
—tonight no one should be caught

fondling on stoops

when they can climb up on

the fire escapes and screw—

—what is all this fog

in the unedited air—

—I can’t bite through

it to you—

—prudence is

a no-headed fish

in a three-headed town—

—sickness draws a salary / a boarding pass

on human paper—

—duress / duress / duress—

—horrors tucked into corners

of countries

I can’t give directions to—

—the night my friend stopped cracking

jokes / we understood he would die—

—I had a vision of him being better than new

and then he was gone—

—decades hence I kick

an inflatable globe

to him across the sidewalk—

—come up for some light

my hidden baby pigeon—

—cajole / cajole / kaboom—