Each of the following components develops specific capabilities. By blending them, regularly, you can improve with little or no risk of injury.
This is a reality check on your goal and will help you set the right pace for the following:
This is the key element of any training program. Each long run improves endurance, pushes back the fatigue “wall,” and improves performance potential.
The right insertion of strategic walk breaks will erase fatigue from the beginning of the run, speed recovery, allow you to carry on life’s activities, and can significantly improve finish time.
The breakdown that occurs when you increase speed or distance stimulates physilogical improvements – if there is strategic rest after the stress. During the rest days, repair and rebuilding occur in the muscles, tendons, cardiovascular system, mitochondria, etc.
Schedule these simple drills once or twice a week to improve running efficiency. Improving cadence can help you maintain pace at the end of races, when your stride shortens due to fatigue.
Only for those who have run a race and want to improve time.
Putting all of the elements together (including rest between workouts) so that you allow the body to recover, rebuild and better adapt to the running motion.