Between now and your next meeting, use any of these ideas to launch you into a life of joy, encounter with God, laughter, deep faith, and celebration.
Think back through your life thus far and identify a time when you faced profound suffering. Though it might be painful, remember as deeply as you can the events and feelings from that period.
Now, write a letter to yourself as if you were in the middle of that experience. What would you say to yourself if you could go back? What words of compassion and empathy would you choose? Write with love and tenderness.
When you’re finished, put the letter in an envelope, seal it, and tuck it away where you will not lose it.
The day before your next meeting with your small group, take that letter out and read it. Feel the love and care you needed at that time. Drink in the grace of Jesus. Experience the healing power of God’s Holy Spirit. Let the tears flow freely . . . tears of both sorrow and joy mingled together.
Then, tear up the letter as a sign that your past hurt is gone and a new day of grace and joy has come. Thank God for His sovereign presence and power in your life.
Be ready to tell your group members about how it felt to leave your past hurt behind and walk into a joy-filled future. Jot some of these thoughts below as you prepare to meet with your group.
During the coming week, do your best to read through the book of Job. It will mean reading about six chapters a day, but I know you can do it! Write a few notes about what you learn about each of the following:
What I learn about God:
[Your Response Here]
What I learn about Suffering:
[Your Response Here]
What I learn about Joy:
[Your Response Here]
Find a picture of yourself that captures a moment in your past that was joy-filled, playful, and free from thoughts of sorrow or tragedy. Make this picture a screen saver on your phone, tablet, or computer, or just put it somewhere you can look at it regularly for the coming week.
Write the caption,
“Remember her? Yeah, she’s still there. Let’s go get her!”
“Remember him? Yeah, he’s still there. Let’s go get him!”
Look at this picture often and reflect on who you were before the sufferings of life came knocking on your door. Pray for God to help you recapture the spirit and joy of that boy or girl!
THE moments we honestly accept our loss and heartache are just the right moments for Joy to step in with hope and comfort.
The Bible teaches a lot about joy. If you want to explore some of the Bible’s teachings on joy and other topics from this session, consider reading the following chapters in the coming week.
Day 1: Job 1–6
Day 2: Job 7–12
Day 3: Job 13–18
Day 4: Job 19–24
Day 5: Job 25–30
Day 6: Job 31–36
Day 7: Job 37–42
Note: If you want to read some stories of how joy can embrace sorrow, check out chapter 9 of Candace’s book, Laugh It Up!