REBEL and LOYALIST ANGELS debate. Hubbub, groaning, cries of distress: noise gradually subsides.
REBEL 1: How can one’s hopes so soon be disappointed?
How wrong we were to judge our place, appointed
In this most blissful realm bar none –
Secure in status, like the Highest One –
Changeless, more blest by far than those on Earth,
Till Gabriel’s trumpet blast reversed our worth,
Proclaiming, from the Golden Gate, God’s dread decree,
Depriving Angels of that high degree
He once, so bountifully bestowed on us.
We’ve been struck down! No longer glorious,
Our shining presence thrust into the shade –
The Hierarchies uneasy and dismayed:
Man, in his power and station so preferred
That we, like slaves, must tremble at his word!
REBEL 2: What a reverse, delivered without warning!
Gather around, companions in our mourning;
Let us sit down together, sigh and make moan,
Rending our festive garments as we groan!
None will begrudge us that, at any rate!
Sorrow has overwhelmed our happy state.
Woe and alas, Brothers and Angels all –
Away with garlands, festive robes let fall!
Don sober raiment! Eyes cast down! Our plight
Bids us seek shade, for sorrow shuns the light!
REBEL 3: All voices raise in fearful lamentation:
Let us drown in grief, in woeful meditation!
For grieving helps from grief to free the heart!
So weep to your hearts’ content and heal the smart!
As one, our clamour swell, the echoes waken:
Alas, alas – why have we been forsaken?
LOYALIST 1: What dismal plaint is this distasteful sound?
It strikes a chill in Heaven, where resound
Within our joyous halls, no songs like these!
Palms, garlands, harps and strings – not threnodies –
Are what our Heaven’s used to! What’s amiss?
These huddled shapes, bowed heads? What is all this?
Downcast, abandoned, such unhappiness!
What ails them? What gave rise to such distress?
LOYALIST 2: Companions, follow me! Let’s clear the air,
Inquire what caused their pain, this black despair
That robs the Heavens’ splendour of its gloss
And clouds our festive jubilance with dross?
Abundance, freedom, joy the Heavens know:
This is no place for heartache or for woe!
Come, let’s console them! They are sadly shaken …
REBELS: Alas, alas, why have we been forsaken?
LOYALIST 1: Companions, Brothers in our bliss, what ails you?
O Sons of Light, what misery assails you?
Who gave you cause to sorrow and lament?
You, who did flourish in the firmament,
Illumined by the radiance of God’s power:
Bred, swift to flit from pinnacle to tower,
Garden to garden, weaving, soaring, gliding,
In light unshaded, joyfully residing –
Tasting, in our serene sodality,
The manna of God’s immortality
With fellow-celebrants! Such dire distress
Becomes ill commoner-Angels, Lords no less –
Powers or Thrones or Principalities!
Don’t sit there dazed, counting your miseries!
Tell us what’s wrong! Don’t just endure it!
Reveal your discontent that we may cure it!
REBEL 1: Brothers, how could you possibly not know?
Did you not, too, hear Gabriel’s trumpet blow –
The latest edict which reduced our roles
To slavery for Earth’s unnumbered souls,
Sprung from a drop of blood, a little seed?
What did we wrong, committed what misdeed?
REBEL 2: That God this flimsy bubble should inflate,
The Angels – His own Sons – to denigrate!
A bastard being, formed from clay and dust!
Were we not pillars of His court, deserving trust?
Doing our duty, faithful servitors?
To stand belittled, banished without cause,
Demoted suddenly and sore chastised!
REBEL 1: Our God-given Charter, once so dearly prized,
Has been revoked! Instead of our own dominion –
With and beneath the Lord – Adam, this minion,
Shall reign, all-powerful, and kings beget!
On Angels, all too soon, the sun has set!
Comrades, lament with us our bliss mistaken!
Alas, alas, why have we been forsaken?
LOYALIST 1: You’re shocked by God’s and Gabriel’s command?
That’s madness! Who dares flout or countermand
An order from on high and God resist?
We’re bound to worship Him, for we exist
Within His law. Would anyone oppose
Almighty God, whose will, word, sign impose
On us strict rules and moderation?
LOYALIST 2: To contradict defies God’s dispensation!
This Kingdom’s Ruler rates obedience
Higher than sacred music or incense!
So be less arrogant and less demanding:
Service is what you’re bred for – not commanding!
Stop grieving, brothers; no more dismal pleas!
Bow to God’s yoke, for He alone decrees!
REBEL 3: Yoked to a swarm of ants! Why don’t you say it?
LOYALIST 1: If it’s the will of God, you must obey it!
REBEL 1: But how have we transgressed? What rhyme or reason?
LOYALIST 2: You’re questioning God’s will; that smacks of treason!
REBEL 2: We’re voicing grief, that’s all – dissatisfaction –
LOYALIST 1: Compliance with God’s will’s the sole reaction!
REBEL 1: We claim our rights, as legally conferred –
LOYALIST 1: Your rights, your Charter hang upon God’s word!
REBEL 3: You can the greater to the lesser be subjected?
LOYALIST 2: To serve God is to rule, where God’s respected.
REBEL 2: Agreed. Then let Man rule down there on Earth!
LOYALIST 2: Man’s happy with his lot, of lesser worth.
REBEL 1: But Man’s assured a nobler fate awaits him …
LOYALIST 1: It’ll be centuries before God elevates him!
REBEL 1: A century on Earth? The twinkling of an eye!
LOYALIST 2: What God ordains will happen, by and by!
REBEL 2: Better it were, this secret had stayed hidden!
LOYALIST 1: God bares His heart for love of you – unbidden!
REBEL 1: He favours Man, has set him here above –
LOYALIST 1: With God made One: a miracle of love!
REBEL 1: Had God but deigned with Angels to unite –
LOYALIST 2: What God deems fit is lauded, as of right!
REBEL 2: Why set Man’s tide-mark up so high, so soon?
LOYALIST 1: What God ordains is well and good – a boon!
REBEL 1: Our Angel-Crown to tarnish is Man’s aim –
LOYALIST 2: When God’s made Man, Angels will bless His Name!
REBEL 1: And worship clay, with foreheads in the dust?
LOYALIST 1: God’s Name be censed with fragrance, praise and trust!
REBEL 2: And Man revered because it must be so?
APOLLION: The grumbling’s started. Hear the tumult grow!
BELIAL: Who are these hordes of Angels sunk in grief?
Sackcloth and ashes? It’s beyond belief
That here, mid endless feasts and celebration,
So lamentably large a congregation
Should be in mourning – but, it’s clearly so!
What accident, catastrophe, I’d like to know,
Befell them? Come, explain your plight!
Unjustly treated? We’ll protect your right!
Brothers, what is it? What has caused your pain?
LOYALIST 1: Man’s estate has triumphed, they complain –
By Gabriel’s account, outpacing Angelkind:
Since God His own with Adam’s being entwined,
Man has become the Angels’ Lord and Master;
That is their grievance; they foresee disaster.
APOLLION: So great a wrong’s most painful to endure –
BELIAL: Perhaps beyond our ways and means to cure …
LOYALIST 2: We beg you, nonetheless, assuage these slights –
APOLLION: What can we offer? They demand their rights …
LOYALIST 1: What rights? Does law allow its own transgression?
APOLLION: But how can justice tolerate oppression?
LOYALIST 2: Indeed, the Lord condemns it, so has ruled –
BELIAL: The child in father’s footsteps should be schooled –
LOYALIST 1: To follow the father means to wish the same –
APOLLION: God’s change of mind’s the reason for their claim!
LOYALIST 2: One He’s dethroned, while raising up the other:
Let son less-favoured yield to more favoured brother!
BELIAL: God’s grace were best bestowed with even hand:
Now Heaven’s Light shall darkness not withstand
And children of the Night shall mock the Day!
LOYALIST 1: All things that breathe should God with thanks repay
For life and love, the lesser and the greater!
Earth’s element, should it so please the Creator,
Into air, fire or water, He can transform –
Heaven to Earth, Angel to Beast, and Angel-form –
By miracle unknown – or Man bestow!
Almighty God can raise or overthrow!
His lowliest creatures he endows with grace:
Choice or discrimination have no place.
God’s glory shines in differences galore:
Take heavy and light – what’s heavier weighs more.
Beauty may be outshone and colours, too –
Perfumes and gems – diamonds and turquoise blue;
Weak yields to strong, lone stars to constellations.
Our meddling upsets these dispensations,
Disrupts the balance of God’s universe.
Creatures create monstrosities and worse,
In every least respect. Cease these laments!
LOYALIST 2: The Godhead can with Angeldom dispense.
He’s self-sufficient. His eternal reign
No incense needs, nor music to sustain
It – no puffs of fragrant smoke or tuneful songs,
Ungrateful Spirits, curb your wicked tongues!
Accept your lot! God’s mind you cannot read;
Subject yourselves to what God has decreed!
APOLLION: If Angel’s state and fate are that unsteady,
We’re on a slippery slope and doomed already!
LOYALIST 1: Because a lesser Being is made King?
Our status hasn’t changed … so where’s the sting?
BELIAL: God was the Angels’ father, no one dearer –
None closer to His heart – Now, Man is nearer!
LOYALIST 2: Dismay at someone else’s happy lot
Smacks not of love but envy! Let this blot
From Angeldom’s escutcheon be effaced
And jealousy by concord be replaced,
In tune with God’s harmonious Creation!
BELIAL: Angels, as Heaven ordained, observe their station –
But fail to grasp why they should slave for Man …
LOYALIST 1: ‘Tis disobedience to thwart God’s plan!
You’ve seen, in gold cuirassed, the starry Hosts
In line abreast, on duty at their posts:
When one star sets, while waiting its successor,
Mark how the brighter stars eclipse the lesser,
How orbits vary, some immense, some small –
How low stars fast, and high stars slowly fall.
Yet notwithstanding such disparity
Of function, sphere, light, orbit and degree,
There’s no dissent. The cosmic Helmsman’s voice
Conducts the choir. All hearken and rejoice!
BELIAL: Fixed are the constellations, as God made them;
Had He let Angels be – and not betrayed them,
They’d not be rousing Heaven, charging malice,
Or, with their plaints, disturb our peaceful palace!
LOYALIST 2: Take care! Don’t make their disaffection worse!
APOLLION: We only wish these storm-clouds might disperse
Before they burst and Heaven set alight!
Their numbers grow and louder voice their plight.
REBELS: Alas, alas, where has our concord fled?
BEELZEBUB: (To APOLLION.) Our ranks are swelling. Good, the news has spread!
They swarm excitedly, all heads bent low …
Addressing the REBELS as APOLLION and BELIAL melt into the crowd.
What’s moved our Angeldom to such a show
Of discontent? Has bliss begun to pall?
A bountiful God has lavished on you, all
That Angel could desire: won’t that suffice?
Yet, here you sit and weep in Paradise!
The cause of such dismay I cannot guess.
Why rend your mantles and insignia in distress?
Cheer up! Let’s see those surly faces bright,
Those foreheads shining, O you Sons of Light!
Clear-voiced Seraphim, hymning their gratitude,
Look round in anguish at these discords crude.
You bitter moan disrupts their songs of praise,
And Heaven’s measured harmony dismays.
Echoed by crystal vaults, your wails ring clear
And ever louder, leap from sphere to sphere!
Such dissonance, unless it were no crime,
Must shed dishonour on God’s Name sublime!
REBEL 1: Our Colonel, at whose word picked legions
Take up their arms, you’re timely in these regions
To right our wrongs, our undeserved disgrace
To parry with your might! Shall Gabriel place
On Adam’s head, our Angels’ holy crown
And God’s first-born by Adam’s be thrust down?
REBEL 2: Better we’d not been made, before the sun
To lighten Heaven’s dark had even begun!
In vain, we Angels were by God befriended –
His bodyguards at Court – if He intended
To flout the right of Spirits without fault,
Compelling them to counter His assault!
Brought up to praise the Lord, we all rejoiced –
We worshipped, censed Him, bowed our heads and voiced
Our songs of praise and Heaven hearkened well,
Charmed by the sound of dance and choral swell,
Melting with joy at the music of tongue and harp,
When, like a thunder-clap, so loud and sharp,
Gabriel’s trump disturbed God’s adoration …
REBEL 3: We were amazed, distraught! Sheer indignation
Put happiness to flight, full throats struck dumb …
Crown, sceptre, blessing – stripped from Angeldom –
Unjustly to the youngest Son, God gave –
Branding the elder brother Adam’s slave!
Obedience, piety, love and trust
Were swift transformed to anger, woe, disgust,
And vengeful with that Man we abominate
Should choke in his own blood before our State
Is shackled and Man’s slaves assigned their lot:
To serve his will and whip-lash – at the trot –
Just as he holds the beasts on earth in thrall!
REBEL 1: Colonel, you can prevent the Spirits’ fall:
Invoke the Angels’ Charter to preserve us!
Your strength deploy … Lead on! We’re at your service!
Under your standard, loyal to your command –
For Honour, Right and Crown, we’ll take our stand!
BEELZEBUB: Your wrong afflicts me! Lord of Hosts, prevent
Calamity! Fuel neither mutiny nor dissent,
And let rebellion cease for want of cause!
How can I serve the Angels and God’s laws!
REBEL 1: The Godhead’s set aside our prior claim –
BEELZEBUB: Enough His subjects’ temper to inflame
And stoke a furnace fit to roast the air!
A poor reward, indeed, for zealous care!
In such dire straits, how best can we advance?
REBEL 2: By acting boldly! We must take a chance …
BEELZEBUB: Why risk ourselves? Let’s chart a subtler course.
REBEL 1: Violence it has to be! Revenge by force!
BEELZEBUB: ’Twere best, I think, some safer way to choose …
REBEL 2: Delay won’t help, unless we want to lose!
BEELZEBUB: Why not take stock, present a reasoned case?
REBEL 1: The reason’s clear: Man has usurped our place!
BEELZEBUB: Ought you not first to tender a petition?
REBEL 3: And sell the pass by stating our position?
BEELZEBUB: Such an assault is difficult to hide …
REBEL 1: We have the strength to match the other side!
BEELZEBUB: They’ve got God’s General – greatly in their favour!
REBEL 2: Look, we’ll get nowhere if we wilt and waver!
BEELZEBUB: What did Apollion and Belial advise?
REBEL 1: They’ve faith in us; they’ve joined our enterprise!
BEELZEBUB: They have? So soon? We’re far advanced, it seems.
REBEL 1: From Heaven’s farthest reach, they come in streams!
BEELZEBUB: To trust an army of defectors isn’t wise …
REBEL 1: Profit outweighs the danger in our eyes!
BEELZEBUB: Don’t talk of profit! Nothing has been planned …
REBEL 2: How can we judge results until they’re at hand?
Our army longs to see you at its head –
Command us –
BEELZEBUB: Who’d be mad enough to shed
Suspicion on the justice of your cause
By testing Heaven’s strength? Be wise; take pause!
Don’t count on me. I opt for neither side:
I think negotiation should be tried.
LOYALIST 1: Brothers, give ear! Begin by prayerful pleading
To God on high, with others interceding …
Discussion will achieve more than sedition!
Be calm, reflect, consider your position.
We, too, value our Rights, have no illusions!
But with the Lord of Hosts, don’t try conclusions!
REBEL 3: Not you, with our legality! Enough we’ve heard!
Lead us Beelzebub, we’re not deterred!
Rally our force, we’ll follow you as one!
BEELZEBUB: Reflect, you zealots! Think what you’ve begun:
I’ll state your case before Godhead’s Throne,
Beseeching justice – in a peaceful tone –
Through joint accord, as mutually accepted …
REBEL 1: Quiet! Here’s Michael! You’ve been intercepted!
MICHAEL: Where are we? What’s this turbulence I hear?
There’s discord, violence in the atmosphere –
Not peace, obedience and trust! Beelzebub,
How is it you’ve become rebellion’s hub?
Urging these upstarts on to wicked treason
Against God, our only refuge? What’s the reason?
BEELZEBUB: Prince Michael, have the grace to hear us first,
Lest zeal on God’s behalf suggest the worst!
Then judge … You’ll find that we are not to blame.
MICHAEL: Speak then! I hope that you can clear your name …
BEELZEBUB: These many thousand soldiers on parade,
By Gabriel’s pronouncement deep dismayed,
Besought an audience to ventilate their woe.
I came to listen to complaints and so,
By all means possible, revolt pre-empt.
But they, aflame with anger and contempt,
Went ranting on. Transported by their rage,
They pressed me as their leader to engage …
I deprecate all violence, so demurred –
These loyal angels here will back my word –
I counselled them before God’s Throne to state
Their case … In vain my plea, the uproar of debate
Surged like a stormy sea, in Heaven’s face!
Step forward, General! Take your rightful place!
We’ll follow, if you’ve something to suggest …
MICHAEL: Who dares presume God’s Holy Will to test?
Who, in this Realm of peace, the flag of war
Makes bold to raise? If an ambassador
You would depute to plead your case on high,
To reconcile you all with God, I’ll try …
If not, you risk your necks! You’re doomed to fail!
REBEL 1: Our sacred Rights with weapons you’d assail?
You weren’t appointed General to do us wrong!
We stand upon our Rights! Justice is strong!
MICHAEL: Conspiracy ‘gainst God scant justice shows!
REBEL 2: We’ve served Him worthily, as well He knows!
REBEL 1: But let the heavenly order not be changed –
Officials of our Fatherland not ranged
Below Mankind! For Heaven’s Hierarchies,
Thrones, Powers and Principalities,
Spirits, Angels, Archangels never would
Endure such ignominy – even should
Your lightning spear transfix devoted breast:
By Adam’s offspring, we’ll not be oppressed!
MICHAEL: Let all disperse upon my given sign!
Who breaks his oath to me, our King Divine
Betrays as well … At once, back to your posts,
Like faithful soldiers of the Heavenly Hosts!
What frenzy made you act in such a manner?
Who goes to war – unless beneath my banner –
Makes war on God and war on His domain!
REBEL 1: Who fights for Right, no tyrant can restrain!
Each much protect his Rights … That’s nature’s way!
MICHAEL: I order you: disarm without delay!
Honour and oath you’ve shamed by your designing!
REBEL 2: We Angels, bound by nature, are combining
In mutual defence. Not one alone –
All Heaven’s angels have been overthrown!
MICHAEL: Were you equipped with arms to fight in Heaven?
The Godhead to attack, were weapons given?
If you misuse your strength, beware God’s power!
REBEL 1: God’s Deputy due here within the hour,
Having been summoned to appear most urgently.
We’ll hazard all in an emergency:
Sooner see Angel fighting Angel than subject
Our Rights to tyranny –
MICHAEL: I’d not suspect
God’s Deputy of foolishness so grave …
REBEL 2: Foolish is what I’d call it to enslave
The elder brother to the younger son –
That Angels, their true nature forced to shun,
Should battle – like with like, in rank and kind –
That’s foolish beyond measure, to my mind!
MICHAEL: You stubborn souls! You’re Sons of Light no more!
The misbegotten who God’s will ignore,
His lightning and implacable rage provoke,
Likewise, their own destruction - at a stroke!
You heed no counsel or command – so, wait,
And God, upon His Throne, will legislate!
Meanwhile, all Angels who are loyal and pious,
Stand well apart from those who would defy us!
REBEL 1: Fall out, who will! Our strength shall not decrease!
MICHAEL: Loyalists, follow me!
Silence, then, with mocking laugh.
REBEL 1: Go you in peace!
BEELZEBUB: Michael will tell God all about the plot.
Take courage! Lucifer in his chariot,
Is speeding hither. Wait till he’s arrived:
Sound of great wind, rumbling chariot wheels, shouts of “Lucifer”.
No leaderless army ever yet survived;
As for myself, the task would be too great!
LUCIFER: All Heaven’s rumbling with this debate –
Picked troops at odds and bitterly divided!
Revolt is spreading fast, so I’ve decided
That action’s needed to forestall a rout!
REBEL 1: Lucifer, refuge of the true devout!
Unlike Prince Michael, you will not, we trust,
See Angels’ necks prostrated in the dust,
As footstool for Man’s progeny intended –
Nor let this pill be sweetened and commended
With specious talk, nor yet devote your might
To hastening Earthling’s upward flight!
Who knows what honours he’d accord those sons?
Why should we serve a worm and be the ones
To bear it up and hearken to its voice?
Did God make Heaven and Angels to rejoice
Men only? Better He’d not created us at all!
REBEL 2: Lucifer, mercy! Don’t let our Order fall
So low, we drown, though wholly innocent,
While Man, the Angels’ master, bathes content
In light divine and Seraphim, in fear,
Stand trembling or, like shadows, disappear!
If you’ll but deign injustice so immense –
As champion of our cause – to recompense,
We swear that we’ll support you to the end!
REBEL 1: Receive this broad-axe – and our Rights defend!
By force of arms, we’ll seat you on that Throne,
Whose majesty’s reserved for Man alone!
We swear that we’ll support you to the end –
Take up this battle-axe, our Rights defend!
LUCIFER: Sons – fidelity unblemished in God’s sight –
All that He wishes and requires is right.
Knowing no other Law – God’s Deputy –
I second His every order and decree.
My hand received this sceptre which I hold
From the Almighty – gauge of his manifold
Blessings, grace and love for Angelkind.
If Adam he now favours, heart and mind,
And means to grant Man full authority
In Heaven over you and over me,
Though we’ve not failed and do our duty still:
What can we do? For who would cross His Will?
Had He intended, Adam to invest
With Angel-form, in Angel’s glory vest,
The scions of Heaven and the Sons of Light
Would not complain. But they detect a slight!
Being critical’s not in itself a crime:
It all depends on where it leads in time –
To meek submission or to stout resistance.
I pray that God may pardon your persistence!
REBEL 1: We pray you, Lucifer: accept this mace!
Champion our Rights! Lead on! You set the pace!
We’ll follow you, swift-winged and glorious –
Either we’ll perish or emerge victorious!
LUCIFER: That flouts our oath and Gabriel’s decree …
REBEL 2: But God is flouted by Man’s majesty!
LUCIFER: Let God protect His glory and His Throne!
REBEL 1: But we’re with you! Consider well you own!
The whole of Angeldom is on your side:
We’ll not let Man our Crown – God’s Crown – deride!
LUCIFER: Prince Michael, armed by God and blest by Him,
Will soon be here with Hosts of Seraphim;
Between your force and his, the gap is wide!
REBEL 1: But, once they know that you are on our side,
A third of all his Angels will defect.
LUCIFER: By then, the die’ll be cast – my credit wrecked
With your oppressors –
REBEL 1: Courage, stout-heartedness,
Shame, sorrow, caution, scorn, profound distress,
A thirst for vengeance, baulked of satisfaction –
All these will help to stiffen us in action!
BEELZEBUB: The Holy Kingdom is as good as ours:
Whatever we decide, armed might empowers!
So, let us range ourselves as if for war –
And let the waverers waver no more!
LUCIFER: Then … force with force to parry, I will dare!
BEELZEBUB: Good Lord Lieutenant, brave beyond compare,
Ascend to Throne, that we may pledge allegiance!
LUCIFER: Bear witness, Beelzebub – all heads of legions –
Apollion, Belial – witness the fact
That, taking command, reluctantly I act
God’s Kingdom to defend, our Rights to shield!
BEELZEBUB: Raise up the standard, swear a compact sealed
In loyalty to God and Morning-Star!
REBEL 1: We swear alike – by God and Lucifer!
BEELZEBUB: Bring incense here, God’s faithful Sons of Light,
With fragrant bowls and candles burning bright.
Let Lucifer be censes, his glory shine
By torchlight’s glow. Let’s honour him with fine
Poems and songs, music of shawm and trump,
‘Tis fitting we salute him with great pomp!
Clear let your voices ring
In honour of our King …
CHORUS OF REBEL ANGELS: Upwards and onwards, Lucifer’s files,
Follow his lead!
Gather your forces, muster your wiles
To meet our need!
Follow the Spirit and by him stand,
Guarding your Rights and Fatherland!
Help him Michael’s host repel,
Bravely proceed!
Adam for ever from Heaven expel –
And all his breed!
Follow our hero with trumpet and drum –
To save the Crown of Angeldom!
See how the Day-Star’s banner shines!
Awed by the sight,
The enemy’s standard swift declines,
Lost in the night!
Triumphant, we crown our Lucifer,
Censing him and Morning-Star!
CHORUS OF LOYAL ANGELS: How virtue’s been corrupted!
That civil war should split
Our regiments close-knit,
And violence have erupted!
What blind and senseless sin!
For, which of us, as brothers,
Whether he die or win,
Can revel in another’s
Suffering or defeat –
All citizens of Heaven …
To see one’s kin retreat,
Or into exile driven!
Sons in one image made,
How have your footsteps strayed!
Alas! Why should they wander.
These Spirits, so misled.
Security to shed
Angelic bliss to squander
And battle without need?
Hazarding all they treasure –
Too great our wealth, indeed –
Too vast it is to measure!
Yet Heaven won’t suffice
To satiate ambition:
Their anger, in a trice,
Has turned to rank sedition
In peaceful Fatherland.
Whose is the guiding hand?
Can the furnace not be dampened
By the power of greater Might,
Anxious to preserve its Right?
All’s at stake! Ambition rampant,
Heaven, Earth, both sea and shore,
Will engulf in flames of war!
Such ambition, victories gaining,
Counterfeit respect may win –
God and all restraint disdaining:
Envy knows no God, nor kin!
End of Act Three.