admire (ad-MIRE)
to like and respect someone
altitude (AL-ti-tood)
the height of something above the ground
archenemy (AHRCH-EN-uh-mee)
someone’s main enemy
blooper (BLOO-per)
an embarrassing mistake made in public
extraordinary (ek-STROR-duh-ner-ee)
very unusual or remarkable
meteor (MEE-tee-ur)
a piece of rock or metal from space that enters Earth’s atmosphere at high speed, burns, and forms streaks of light as it falls to Earth
mutant (MYOOT-uhnt)
a living thing that has developed different characteristics because of a change in its parents’ genes
pirouette (pir-oo-ET)
a ballet move that consists of a full turn on the front of one foot
punctual (PUHNGK-choo-uhl)
on time
radioactive (ray-dee-oh-AK-tiv)
if something is radioactive, it is made up of atoms whose nuclei have broken down, giving off harmful radiation
recital (ri-SYE-tuhl)
a musical performance by a single performer or by a small group of musicians or dancers
venomous (VEN-uh-muhs)
villain (VIL-uhn)
a wicked person, often an evil character in a play