Writing to one man of another. Now there are 2 &
I am writing of them. I write to one of them. I
write to one of them of the other one. Heart &
muscles and toes of men. Arms & legs & ears of men.
They are listening to hear about each other, one
to hear about the other one. I write of them.
I wrote to them. I write to one of them of the
other one. I write to him. I write to them.
They don’t want to hear it. Writing of them.
Writing of them. They are next to one another
in my writing, now they are separated by my
writing. They might hate one another by my
writing. It could be romantic writing of them
to them. They look out different windows. They
hold me in common arms. I write to them. Is
it fair? Writing to one man of another one?
I write of them. I am writing of them & to them so
as you know me so they know me. I tell the truth.
Eyes & mouths & fingers of men. 2 of them. I’m
not a wicked woman, I am writing of them. It
is harmless. Knees of men. It is harmless.
Thighs of men. It does not change anything.