Garden tools need proper care if they are to serve long and well. In the following pages are some ways to keep them ready for work.
The first need is to provide a roof over their heads. If you want something that is easy to obtain and will do well, buy one of those metal sheds of which there are so many on the market.
If you want something a little special, consider this one, designed by Douglas Merrilees. It can be finished on the outside so that it has the same exterior as your home, or has an exterior that blends well with your home.
Note that it is built on 4″×6″ creosoted skids. While this means it can be moved, such a move isn’t something you will want to try every day, since this is heavy. The other benefit of building this on skids is that the floor is raised well off the ground, virtually eliminating the problem of moisture gradually eating away the bottom of the building. An alternative is to build it on a concrete block base.
While this one is 6′ by 6′ at the base, you of course can design your own to fit your needs. A law of gardening applies here: no matter what size you build it, you will fill it with tools and other supplies.