What Comes Next?

I hope the subjects we’ve covered have expanded your thinking and sparked creative ideas for your sphere of leadership. More than anything, though, I hope you are encouraged to continue leading and learning: that you invest in refining your leadership, expanding your influence, and honing your people skills for the rest of your life. The goal is not to be obsessed with perfection, but to be obsessed with improvement and a commitment to serve people with excellence.

As you lead yourself, you’ll grow and evolve into an influential, effective leader. As you lead others, you’ll bring out the best in them and invite them to join you in your mission. And as you lead teams, you’ll motivate people to work together to accomplish common goals. The result will be authentic leadership, transformational leadership, servant leadership. It will be a life that is lived not for yourself, but for others; a life that influences and improves and inspires those around you; a life that attempts great things and accomplishes great things.

In the long run, whether you end up with an impressive title, recognition, or even a paycheck, is secondary to the influence you have on others. But it’s almost a given that if you serve and lead well, you’ll have all that and much more. People need leaders. What comes next is up to you.