GABRIEL: All Heaven’s flickering with the lurid flame
Of treason and revolt. I urge you, in God’s name
And for His Throne, to start without delay,
Zealously to burn out and sweep away
This blight of God’s renown and Angeldom!
Lucifer’s raised a force with trump and drum!
MICHAEL: Has Lucifer his sacred oath betrayed?
GABRIEL: A third of Heaven, by his standard swayed,
Have pledged their troth to Morning-Star, enthroned
And censed, as he were God, while they intoned
Blasphemous songs of praise and flattery!
They’re headed this way, bent on battery,
Threatening to force the arsenal’s main door
And loot the contents of the weapon-store.
It’s like a tempest, raging above, below;
Lightening flickering, thunder crashing, skied aglow!
The palace trembles, pillars all but rent.
The silent Seraphim, all praises spent,
Sit, each lamenting and in deep travail;
The Angel-choirs are still, then shriek and wail
A chorus full of bitter woe and grief
At the apostasy beyond belief
Of their blind Angel-brothers. It’s high time
To do your duty, heed the oath sublime
You swore, as General, on a lightning bolt,
By God and His great Name –
MICHAEL: But what could jolt
God’s Lord Lieutenant so outrageously
That he’d command this base conspiracy?
GABRIEL: I’m forced, as Heaven knows, God’s righteous cause
In this way to defend: for stern the laws
That Lucifer’s broken, dread the punishment!
No means was found to stifle the dissent –
To lead these mad, blind wretches back to reason!
I saw God’s joy cloud over at their treason …
Desire to be revenged at last gave rise
To flames of anger in the Almighty’s eyes,
Before He ordered action. Arguments
Between God’s Mercy and Justice were intense,
As they expounded their respective cases;
I saw Cherubim fall on their faces,
Crying repeatedly “Have mercy, Lord!”
One might just possibly have reached accord –
God seemed inclined to reconciliation …
But then, the reek of incense fuelled vexation –
The rising fumes of Lucifer’s enthronement,
Trumpets and songs of praise. Hope of atonement
Vanished, for Heaven frowns on idolatries,
Condemned by God and all the Hierarchies.
No mercy, then! Arise! Your armour don!
God charges you, before we’re set upon,
To tame the wild Behemoths with your might
And impious Leviathans put to flight!
MICHAEL: Shield-bearer, Uriel, bring lightning here!
God’s banner fetch! My armour, helm and spear!
Let sound the trumpets! Swift to arms! Make haste,
You Powers and Thrones, all Angelkind that’s graced
With faith and loyalty! Troops of the line,
Prepare for battle! Heaven’s given the sign!
Flourish the trumpets, beat the hollow drum!
Summon all Angelkind and let them come
Armed – as I now arm myself – for war!
God’s glory is at stake – no less, no more!
GABRIEL: That suit of armour fits you like a skin!
Here is your standard with God’s crest, wherein
His shining Name, the sun on top, augur success!
Waving God’s flags, cornets above us press,
Saluting your command of Heaven’s might:
Courage, Prince Michael! It’s God’s war you fight!
MICHAEL: Commend me well on high! Now let’s away!
GABRIEL: Our hearts go with you, while we watch and pray!
The rebel camp. LUCIFER and BEELZEBUB.
LUCIFER: What of our army? How are things progressing?
BEELZEBUB: The army’s ready and eager, with your blessing,
To plunge upon the van of Michael’s force!
REBEL 1: We wait Lord Lucifer’s command, of course,
To sweep them, wings and weapons, from the sky –
Wind, air and space our enemy we’ll deny,
And, when he’s powerless, bind him in chains!
LUCIFER: How many are we? Have we made some gains?
BEELZEBUB: They’re flooding in from battlement and spire
To join our ranks – a shimmering sea of fire!
I’d say a third of Heaven’s on our side –
If not half! Archangel Michael’s tide
Is clearly on the ebb and fast receding.
Half of the sentinels, as well as leading
Privy Councillors from each Hierarchy,
Prince Michael have rejected – as have we!
Cherubim one sees, Archangels, Seraphim –
All waving standards. Paradise is grim,
Prostrate with grief; the only colour, grey:
Nothing but signs of imminent decay,
While overhead the sable storm-clouds flurry.
It augurs well for us. No need to worry –
The Heavenly Crown upon your brow, I see …
LUCIFER: That’s better news than Gabriel’s decree!
All of you, listen, clustering at my feet:
Commanders, gallant knights! Hear, short and sweet,
My message to you all! Pay close attention!
Seeing how far we’ve travelled in dissension,
By thirst for vengeance on the Godhead driven –
Retreat were madness! We’ll not be forgiven!
Let none suppose this irremediable stain
God’s grace will cleanse! Therefore, we must remain
Determined to fight, neither to yield nor waiver:
By force – betraying neither fear nor favour –
This standard and my Star’s ascent assure,
That our free state of Angels may endure!
So, come what may, be bold and undeterred!
Your Angel-nature, centuries past conferred,
No might – albeit almighty – can destroy!
If, with a will, our strength we now deploy,
Strike at the enemy’s heart and win the fray –
Why! Heaven’s tyranny has had its day!
The Angels shall stay free and Adam’s seed,
Reigning supreme in consort with his breed,
No slave-chains round your necks shall ever set,
Nor force you in Man’s interest to sweat,
Half-throttled by the captive’s yoke for ever!
You’ve chosen me to lead your free endeavour –
Sworn by this standard to revere your choice –
Now, swear your oath again, with a single voice –
Pledging your loyalty to Morning-Star!
REBELS: We swear alike, by God and Lucifer!
BEELZEBUB: Raphael has flown down – with anguish but goodwill –
Bearing an olive-branch. He’s hoping still
That we’ll negotiate an armistice!
Enter RAPHAEL. On sign from LUCIFER, BEELZEBUB withdraws.
RAPHAEL: Lord Deputy, mouthpiece of God’s Law, what’s this?
What’s driven you to stray from duty’s path,
To scorn your glory’s well-spring, brave His wrath,
Irresolute and wavering in allegiance?
I’m shocked! I can’t conceive such disobedience!
I hang upon your words, in lamentation …
LUCIFER: Good Raphael…
RAPHAEL: Joy of my life! My inspiration!
Hear me, I beg…
LUCIFER: As long as you desire!
RAPHAEL: For pity’s sake! Wherefore in war-attire
Should you confront me? I am sore distraught
With grief on your account! Medicine I’ve brought –
The salve of Holy Grace, freely provided
By God who, with his Counsellors, decided
You to anoint – above a thousand peers –
As His crowned Deputy in all the spheres.
What lunacy has so confused your mind?
You, on whose holy brow the Godhead signed
His likeness and His seal, on you bestowing
Beauty and wisdom, favours ever-flowing
From His great treasure-fount in copious streams?
Next God in Paradise, you cast your beams,
As from a cloud of dew and roses fresh;
Your festive raiment was a solid mesh
Of pearls and rubies, emeralds, gold-encrusted;
The heaviest sceptre to your hand was trusted;
When you appeared, trumpets and drums resounded –
The echoes from the very stars rebounded!
You’d recklessly reject such pomp and pride –
Beauty and splendour lightly cast aside?
Your radiance which adds to Heaven’s lustre,
Eclipsing ours, you’d hazard for a cluster
Of beasts and crude monstrosities instead:
A griffon’s razor-claws, a dragon’s head?
These horrors you’d prefer to put on show?
That Heaven’s stars should see you brought so low!
For oath betrayed, all power and glory gone!
May God forbid, whose face I gazed upon
In light perpetual, as we Blessed Seven,
Trembling, wait upon the Throne of Heaven –
Before that Majesty that gilds our brows
And every living thing with life endows!
Lord Deputy, I pray you, do not spurn
My plea. My aim is pure and my concern
Heartfelt! Put off your armour, doff your crest,
Fling down your shield and war-axe lay to rest!
No longer strive! Surrender I implore!
Lower your standard, fold your wings before
The Godhead’s glittering omnipotence,
Lest from this pinnacle He cast you hence,
And grind you all to powder for your pains,
So that no trace of Angelkind remains:
No root nor branch, no memory of life –
Not even one of misery and strife –
Of death, despair, remorse, eternal shame
And gnashing teeth – unworthy of life’s name!
Here, seize this olive-branch! Capitulate!
Accept God’s mercy now – else it’s too late!
LUCIFER: Hold, Raphael! Threats and rage I don’t deserve.
Both God and Lucifer, my heroes serve!
This flag was raised, by oath to Heaven bound!
Say what they like up there, I stand my ground
Under God’s aegis, fighting to protect
The rights of Angels, promised God’s respect
Before Man ever saw the light of day,
Or sun on Adam’s garden cast its ray!
No Angel’s neck shall to Man’s yoke succumb,
Nor Adam’s throne be propped by Angeldom,
Nor free-born Angel toil as Adam’s slave –
That’s if we’re not assigned a common grave,
Our sceptres, God-given crowns and brave display
All sepulchred for ever and a day!
Befall what may, I honour Holy Right –
Driven, by utmost need alone, to fight –
And only with reluctance overcome
By thousand-tongued complaints from Angeldom!
Go, tell the Father under whom I stand,
That I’m still loyal to Flag and Fatherland!
RAPHAEL: Think you with flowery phrases to disguise
Your true intent from God’s all-seeing eyes?
His piercing light all darkness penetrates.
It’s lust for power inordinate inflates
A womb in labour with a monstrous child!
Where can I hide in terror? Thoughts run wild:
O Morning-Star mistaken! Swift, retreat!
You cannot lull the Godhead by deceit!
LUCIFER: What lust for power? Where did my duty fail?
RAPHAEL: Your inmost heart would tell a different tale:
“I’ll scale the Heavens’ topmost peak! I’ll rise
Above the clouds, bestride God’s star-filled skies,
Like God Himself! No living creature known
But will not owe his fiefdom to my Throne!
All majesties, all crowns and sceptres golden
To my High Kingship equally beholden!”
Cover your face, kneel down and fold your wings,
Pay homage to the Lord and King of Kings!
LUCIFER: How so? Do I not represent the Lord?
RAPHAEL: You do. To you, the Almighty did accord
Specific power to function in His Name –
LUCIFER: But only till Prince Adam, to our shame,
Was set above all Angels, for it’s planned
That Man shall take his place at God’s right hand!
RAPHAEL: If God with lesser beings shares His might –
To crown Man King of Angels deems it right –
And orders that this Man be consecrated
Above all Rulers who to rule are fated,
Then – with good grace – accept the plan God’s laid!
LUCIFER: That plan’s the stone on which I whet my blade!
RAPHAEL: You sharpen it in peril of your neck!
Think what you’re doing! Heaven will no fleck
Admit of envy, arrogance or hate –
Such gross dishonour will obliterate!
Deceit won’t help. It’s not worthwhile to try
To hide misdeeds from that all-seeing Eye.
O Lucifer, how is your glory fled?
LUCIFER: For Adam and his offspring, long since shed!
Let me no more be called the foremost heir,
The eldest son –
RAPHAEL: Lord Lucifer, beware!
Conform to the Almighty’s will abiding!
Let me the bearer be of this glad tiding,
Which those above all yearn to hear from me!
Most humbly, I entreat your majesty:
For love of God, don’t spur this rebel herd –
As round a pivot – moving at your word!
Would you, opposing Heaven’s will sublime,
This sacred air of peace – for the first time –
Disrupt with thousands armed, here on parade,
With trump and drum, the flag of war displayed –
To turn on God, most mighty Adversary?
LUCIFER: He turned on us. Had Adam’s progeny
Been granted status equal to our own –
That, we could bear. But now the sparks have flown,
From this dispute in Heaven, far and wide.
Be silent, Angeldom! Swallow your pride!
Yield all that’s yours to Adam and his like!
Deny them – and at God Himself you strike!
How could God bear so to humiliate
Creatures He made to rule the Heavenly State?
Those, who to reign are chosen and anointed,
Cannot revere a lesser being appointed –
Glory and power resign to an opponent;
Rather they curse the day of their enthronement,
Would sooner far have never been selected,
Remaining shadows – lifeless, grey, neglected:
Better be nothing, any day, than relegated!
RAPHAEL: Authority’s not owned; it’s delegated!
LUCIFER: Sooner not have it, if it’s just on loan!
RAPHAEL: Be mindful of your duty to the Throne.
The post of Deputy, your wisdom gained –
That Heaven’s law and peace might be maintained!
And now, you take up arms against the Lord –
A traitor captaining a rebel horde?
LUCIFER: We armed in self-defence and direct need:
Who’d wish against the Godhead to proceed?
The facts speak clearly, were no spear in sight:
We will be free and victory is our right!
RAPHAEL: No victory’s sweet when, in the self-same State,
Armed troops with their kith and kin must extirpate.
Most grievous when the combatants are brothers
And victory for some’s defeat for others!
For all our sakes, to spare the Godhead’s vengeance –
Lord Deputy, disperse your troops and engines!
By earnest pleading let your heart be melted!
I hear the dreadful sound of chains being smelted,
To drag you, shackled in defeat, across the skies
In triumph. If I can trust my ears and eyes,
Michael’s close by, with many a battalion:
High time, my Lord, to end this mad rebellion!
LUCIFER: No good being sorry now … It is too late!
No hope of peace…
RAPHAEL: There is! I’ll mediate;
I warrant you that mercy shall be found.
LUCIFER: To see my Star disgraced, in darkness drowned,
Proud enemies usurp my Throne and rule …
RAPHAEL: Lord Lucifer! I see the sulphur-pool,
With throat agape in grisly expectation!
Shall you, most handsome being in God’s Creation,
Be cast as prey, that greedy maw to stuff –
The fire that can’t be quenched or fed enough?
May God forbid! I beg of you to cease!
Accept this olive-branch! Receive God’s peace!
LUCIFER: So wretchedly, did creature ever veer
Between faint hope and overwhelming fear?
If victory’s doubtful, is defeat in store
For him who with the Godhead hazards war?
Who, for the first time ever, takes a stand
Against God’s Holy Will and high command,
Leads insurrection ‘gainst the Godhead’s Throne
To change the laws of Heaven for his own –
Bearing the curse of base ingratitude,
Spurning the love, grace and beatitude
Of bounteous Father, source of all that we’ve
Been blest with in the past, or shall receive?
My steps have strayed too far from duty’s path!
I have abjured my Maker, scorned His wrath!
How can my blasphemous arrogance be concealed?
There’s no way back! I’ve climbed too high to yield!
What shall I do? How act in my despair?
Time brooks no pause. Had I a minute spare,
That were not time enough – if time at all –
The instant twixt Salvation and the Fall!
Too late! No cure for blemish so profound!
All hope is lost. I hear God’s trumpet sound!
APOLLION rushes in to join LUCIFER and RAPHAEL.
APOLLION: Lord Deputy, to arms! No indecision!
God’s General, with many a division
Approaches, summoning you to take the field!
It’s time to demonstrate the power you wield.
Dispose your forces, march! The battle’s won!
LUCIFER: You speak too soon; the battle’s not begun!
Let none of conflict or of war make light!
APOLLION: I saw Archangel Michael, pale with fright –
His followers cast many a backward glance!
Doubt not, we’ll slaughter them as they advance!
Here are your Colonels, with the standard, ready –
LUCIFER: Take up your posts and hold your units steady!
Let bugles blow and trumpets lustily!
APOLLION: We wait your word –
LUCIFER: I give it… Follow me!
RAPHAEL alone.
RAPHAEL: Alas, he was already undecided!
Despair now drives him. Angeldom misguided
He has condemned to woe in what abyss!
No more shall he appear in heavenly bliss,
Unless God’s pity otherwise ordains.
You Heavenly choirs, come, raise your prayerful strains!
Entreaties might yet hold both side apart:
An ardent prayer can melt the stoniest heart!
CHORUS OF ANGELS: O Father, who no incense-bowl,
No gold, no paean would extol
More highly than serene submission
By humble creatures who accept
The justice of Divine precept
And to Your Will their hearts condition –
Behold, Creator of the Universe,
Your wish opposed by Lucifer’s
Defiance of Your disposition:
How, chariot-born, with trump and drum,
By blind ambition overcome,
He challenges Your proclamation.
Forgive this blasphemous mistake
And, for so many thousands’ sake,
Prevent the imminent destruction
Of those who, grievously misled,
Inspired by their rebellious head,
Have taken arms at his instruction!
RAPHAEL: With mercy, O good Lord, look down
On Lucifer, who would the crown
Of Crowns upon his brow see resting,
Beside You sit and over all
In Heaven preside. But now, who shall
Absolve him from such sinful questing?
CHORUS: Let not that beauteous soul, surpassed
By none whereon Your eye was cast,
From Paradise be driven!
His misdeeds let him expiate,
Confirmed in Archangelic state –
His sin by God forgiven!
End of Act Four.