Potting Bench

Whether you are repotting that old begonia or shifting 100 tomato plants from flats to peat pots, a work space is invaluable, and makes the job a pleasure. On this and succeeding pages are suggestions for your garden work center equipment.

A potting bench is a must—and don’t have it double for any other purpose or it will be a cluttered nuisance. Here are two models suggested by the California Redwood Association people. One is free-standing. The other can be built to be fastened to the 2″×4″s in your garage or another outbuilding. Build either to the height you prefer (32″-36″ is usually about right) and make it roomy in depth, yet not so wide it is difficult to reach across. Four feet is a convenient length. Make it rugged—two-inch thick material is best. On the free-stand model, a shelf underneath will provide storage space (great for those extra clay pots) and brace the bench as well.

