“Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” Proverbs 20:11
Joanna happily hummed a hymn from the Ausbund as she sauntered into her bedroom to change for chorin’ time. This was one of her favorite times of the day. She lifted her dark blue dress and apron off the hook on her wall. After removing her school dress and slipping into her chorin’ dress, she then took the straight pins from her drawer and pinned on her apron.
Once Joanna had retrieved her basket, she skipped outside to the small chicken coop. This year her family only had fifty of the feathery fowl, twenty white, twenty-nine red, and a single rooster. She quickly gathered the eggs into the wire basket and scattered the feed for the chickens, trying to avoid the rooster which could sometimes cause trouble.
Next, she went into the barn to feed and water the horses. She walked through the two large barn doors that housed the large animals and went directly to one of the stalls. “Hullo, Bloobier. Hiya, Cinnamon,” she greeted the content animals in a sing-song voice, “How are you doin’, Barley?”
She fed Cinnamon some alfalfa by hand and the animal enjoyed Joanna’s attention, always making the most of it. Joanna giggled. “You silly thing, you’re all ferhoodled in your head – just the way I like you.” Just then Barley snorted, as if he was trying to say, “What about me?” confirming his envy.
Joanna turned. “Ach, Barley. Why are you jealous? It’s not as if you don’t get plenty of attention,” she said teasingly, over her shoulder. Then she walked across the narrow passageway to Barley’s stall and stroked his mane, feeding him by hand just as she had with Cinnamon earlier. “You’re so fast,” she murmured to Barley, remembering when she and Chloe had raced him and Cayenne, one of the horses owned by the Esh family.
The girls wouldn’t be allowed to ride horses anymore when they’d become ladies – just three years down the road. Dat and Mamm didn’t like the idea of the girls racing, for fear they’d be injured. “Sometimes horses can be unpredictable animals, especially if spooked,” Dat had warned. But that hadn’t stopped Joanna and Chloe. They couldn’t help but race the beautiful creatures, despite their parents’ concerns. They did feel a bit guilty afterward, though. The Bible did say to honor their parents…but why would God make horses if they couldn’t race them in the first place? After all, their parents hadn’t outright forbidden them to ride...
Joanna shook herself from her musings and moved on to Bloobier’s stall. They had named the white colt Blueberry because when she was born she had large, beautiful blue eyes the color of blueberries. Bloobier was her name in Pennsylvania Dutch, the nickname Joanna liked to use for the blue-eyed mare.
After feeding Blueberry, she continued on to the last occupied stall where the new horse stood waiting. Isaac’s courting buggy horse they’d purchased at the auction. Joanna shivered as she remembered that day, then quickly pushed the thought aside and tried to focus on the magnificent animal before her. The horse appeared skittish and scared, probably not yet accustomed to her new surroundings. She snorted, throwing her head back. Joanna moved slowly so she wouldn’t frighten the creature, and held out a long orange carrot. “Kumm,” she spoke gently, and the horse gradually came near and began to nibble on the carrot. Feeling compassionate toward the new animal, she began to sing a liede. The horse had visibly calmed down and she was even eating grain from Joanna’s hand. For this, she was pleased. “You are a nice horse, jah?” she encouraged, gently stroking her mane.
Joanna studied the large equine creature. Mainly black in color, except for the white star on her forehead and white socks on all four feet, the horse was very beautiful in build, strong and sleek. The sheen of her black coat was lovely as well. Just looking at it made her mind run wild with excitement. Just wait until I get to race her...that is, if Isaac lets me.
Joanna strolled into the kitchen where her mother was cooking supper. As she stepped into the room a delicious fragrance permeated the air. Joanna closed her eyes trying to guess what the menu was for the evening meal. She smiled, fresh bread, roast beef, vegetables…
“Joanna, I need you to set the table,” Esther said.
“Sure, Mamm.” Joanna took out six plates from the cabinets and six forks from a drawer which held the silverware. She headed toward the table and set the plates and forks down one by one.
Dat and Isaac had come in from the barn, after stomping the mud off their boots. They had just this week received a large order for a dining room set: a kitchen table, eight chairs, and a china hutch. Installing a telephone in the barn had really helped their family business. Now, they received calls for orders several times per week. Most of the Amish in their community didn’t own telephones, neither were they allowed to. This was because they felt that having a telephone in the home was opening up a door to the Englischers’ world, one that all too often lead to wickedness and a departure from the Amish church. Just one of the ways the church leadership attempted to keep members in the fold, thus preserving their unique way of life. The bishop and the other elders of their district did, however, sometimes allow telephones in the barn for business purposes.
Esther and Grace set the food out on the table: green beans, a creamed beef dish, and fresh-baked bread. Oh well, at least my guess was close, Joanna thought as she eyed the delicious feast. Oh, how Joanna loved fresh bread with slow-churned butter on top. Just the thought of it made her mouth water.
Gideon came and sat down at the head of the table, the place where an Amish father always sat, demonstrating his leadership in the home. Esther, his wife, sat next to him with each of the children beside, or across from her. After every family member was seated at the table, they all bowed their heads in silence. When Gideon was finished with the silent prayer, he cleared his throat. Each family member then served themselves a helping of food, with the exception of Jonathan, whom Esther helped in order to avoid disaster.
When the meal was finished, Gideon said another silent prayer, and then everyone was excused from the table. The women cleared the table, and Esther joined Gideon in the living room shortly thereafter. Grace and Joanna moved to the sink to wash the dishes, and then retired to the living room where the rest of the family was. In the evenings, the Fisher family would often read the Bible, play games, or read an Amish publication. This was the place where Joanna felt the safest, amongst her loved ones.
“Joanna,” Gideon spoke, lifting his eyes from the newspaper, “are you still wantin’ a job?”
“For sure and for certain!” Joanna replied with excitement. “What did you find, Dat?”
“It says here, ‘Wanted: reliable person to deliver honey in Paradise. Part-Time. Please call (717)915-0027.’ You could use your scooter to make the deliveries. Would you like me to call the number and find out where they’re located?” Dat asked.
“Oh, yes. Denki, Dat.” Joanna smiled.
Gideon arose from his seat and headed toward the barn. He returned several minutes later. “Well, it looks like you may have yourself a job,” her dad said encouragingly. “I’ll have Isaac take you to meet the woman Friday after school. She seemed real nice. She said she had health problems and couldn’t do the deliveries on her own anymore. I think the place may be just down the street from Phillip King’s farm, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding it.”
Joanna smiled…a job at last!