May-August).
mabraze Room where people chew khat.
magalla Native village in colonial times; by extension,the city.
naya Girl, often pejorative.
shafeec Somali word, like the Yoruba abikou, for thespirit of a child who died as an infant.
shifta Highway robber.
taji Hydromel.
warya Guy, man.
Ya habibi Oh, my darling.