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First published in Penguin Books 1994
Copyright © Anne Waldman, 1994
All rights reserved
Some of the writing in this book first appeared in the following magazines and anthologies: The American Poetry Review, Big House, Conjunctions, Homage to Frank O’Hara, The Little Magazine, The New Censorship, Nocturnal Missions, Notus, “O”
Anthology, The Portable Beat Reader, edited by Ann Charters (Penguin Books), Resurgent, Rolling Stock, The Shambhala Sun, Stiletto, Talisman, Taos Review, That
Various Field (for James Schuyler), The 13th Moon, and The World. The author expresses special gratitude to the following presses that have published some of the work: The Alternative Press, Apartment Editions (Hanover, Germany), Bamburger Books, Boog Press, Kulchur Foundation, Last Generation Press, Munich Editions, Rocky Ledge Cottage Editions, Stonehill Publishing Co., Tender Buttons, United Artists, and Z Press.
Author’s Note
With appreciation to the following individuals for their support in publishing the work: Bill Bamburger, Lee Ann Brown, Reed Bye, Mark DuCharme, Kenward Elmslie, Lita Hornick, Alice Notley, Ute and Jurgen Schmidt, Ivan Suvanjieff, and Lewis Warch.
Thanks to Michael Coe for useful Maya information. Additional bows to Maureen and Robert Hunter and to my editor, David Stanford.
Author photograph by Gary Mackender
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Waldman, Anne, 1945
Kill or cure / Anne Waldman.
p. cm.—(Penguin poets)
ISBN: 978-1-101-52275-2
I. Title.
PS3573.A4215K5 1994
811’.54—dc20 93-48917