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Abe, Shinzo, 12

Adams, John Quincy, 191

Afghanistan, 25, 39, 52

Afghanistan War, 38, 39, 42, 54–55, 67–68

Africa, Indispensable America strategy for, 147

Aidid, Mohammed Farrah, 31

American exceptionalism

Independent America and, 64, 73, 198, 202

Indispensable America and, 126–127

Moneyball America and, 119–121, 197–198

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 76, 77

Annan, Kofi, 95

anti-Americanism, 13, 14, 34, 63–64

Arab Spring, 14–15, 42, 176

Arctic, Indispensable America strategy for, 147

Assad, Bashar Al-, 42–43, 61, 108, 110, 185–186

banking, 19–20, 174

Beirut barracks bombing (1983), 98–99

Brazil, bus-fare protests, 15

Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), 20

BRICS bank, 19–20

Bush, George H. W.

and Iraq, 91–96, 110

and NATO, 32, 33

on “new world order,” 28–29

“Operation Provide Relief” (Somalia), 31

Bush, George W.

on axis of evil, 55

foreign policy overview, 36–40

and Iraq, 91–96

lowering taxes and the war on terrorism, 57

Canada, 150

Chávez, Hugo, 64

Cheney, Dick, 37


aging population of, 23

banking, 20

Bush (G. W.) and, 39

Clinton and, 34–35

as greatest opportunity and greatest threat, 196–197

importance of U.S. relationship to, 156–157

Independent America and, 200–201

Indispensable America strategy for, 141–143

and international leadership, 16–17

Moneyball America on U.S. economic and security interests in, 101–102

Obama and, 41

Question Mark America on, 179–180

risks created by changes in, 10–12

shale gas deposits in, 114

and state capitalism, 115–116

trade volume of, 117

and U.S., mutual economic vulnerability, 131–132

Clinton, Bill (Clinton administration)

and China, 34–35

domestic policies of, 29–30

and economic prosperity, 35–36

foreign policy overview, 29–36

Somalia, 30–32

Clinton, Hillary, 40–41, 115, 168

Cold War, 27–28, 54, 109, 130, 158

Cole, USS, 32

Costs of War Project (Brown University), 94

Cuban missile crisis, 97

debt, 49–50, 130, 136–137

democracy promotion

as America’s ultimate purpose, 128

arguments for, 153–154

difficulties and criticisms of, 60–65, 154

Middle East strategy for, 142–143

morality of, 154–155

process of, 151, 155–156

demographics, aging populations, 23

domino theory, 166

Donilon, Thomas, 21, 23

drone strikes, 56–57, 105–106

East Asia

Indispensable America strategy for, 140–142

Moneyball America on U.S. economic and security interests in, 101–102

Obama and, 40–41

Question Mark America on choices that need to be made, 179–182

Ebola outbreak (2014–15), 133

economic statecraft, 115

economy. See global economy; U.S. domestic economy

education, 23, 24, 77–78, 130, 144

Egypt, 176, 182–184

Eisenhower, Dwight, 48–50, 54, 56, 68, 80, 158

energy production

Indispensable America on, 139–140, 142–143

Moneyball America on, 112–114

Russian, 171–174

U.S. dependence on foreign production, 85–87

U.S. surge in, 22–23

Eurasia/Eurasian Union, 144–145, 171

Europe/European Union (EU)

aging population of, 23

conflicts with U.S., 13–14, 174–175

and Russia, 102–103, 145–146

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 115–116, 146, 149, 174

exceptionalism. See American exceptionalism

fast track (Trade Promotion Authority), 70–71

foreign direct investment (FDI), 117

foreign policy. See U.S. foreign policy

France, 53. See also Europe/European Union (EU)

freedom, 65–68, 71–73, 128–129

Friedman, Thomas L., 76

G7 countries, 19

gap between rich and poor, 68, 69

Germany. See also Europe/European Union (EU)

and NATO, 60

U.S. troops stationed in, 61, 166–167, 202

global economy, 10–11, 15, 26, 87, 131–132, 148–149, 156–157

global leadership, 1, 9–10, 16–17, 19, 187–188. See also Indispensable America

global war on terror, 37

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 27, 33, 109

Great Britain, 53–54, 59, 199. See also Europe/European Union (EU)

Great Recession (2008), 9–10

Harvard University study, 67–68

health crises, 133–134

Hussein, Saddam, 54, 91, 110

immigration, 23, 75

incoherent America, 27–45

Barack Obama and, 40–44

Bill Clinton and, 29–36

end of the Cold War and, 27–29

George W. Bush and, 36–40

Independent America policies, 47–84

advantages of, 197–198

caring for veterans, 78–79

education, 77–78

focusing on democracy at home, 73–74

leading by example, 201–202

nation-building, 60–61

promotion of democracy, 61–65

protecting the homeland, 74–75

rebuilding the public infrastructure, 76–77

on unacceptable cost of wars, 52–60

on U.S. as policeman of the world, 49–52

India, 10, 15, 16–17, 19, 181

Indispensable America policies, 125–162

China, 156–157

debt, 136–137

defined, 125–129

democracy promotion, 152–156

domestic economy, 129–131

energy as weapon, 139–140

global economy, 130–131

global interdependence, 131–136

importance of long-term thinking, 137–138

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 148–149

military strength, 138–139

poverty, 148

promoting American values, 150–152

regional strategies, 140–147

shortcomings of, 192–195

trade agreements, 149

Indonesia, 182

infrastructure problems, 15, 76–77, 201

intelligence agencies, 67

International Criminal Court, 63

International Energy Agency, 87

international leadership. See global leadership

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 148–149

Iran. See also Middle East

and “axis of evil,” 55

and Beirut bombing, 98–99

Saudi Arabia vs., 103–104, 143, 175

Strait of Hormuz, 85–87

Iraq, 15, 37, 55, 176–177. See also Middle East

Iraq War, 1st, 54, 91–96, 110

Iraq War, 2nd, 38, 39, 55, 67–68, 91–96

ISIS (Islamic State), 15, 104

Islamic extremism and political radicalization, 14–15, 32, 104–105, 175–176, 177. See also al-Qaeda

isolationism, 73, 88, 90, 104, 108, 139, 202

Israel-Palestine conflict, 43

Jacobs, Jack, 79

Japan. See also East Asia

aging population of, 23

conflicts with China, 12

and international leadership, 16

LNG imports, 113–114

U.S. commitment to security of, 61, 166–167, 180, 202

World War II, 53

Kennedy, John F., 96

Kenya, U.S. embassy attack, 32

Kerry, John, 183

Korean War, 119

Laden, Osama bin, 52

Latin America, 146–147

leadership. See global leadership

Lewis, Michael, 89

Libya, 57–58, 107–108, 167

LNG (liquefied natural gas), 113

MacArthur, Douglas, 119

Madison, James, 66

Mandelbaum, Michael, 76

Marshall Plan, 39, 118–119, 150–151

Medicare, 130

Merkel, Angela, 14

Mexico and NAFTA, 69, 70

Middle East

Arab Spring, 14–15

Independent America and, 200

Indispensable America strategy for, 142–143

Moneyball approach to, 103–104

Question Mark America, foreign policy choices that need to be made, 175–179

military draft, 56–57

military spending

Independent America on, 47–50, 56–58, 74–75

Moneyball America on, 100

post-Cold War reductions, 30

Mogadishu, battle of, 31

Moneyball America policies, 85–124

advantages and shortcomings of, 195–196

and the courage to look weak, 96–99

defined, 88–89

importance of flexibility, 109–110

importance of negotiating with enemies, 108–109

managing costs, 100–104

and NATO, 106–108

Powell doctrine, 89–96

relying on friends/partners, 106–108

safeguarding the Strait of Hormuz, 85–87

terrorism, 104–105

trade, 114–119

use of sanctions, 110–112

on using drones, 105–106

Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game (Lewis), 89

Morsi, Mohamed, 176, 183

Mubarak, Hosni, 182–183

Muslim Brotherhood, 183

Muslim extremism. See Islamic extremism

nation-building, 36, 39, 60–61


Indispensable America on, 146, 152

and Iraq Wars, 95–96

Moneyball approach to purpose of, 106–108

post-Cold War expansion, 12, 32–34

post-Cold War mission for, 58–60

and response to Russian aggression, 173

negotiating with enemies, 108–109

“new world order,” 28–29

New York Times, 169

Nixon, Richard, 108

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 68–70

North Korea, 55, 111, 141, 180–181

nuclear weapons, 55, 132–133, 186

Obama, Barack (Obama administration)

“don’t do stupid stuff” foreign policy, 168–169

and Egypt, 182–183

expansion of U.S. intelligence community, 55–56

foreign policy overview, 40–44

and Libya, 167

pivot to Asia policy, 40–41, 43, 102, 164

refusal to define a coherent foreign policy, 17–18, 163–165

and Russia, 172–173

and Syria, 110, 185–186

and trade, 115

and Trade Promotion Authority (fast track), 70–71

and Ukraine, 184

West Point speech (2009), 163

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 78

Pakistan, 52, 57, 105–106, 181, 186–187

Pew Research Center, 64–65

polls, 20, 38, 95

Philippines, 181–182

pivot to Asia policy, 40–41, 43, 102, 164

poverty, 148, 149, 159

Powell, Colin, 90, 96

Powell doctrine, 89–96, 135–36

power, defined, 18

presidential power, 65–66, 70–71

privacy, 71–73

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 78

Public Citizen report, 68–69, 70

public health crises, 133–134

Putin, Vladimir, 13, 33, 34, 96–97, 111, 145, 172

Qaddafi, Muammar, 57–58, 107–108, 167

Qaeda, al-, 32, 177

Question Mark America, 163–189

benefits and drawbacks of an ambiguous and improvised policy, 165–170

democratic-uprising scenarios, 182–184

foreign policy choices arising from Russia’s decline, 171–174

foreign policy choices arising from U.S.-European conflict and competition, 174–175

Middle East foreign policy choices, 175–179

nuclear and chemical weapons scenarios, 185–187

Obama’s refusal to define a foreign policy, 17–18, 163–165

recent foreign policy mistakes and the resulting choices, 182–187

response-to-aggression scenarios, 184–185

Reagan, Ronald, 98–99, 108

“Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, A” (American Society of Civil Engineers [ASCE]), 76

Rice, Susan, 168–169

Roosevelt, Theodore, 188

Rosecrance, Richard, 117


and Eurasian Union, 144–145

LNG exports, 113

Moneyball approach to, 102–103

and NATO expansion, 12, 32–34, 152

reliance on oil and gas production, 171–174

and Ukraine, 13, 43, 58–59, 111–112, 200

sanctions, 110–112, 139–140

Saudi Arabia, 103–104, 108–109, 143, 175

Scowcroft, Brent, 29, 93

September 11, 2001 attacks, 37, 72

Shaw, George Bernard, 120, 125

Social Security, 130

Somalia, 30–32

South Korea, 180

Soviet Union, 144–145

spying/espionage, 14, 55–56, 63, 66–68

Strait of Hormuz, 85–87

Syria, 42–43, 61, 108, 110, 185–186

Tanzania, U.S. embassy attack, 32


and American withdrawals from nation-building, 61

Beirut barracks bombing (1983), 98–99

Bush’s global war on, 37

Indispensable America approach to, 133, 143, 144

Moneyball approach, 104–105

and radicalization of Islamist politics, 176–179

September 11, 2001 attacks, 37, 72

threat of, and loss of liberty, 71–73

U.S. embassy attacks (Kenya and Tanzania), 32–34

That Used to Be Us (Friedman, Mandelbaum), 76


Moneyball approach to, 114–119

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 68–70

skepticism about, 203

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 115–116, 146, 149, 174

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 70–71, 113–114, 115–117, 140, 149

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), 69

Trade Promotion Authority (fast track), 70–71

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 115–116, 146, 149, 174

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 70–71, 113–114, 115–117, 140, 149

Truman, Harry, 118, 119, 158

Turkey, 2013 demonstrations, 15

Ukraine, 13, 43, 58–59, 96–97, 103, 111–112, 145–146, 173, 200

United Nations

on Iraq Wars, 96

U.S.-Canada border, 150

U.S. Congress and declaration of war, 65–66

U.S. Constitution, separation of powers, 65–66, 70–71, 199

U.S. domestic economy, 21–24, 29–30, 35–36, 129–131

U.S. embassy attacks (Kenya and Tanzania), 32–34

U.S. foreign policy. See also incoherent America; Independent America; Indispensable America; Moneyball America; Question Mark America; specific presidents

Americans’ lack of support for superpower foreign policies, 20–21, 25, 59–60, 199

challenges facing America’s next president, 10–18

decline of, 18–21

overview of options, 24–26

and U.S. image abroad, 38–39

U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), 13

U.S. Navy, 85–87, 100

Venezuela, 64

Veterans Administration, 79

Vietnam War, 56, 166, 199–200


caring for veterans, 78–79

costs of, 54–55, 67–68

Eisenhower on, 47–50

and fears of looking weak, 96–99

hidden costs of, 56–58

Indispensable America on, 135–136

as last resort, 54

presidential power and, 65–66

and U.S. superpower status, 52–56

Weinberger, Caspar, 90, 98

doctrine, 98–99

Wilson, Woodrow, 62

Wolfowitz, Paul, 94

World Bank, 20

World Trade Organization (WTO), 34, 156–157

World Transformed, A (Bush, Scowcroft), 29

World War I, 53

World War II, 53

Xi Jinping, 11

Yeltsin, Boris, 33