Use any of these ideas to launch you into a life of joy, encounter with God, laughter, deep faith, and celebration.
The best way to learn something is to teach it. Make a list of eight to ten people who would benefit from experiencing new levels of joy, laughter, and hope.
1. [Your Response Here]
2. [Your Response Here]
3. [Your Response Here]
4. [Your Response Here]
5. [Your Response Here]
6. [Your Response Here]
7. [Your Response Here]
8. [Your Response Here]
9. [Your Response Here]
10. [Your Response Here]
Pray for each person by name and ask the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to an invitation to be part of a Defiant Joy group.
Make the ask. Just do it. Call each person, send an email, or write a text inviting them to join you on a six-week journey of joy that you will facilitate. Tell them about the impact this study has had on your life and assure them that they will have fun, they will learn about joy, and they will grow closer to God.
Consider asking a few friends to join you for a book club to discuss Laugh It Up! Each week you will all read one chapter and then come together and discuss three simple questions:
1. What was something you learned and how did it impact you?
2. How can you grow in joy and laugh more in the coming week?
3. How might you share joy with others?
IN the face of all and any odds, let your joy be defiant. Live free and full in EVERY moment, and laugh it up.
Review the previous five sessions of this study, particularly all the Joy Lab sections. Identify one homework assignment that you missed or want to do again and do it in the coming week. If you did all of the homework, then loop back and do your favorite one again.
And, if you haven’t already, read the conclusion in Laugh It Up! It’s a terrific summary of the book and a great word of encouragement as you move forward.