
Huge and heartfelt thanks to everyone—editors, interns, designers, proofreaders, et al—involved with the following concerns:

The Academy of American Poets, Agriculture Reader, Argos Books, All Along Press (Fort Gondo Poetry Series broadsides), Augury Books, Bat City Review, The Book of Scented Things, Boston Review, Coldfront (Poets off Poetry), Conduit, ConnotationPress, Court Green, Dewclaw, DIA Center (Anthology of Silence), The Equalizer, Effing, Fence, Gulf Coast, The Journal, The Laurel Review, LIT, Maggy, New England Review, The New Yorker, Pax Americana, Poetry, A Public Space, Shampoo, Sink Review, The Sonnets: Translating and Rewriting Shakespeare, Starting Today: Poems for the First 100 Days, Telephone, THEthe Poetry, and Forklift, Ohio.

Some poems in this book appeared in The Anxiety of Coincidence, an e-chapbook from Floating Wolf Quarterly; thank you to Christopher Louvet.

I’m grateful to the following people for prompts/assignments/invitations that led to poems: E.C. Belli, Melissa Broder, Sharmila Cohen, Iris Cushing, Timothy Donnelly, Jehanne Dubrow, Renée Gagnon, Arielle Greenberg, Dorothea Lasky, Paul Legault, Roddy Lumsden, Lindsay Lusby, Lynn Melnick, Steve Savage, Liz Clark Wessel, and Rachel Zucker.

Finally, love and gratitude to my friends and family, and to Copper Canyon for being like both.