In the construction and preparation of this book we have had reason to be thankful to many for their support, encouragement and brainpower.
First we would like to thank Robinson Library and the support staff at the School of Arts and Cultures (Newcastle University). We would also like to thank our colleagues: academic staff and PhD students in the International Centre for Music Studies and Culture Lab.
We give our thanks to the contributors, who have been more than co-operative at every stage of this book. Our warm thanks go to the commissioning editor at Bloomsbury, David Barker, whose enthusiasm and support for the project has been integral in bringing it to fruition. We’d also like to thank the editorial team at Bloomsbury.
We are particularly grateful to the following individuals (in no particular order); Anahid Kassabian for getting both of us interested in affect in the first place, and for her long-term support and friendship; Adam Potts for the careful and close reading of a number of chapters and for being a brilliant sounding board for early ideas; Will Schrimshaw for the hugely useful conversations; Francisco – J. Hernández Adrián, for talking through ideas about Hardt and Negri; Santiago Fouz-Hernández for his friendship and support in thinking about questions of gender and sexuality; Nanette de Jong for listening for hours to half-baked, half-formed conceptual flights of fancy without becoming remotely impatient; Julia Downes for being great; Helen Papaiouannou for constantly putting up with book-related whining, for being a patient, brilliant mind and, more importantly, a really good friend; Alessandro Altavilla, likewise; David Bell for his care and support, academic or otherwise (not to mention his ability to make jokes about Spinoza).
Lastly we would like to thank our respective families; Adrian, Christine and Claire Thompson; Margaret and Eric Biddle.