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abortions, 244, 264, 498n

Adamowicz, Irena, 168–69, 175, 191–92, 319, 419, 487n

aid organizations. See rescue groups

AK. See Home Army

Akiva (organization), 134, 136–37, 141–42, 145–46, 491n

Aktions. See deportations

Aleichem, Sholem, 153

aliyah. See Palestine

Alster, Paula, 74, 475n, 477n

Altman, Tosia

    aliyah desire of, 77

    arrival in Vilna, 76–77, 78–79

    background of, 77–78

    Będzin ghetto visits, 126

    as courier, 78, 176, 178, 179–80

    death of, 222, 494n

    escape and hiding, 221, 222

    false news of death, 171, 211, 493n

    Final Solution news and, 79–81

    leadership role of, 8, 76, 77–78, 469n

    use of codes, 127

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 155

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 196, 208, 213, 215

    ZOB and, 89, 90, 150, 196

American Jews, 404–5, 513n

American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), 46–47, 48–49, 83, 263–64, 394, 512n

Anilevitz, Mordechai, 126–27, 128, 151–52, 207, 208, 209–10, 211

Anna. See Heilman, Anna

Antek. See Zuckerman, Yitzhak

Anti-Fascist Bloc, 84–85

anti-Jewish laws, 76

antisemitism. See Nazi racial theory; Polish antisemitism

Arendt, Hannah, 405

armbands, 12, 43, 52, 106, 389, 464n

armed Jewish resistance, 7

    couriers and, 176–77

    Lubliniec revolt and, 132–33

    Nazi comment on, 161, 486n

    planning for, 83–85, 126–29, 137, 149, 160, 477n

    ZZW, 149, 209, 213, 404, 485n, 491n, 517n

    See also Fighting Pioneers; ZOB

Armia Krajowa (AK). See Home Army

Armia Ludowa (People’s Army) (AL), 149, 219, 221, 227, 410

Aryan side undercover activities, 3

    armed Jewish resistance planning and, 89, 90, 150

    Będzin, 164

    Chaika, 496n

    uniform disguises, 144, 484n

    Vitka, 248

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 194, 209, 228, 490n, 494n

    weapons smuggling, 90, 150, 164, 228, 230–31, 490n

    ZOB work in, 89, 151

    See also smuggling

Aspler, Mina (“Mad Maria”), 515n

assassinations, 3, 89, 90, 146, 151, 219, 478n

assimilation, 96–98

    Bela, 181, 184–85, 186–87, 188, 489n

    Bela’s imprisonment and, 325, 334

    Catholicism and, 107–8, 179, 184–85, 488n

    circumcision and, 97, 177, 479n

    couriers and, 5, 177–78, 227–28, 268–69, 488n

    Frumka, 47, 131, 178

    Hantze, 130, 178

    Hela, 227–28

    Hungary, 394

    need for witness and, 347, 353, 508n

    Renia, 107–8, 204–5

    Renia and Ilza’s imprisonment and, 318–24

    survival and, 269–70, 277, 503n

    survivor experience and, 428

    Vitka, 248

    Vladka, 178, 268–69

    See also couriers

Association of Tartar-Muslims, 97

Astrid, 170, 171, 487n, 488n

Atid orphanage (Warsaw), 120–21, 158, 167, 310, 382, 497n, 512n. See also Atid orphans

Atid orphans

    Aryan family placement of, 260, 379

    attempt to join partisan detachment and, 241

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 303

    deportations and, 236

    ghetto formation and, 158, 159

    Max and, 234

    Sarah and, 379, 380

atrocities. See Nazi atrocities

Auerbach, Rachel, 74

Augenfeld, Liba Marshak, 498n, 516n, 519n, 520n, 521n

Augenfeld, Rivka, 519n

Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp

    armed resistance in, 7

    Bela and Lonka at, 329–34, 353–55, 359

    camaraderie in, 355–56, 510n

    couriers deported to, 169, 329–30, 496n

    escape attempts, 352–53

    executions at, 358–59

    forced labor at, 350, 354, 355

    ghetto deportations to, 159–60, 236, 238–39, 305, 347

    Home Army revolt plans and, 350–51

    kommandos (work units), 330–31

    mugshots of, 330

    organized escape plans at, 352

    romantic relationships in, 351, 509n

    sonderkommandos, 351, 357

    underground resistance in, 7, 349–52, 353, 356–59, 508n, 509n, 510n, 511n

Avengers, 432–33

Baran, Dvora, 218, 505–6n

Baum, Rachel, 510n

Beatus, Frania, 218


    armed Jewish resistance planning, 126–29, 160

    deportations from, 119, 121–26, 481n, 482n

    despair in, 156–57

    forced labor, 119

    German invasion, 12, 464n

    history of, 11–12, 480n

    Renia’s relocation to, 14–15, 110–12, 129

    Young Guard in, 119–20, 121, 125, 126, 164, 481n

    Zonder passes, 129, 481n

    See also Będzin Freedom youth movement; Będzin ghetto; Będzin Judenrat

Będzin Freedom youth movement

    Atid orphanage, 120–21, 158, 167, 310, 382, 497n, 512n

    attempt to join partisan detachment, 240–42

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 295

    Bela and, 183–84, 187

    betrayal of, 258–59, 501n

    decision to stay, 13, 14, 15–16, 160

    as early hub, 47

    escape plans, 13, 15, 160

    Judenrat conflict, 165–67

    Sarah and, 108, 109

    uprising preparations and, 163

Będzin ghetto, 7, 13–16

    armed Jewish resistance planning, 126–29

    Aryan family placement of children, 260, 379, 380

    deportations from, 119, 121–26, 159–60, 233–37, 481n, 482n, 497n

    educational activities, 121

    escape plans, 272–80

    forced labor and, 121–24, 164

    formation of, 12, 158–59, 486n

    German invasion, 12, 464n

    ghetto formation, 12

    Nazi atrocities, 156–57, 160

    Renia’s relocation to, 14–15, 110–12, 129

    uprising preparations, 163–64, 169, 224, 271

    work permits, 129, 481n

    Young Guard in, 119–20, 121

    See also Będzin ghetto liquidation

Będzin ghetto liquidation

    “fighters’ bunker”, 306–8, 506n

    liquidation camp, 304–5, 308–9, 378

    Renia’s arrival and, 281–83

    rescue attempts, 310–13

    resistance group discovered, 298–300, 506n

    resistance group held by guards, 300–301, 302–4

    resistance group trapped in bunker, 292–97

    torture, 301–2

    warnings of, 260, 261

Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 306–8

Będzin Judenrat

    armed Jewish resistance planning and, 128

    children’s programs and, 119–20

    deportations and, 124, 125, 235, 237, 239

    Freedom conflict with, 165–67

    ghetto formation and, 158, 159

    Nazi atrocities and, 156–57

    Renia’s lobbying, 132

    uprising preparations and, 164

Begin, Menachem, 404

Bela. See Hazan, Bela

Ben-Avram, Chaim Shalom, 423, 518n

Ben-Gurion, David, 432, 441

Benito. See Ronen (Rosenberg), Benito

Berger, Frances (Fruma), 406, 407, 498n, 516n

Berman, Basia, 74, 270, 475n

Bernard, Mark, 462n

Betar youth movement, 84

    ZZW militia, 149, 209, 213, 404, 485n, 491n, 517n

Bialik, Chaim Nachman, 121

Białystok, 7, 183, 226, 229, 230, 496n

Białystok Anti-Fascist Committee, 230

Bielicka, Chasia

    on black market goods, 471n

    Catholicism and, 488n

    on courier logistics, 176

    death of, 436

    honor for, 520n

    on psychological reactions, 180

    on sexual assault, 286–87

    strengths learned from family, 414, 516n

    survivor experience of, 407, 429, 436, 515n, 520n

    weapons smuggling and, 229–30, 499n

Bindiger, Marta, 356–57

Birkenau. See Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp

black market

    couriers and, 178

    fake documents and, 104

    ghettos and, 57, 58–59, 471n, 472n

    Jews-in-hiding and, 264

Blass, Hanka, 140–41

“Bloody Sabbath” (April 1942), 85, 477n

Blum, Abrasha, 150

Bohm, Wolf, 298

books. See literary resistance

Borks, Edek, 496n

Bozian, Tzipora, 166

Brandes, Pesa, 294, 298–99, 303, 305

Brandes, Zvi

    armed Jewish resistance planning and, 128

    Będzin Freedom youth movement attempt to join partisan detachments and, 240–41

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 292–94, 295, 299

    Będzin ghetto uprising preparations and, 163

    Chajka names son for, 420

    death of, 302–4

    despair and, 157

Bricha, 409

Bronia. See Hazan, Bela

Brzezinsk, Matthew, 463n


    couriers and, 476n

    early optimism of, 26–27

    Final Solution news and, 84

    Holocaust narrative and, 404

    Jews-in-hiding and, 263, 268, 503n

    Palestine immigration restrictions and, 466n

    resistance group alliances and, 149

    self-defense leagues, 84

    survivor experiences and, 435, 448

    Warsaw ghetto and, 69, 72, 74, 86, 149, 150

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 156

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 194, 491n

    weapons smuggling and, 90

Burman, 330


    assimilation and, 107–8, 179, 184–85, 488n

    Jews-in-hiding and, 263

    non-Jewish assistance and, 487n

    Polish antisemitism and, 24, 25

    post-Soviet Poland, 451

Chaika. See Grossman, Chaika

Chajka. See Klinger, Chajka

“Chapter of Prayer, A”, vii

Chasia. See Bielicka, Chasia

Chawka. See Lenczer, Chawka

Chelmno death camp, 81, 126


    Aryan family placement of, 260, 262–63, 269, 379, 380

    assimilation and, 98

    deportations and, 87–88, 91, 122, 125

    at Mysłowice Prison, 348

    Nazi atrocities and, 262, 501n

    programs for, 70, 120–21

    survivor experiences, 520n, 529

Children’s Aid Society, 430

Chmielnik, 33–34

cholent, 20

Church. See Catholicism

circumcision, 97, 177, 264, 479n

collaborators. See Nazi collaborators

communal farms. See kibbutzim


    armed Jewish resistance planning and, 84–85

    Fighting Pioneers and, 142

    prewar strategies, 26

    resistance group alliances and, 149, 163–64

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 210, 214, 491n

    See also Polish Communist Party

concentration camps

    armed Jewish resistance in, 7

    sexual assault in, 285–87, 354–55

    visual arts on, 475n

    See also death camps

connectors. See couriers

Conti, Irena. See Gelblum, Irena

Cook, Arna, 354

couriers, 3, 6

    armed Jewish resistance and, 176–77

    assimilation and, 5, 177–78, 227–28, 268–69, 488n

    Astrid, 170, 171, 487n, 488n

    Będzin ghetto and, 127

    Bela as, 181, 183–87, 188–89

    Bund and, 476n

    Fighting Pioneers and, 140, 143

    Final Solution news and, 81, 85, 176

    “fives”, 75

    Frumka as, 47, 50–51, 74–75, 130, 176

    honor for, 520n

    importance of, 8, 17, 463n

    Jews-in-hiding and, 261, 262–67, 271

    Lonka as, 185–86, 188, 488n, 489n

    losses of, 169–70

    partisan detachments and, 257–58

    psychological reactions, 180, 269

    Renia as, 171, 172–76, 180, 225–26

    suicide means and, 231–32, 323, 496n

    Tema as, 188

    Tosia as, 78, 176, 178, 179–80

    use of codes, 127, 482n

    Vitka as, 257–58, 501n

    weapons smuggling and, 225–29, 253, 495n, 496n

    women’s expertise, 177–80, 488n

    Zelda as, 253–55

    Zivia and, 74–75, 271

Częstochowa, 7, 150, 267

Davidson, Gusta. See Draenger, Gusta Davidson

death camps

    mothers and, 57

    sexual assault in, 354–55

    underground resistance in, 7, 508n, 509n

    See also deportations; specific camps

Defiance: The Bielski Partisans (Tec), 405

deportations, 64, 98

    Będzin, 119, 121–26, 159–60, 233–37, 481n, 482n, 497n

    Białystok, 496n

    Hershel’s survival, 238–39

    from Kraków, 143–44

    metal file smuggling and, 228

    from Mysłowice Prison, 347

    from Pawiak Prison, 329–30

    psychological reactions and, 93, 95–96

    from Warsaw ghetto, 85–88, 91, 148, 470n, 477n, 478n

Diaspora identity, 22

Diner, Hasia, 404, 513n


    dysentery, 60, 331, 333

    typhus, 58, 115, 332–34, 346

disguises. See assimilation

Draenger, Gusta Davidson

    Akiva and, 136–37

    arrival in Kraków, 135–36

    on assimilation, 180

    escape attempt, 370–72

    Fighting Pioneers and, 137–38, 139–42

    on Hela, 228

    memoir of, 371–72

    on Nazi atrocities, 473n

Draenger, Shimshon, 136–38, 139, 140, 141, 142, 370, 371, 372

Dreifuss, Havi, 504n

Dror. See Freedom youth movement

dysentery, 60, 331, 333

Dzielna. See Warsaw Freedom youth movement

Dzigan and Schumacher, 26, 466n

Edelman, Marek, 151, 211, 213, 215, 485n, 513n, 514n

Eichmann, Adolf, 415, 427

Eisenstat, Miriam, 474n

Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, 220

Epstein, Helen, 516n

Erev Yom Kippur, 255

Escape from the Pit (Kukielka), 424


Fainer, Fania. See Laundau, Fania Fainer

fake documents, 3

    Będzin escape plans and, 13, 15, 278

    Bela and, 183, 185, 186

    couriers and, 3, 79, 172–73, 174

    Fighting Pioneers production of, 139–41

    methods of obtaining, 103–4

    non-Jewish assistance and, 480n

    rescue groups and, 264

false documents. See fake documents

family survivor legacies

    anxiety, 440

    author’s memoir on, 441

    distancing, 426, 441

    empathy, 520n

    family caregiving and, 519n

    family loyalty, 437, 521n

    fear, 3–4

    Freedom philosophy and, 417

    grandchildren and, 437, 521n

    missing relatives and, 425

    noncomforming, 518n

    repression of past and, 415, 416, 428

    risk-taking, 417, 517n

    scholarship, 430, 434, 443

    witness and, 437

Fania. See Laundau, Fania Fainer

Faye. See Lazebnik, Faye Schulman

Feinmesser, Bronka (Marysia), 262, 268, 270

Felix, Kitty. See Moxon, Kitty Felix

Ferstenberg, Luisa, 510n

Fighting Pioneers (Kraków)

    action planning, 137–39

    bonds within, 144–45

    December attacks (1942), 146–47, 484n

    forgery operation, 139–41

    formation of, 137

    gender roles in, 143

    independence, 142–43

    Oneg Shabbat tradition, 145–46

    weapons, 141–42

    weapons acquisition, 141–42

Final Solution

    as code, 464n

    news given to non-Jews, 309, 388

    news spread among Polish Jews, 79–85, 89, 126, 128, 130–31, 176, 476n

    reluctance to believe, 81–82

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 514n

    Zaglembie region and, 12

Fischer, Anka, 287

Fischer, Max, 234, 238, 388, 497n, 506n

Fischer, Mina (pseudonym), 288, 505n

Fiszman, Yitzhak, 396, 476n

“fives”, 75, 128, 138, 163, 482n

Fleischmann, Gisi, 385–86, 512n

folksdeutsch, 52, 64, 361

Folman, Havka, 229, 496n

Folman, Marek, 240–41, 376–77, 497n

Folman, Rosalie, 275, 503n

forced labor

    at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 350, 354, 355

    Będzin and, 119, 121–24, 164

    couriers and, 267–68

    factories, 115, 119, 156, 481n, 486n

    Final Solution and, 82

    Jędrzejów, 56–57

    Renia’s brother in, 59–61

    sexual assault and, 285, 286

    Warsaw ghetto, 49, 150, 485n

    women and, 56, 60, 472–73n

    Zaglembie region, 13, 118–19, 481n

    See also forced labor camps

forced labor camps, 267, 472n

    Renia’s brother Aaron in, 59–61, 99, 115

forced prostitution, 64. See also sexual assault

FPO (United Partisan Organization)

    daily life, 252–53

    founding of, 246, 248

    German train sabotage, 248–49

    German weapon storage destruction, 251

    Ruzka and Vitka’s backgrounds, 246–48

    sabotage missions, 248–50, 251, 499–500n, 501n

    Soviet alliances, 250–51

Frank, Anne, 72, 424

Freedom youth movement, 6

    Antek’s role in, 50–51

    armed Jewish resistance planning and, 83–85, 88

    Bela’s involvement in, 181, 182, 183–84, 187

    Bronka’s involvement in, 186

    deportation responses, 125

    Final Solution news and, 83–84

    Frumka’s involvement in, 44–45

    Frumka’s leadership role in, 44, 45

    German invasion and, 39, 182

    Ghetto Fighters’ House kibbutz and, 414, 415, 426, 429, 433, 437, 442

    Grodno, 187

    Hantze’s involvement in, 67

    Holocaust narrative and, 404

    memoirs on, 424

    publishing by, 71

    resistance group alliances and, 126, 137

    Sarah’s prewar involvement, 28, 30

    service mission of, 46–47

    in Soviet territory, 39

    survivor experiences and, 426

    underground meeting (1939), 40, 469n

    Zionism and, 13, 28, 467n

    Zivia’s prewar involvement, 37

    See also Będzin Freedom youth movement; Warsaw Freedom youth movement

Freiheit youth group, 467n. See also Freedom youth movement

Freud, Sigmund, 30

Freuen in di Ghettos (Women in the Ghettos), 2–3, 4, 5, 6, 8–9, 424, 439–40, 461n

Frumka. See Płotnicka, Frumka

Fuchrer, Mira, 209

Fuden, Regina (Lilith), 218

Futermilch, Macha Gleitman, 200, 219, 492n

Gaftek, Baruch, 163, 306

Galicia, 24

gas chambers. See death camps

Gelbard, Chana, 75, 176, 396, 475n, 476n

Gelbart, Ina, 225, 231, 272, 274, 277, 280

Gelblum, Irena (Halina), 376–77, 419, 506n, 511n, 517n

gender roles

    armed Jewish resistance and, 143

    in ghettos, 55

    in partisan detachments, 242–44, 250–51, 497n

    research and, 450

General Jewish Workers Union of Poland, 477n

Gertner, Ala, 351

Ghetto Fighters’ House kibbutz, 29, 414–15, 426, 429, 433, 437, 442

ghetto girls. See women resistance fighters

ghetto liquidations, 12, 168, 464n, 489n. See also Będzin ghetto liquidation


    black market goods in, 57, 58–59, 471n, 472n

    conditions in, 58–59

    couriers and, 176

    escapes from, 3, 50

    forced labor and, 12–13, 49, 56–57, 121–24, 150, 164, 485n

    gender roles and, 55

    isolation of, 176

    Jędrzejów, 53–59

    liquidation of, 12, 168, 464n, 489n

    mothers in, 57

    Nazi atrocities and, 62–65

    standard policy for, 54

    See also deportations; Judenrats; Warsaw ghetto

Gjedna, Shoshana, 327, 507n

Glanz, Rivka, 47, 150, 271, 278–79, 280, 287, 520n

Gleitman, Macha. See Futermilch, Macha Gleitman

Glick, Hirsh, 384, 512n

Goldfarb-Stypułkowska, Zofia, 515n

Goldman, Emma, 30

Goldstein, Bernard, 476n

Gone with the Wind, 72

Granatshtein, Sarah, 489n

Great Synagogue (Warsaw), 42, 220

Grinshpan, Pnina, 403, 493n

Grodno, 183–85, 187

Grossman, Chaika, 8, 180, 230, 289, 427, 496n, 519n

Grunwald–Spier, Agnes, 462n, 463n

Grupinska, Anka, 145, 491n

guilt, 91, 213, 381, 407, 417–18, 430, 515n

Gusta. See Draenger, Gusta Davidson

Hague, The, 16

Halina. See Gelblum, Irena

Halpern, Ada, 510n

Hammerstein, Leah, 230

Hanoar Hatzioni (The Zionist Youth), 310, 378, 404, 491n, 506–7n, 518n

Hansdorf, Ilza (Aliza), 497n

    Aryan family placement of children and, 260

    on Będzin ghetto liquidation, 306, 307

    Będzin rescue attempts and, 310, 311–12

    capture of, 313–19, 507n

    death of, 364

    deportations and, 234

    imprisonment of, 319–24

    Renia’s return to Będzin and, 291, 292

Hantze (Hanzte). See Płotnicka, Hantze

Harshav, Barbara, 517n

Hashomer Hatzair. See Young Guard, The

Hazan, Bela (Yaari), 181–91

    aliases of, 183, 185

    aliyah desire of, 182

    assimilation, 181, 184–85, 186–87, 188, 489n

    at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 330–34, 353–55, 359

    background of, 181–83

    capture and torture of, 189–91

    as courier, 181, 183–87, 188–89

    death march from Auschwitz, 428

    deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, 329–30

    Freedom youth movement and, 181, 182, 183–84, 187

    as Gestapo translater, 184–85

    Lonka’s death and, 333–34

    loss of family, 188–89

    memoir of, 428, 429–30

    as operating room nurse, 183

    at Pawiak Prison, 191, 325–28

    Polish intelligentsia painting of, 326

    Russian prison detainment and, 182

    smuggling and, 186

    survivor experience, 428–30, 519n

    typhus infection, 332

Hechalutz (Pioneer) Union, 30, 38, 39, 43, 46–47, 127

Hechalutz HaTsair (Young Pioneer), 467n

Hechtkop, Shayndl, 74

Heilman, Anna, 350–52, 356–57, 358, 359, 430, 508n, 509n

Heilman, Esther (Estusia), 350, 351, 352

Heinsdorf, Miriam, 196, 491n

Hela. See Schüpper, Hela

Herscovitch, Akiva, 424–27, 436

Herscovitch, Leah, 425, 426–27, 443

Herscovitch, Yakov, 425, 426, 427

Herzl, Theodor, 22

Himmler, Heinrich, 148, 192, 485n

Hitler’s Blitzkrieg strategy, 31, 38, 182, 468n

Holocaust. See Final Solution

Holocaust memoirs

    Bela, 428, 429–30

    Chajka, 380–81, 419–20, 421

    memorial books and, 424, 519n

    Oneg Shabbat group, 72–73

    Renia, 6, 401, 404, 423–24, 427, 462n, 518n

    sexual assault and, 285

    as witness, 371–72

    Zivia, 416, 417

Holocaust narrative

    American Jews and, 404–5, 424, 513n

    Israeli politics and, 402–4, 413, 415

    minimizing of armed resistance, 7, 462n

    Poland, 407–8, 447–48

    silencing and censoring of women in, 7–8, 405–7, 463n, 514–15n

    Young Guard and, 404, 415, 419–20, 421

Holocaust Remembrance Day, 427, 437

Holocaust study centers and museums

    Ghetto Fighters’ House and, 414–15, 426, 429, 433, 437, 442

    Moreshet, 433–34, 443

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 435

    Yad Vashem, 442–43

Holocaust survivors. See survivor experiences

Home Army (Armia Krajowa) (AK)

    Auschwitz-Birkenau underground and, 350

    postwar Poland and, 408, 418–19, 447

    resistance group alliances and, 149–50

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 213–14, 221

    Warsaw ghetto uprising preparations and, 194

    Warsaw Uprising and, 410

Horn, Yurek, 77

Hungary, Jewish refugees in, 392–95, 512n

Ilza. See Hansdorf, Ilza

Ina. See Gelbart, Ina

Irena. See Adamowicz, Irena


    author’s visit to, 439, 441–43

    Bela in, 429–30

    Chaika in, 519n

    Chajka in, 419–22

    Holocaust narrative in, 402–4, 413, 415

    Renia’s brothers in, 423, 518n

    Vitka in, 433, 434–35

    Zivia in, 413–18

    See also Palestine

Janowska camp, 59–60, 472n

JDC. See American Joint Distribution Committee


    antisemitism in, 26

    forced labor, 479n

    German invasion, 32, 33, 35

    ghetto, 53–59, 61

    Nazi occupation of, 35, 52–53

    Renia’s childhood in, 19–23, 465n

Jewish Agency for Israel, 425

Jewish Diaspora identity, 22

Jewish Fighting Organization. See ZOB

Jewish Furstenberg Gymnazium, 116

Jewish Labor Committee, 263, 435

Jewish Military Union (ZZW), 149, 209, 213, 404, 485n, 491n, 517n

Jewish National Committee, 485n

Jewish partisan women, 244–46

    antisemitism and, 242, 245–46

    gender roles and, 242–44, 250–51, 497n

    guerilla missions of, 245

    medicine by, 244–45

    sabotage missions, 255–56

    sexual assault and, 243, 498n

    in unique Jewish units, 246

    See also partisan detachments

Jewish police, 47, 86, 88, 470n, 487n. See also Judenrats

Jewish refugees, 98, 246, 255, 256–57, 386–90

Jewish resistance

    definition of, 4–5, 461n

    Holocaust narrative on, 7, 403, 404, 405, 513–14n

    humor as, 237, 497n

    literary, 70–72, 75, 249

    memoir writing as, 371–72

    moral/spiritual, 5

    possessions as, 279, 504n, 510n

    size and success/failure of, 6–7, 462n, 514n

    songs of, 384, 512n

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), 133, 482n

Jewish youth movements

    banning of, 475n

    couriers and, 179

    financing of, 49

    German invasion and, 36–37, 182

    influence of, 36–37

    prewar, 27, 28–29, 30, 31, 467n, 468n

    strength learned from, 414

    See also specific groups

Jews-in-hiding, 7, 262–68, 269–71

    Będzin, 507n

    Bund and, 263, 268, 503n

    number of, 265, 462n, 502n

    payment for, 96

    Polish police and, 96

    sexual assault and, 287–88

    Slovakia news of, 389

    Warsaw Uprising and, 411

Joint Distribution Committee. See American Joint Distribution Committee

JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency), 133, 482n

Judenrats, 47–49, 470n

    armed Jewish resistance attacks on, 128, 151

    bribes and, 61, 158

    deportations and, 124, 125, 235, 237, 239

    executions of, 63

    Final Solution news and, 83

    Grodno, 187

    Jędrzejów, 54, 61

    Nazi atrocities and, 156–57

    sexual assault and, 287

    Vilna, 496n

    Warsaw, 47–49, 69, 83, 198, 470n

    Zaglembie, 124–25

    See also Będzin Judenrat; Jewish police

Kacengold, Hela, 241

Kanal, Israel, 89, 90, 478n

Kaplan, Josef, 91, 196

Karliner rabbi, 44

Karski, Jan, 463n

kasharit, 253

kashariyot. See couriers

Katowice prison, 318–24

Katz, Fela, 497n, 501n, 505n, 506n

Katzenelson, Yitzhak, 69, 71, 153

Katzenelson-Shazar, Rachel, 66

Kazik. See Rotem, Simha

Kazimierza Wielka, 106–7

Kempner, Vitka

    Aryan side undercover activities, 247–48

    as courier, 257–58, 501n

    death of, 436, 521n

    meets Ruzka, 246–47

    partisan detachments and, 250–51

    personality of, 435

    sabotage missions, 248–50, 255–56, 499–500n

    survivor experience, 431, 432, 433, 434–35, 521n

Kibbutz Hameuchad, 423

kibbutzim (Poland), 28, 37, 38, 47, 108, 109, 118, 120–21, 163, 182. See also Będzin Freedom youth movement

Kieffer, Fay

Kirshnboym, Rachel, 219

Kleinman, Yoram, 518n

Klibanski, Bronka, 227, 429, 488n

Klinger, Chajka

    aliyah desire, 118

    aliyah of, 391, 395

    armed Jewish resistance planning and, 126–29

    background of, 116–21

    on Będzin fighters discovered, 298–300

    on Będzin fighters trapped in bunker, 292–97

    Będzin ghetto deportations and, 122–24, 126

    Będzin ghetto uprising preparations and, 163, 224, 260, 261

    Benito and, 389–90, 419, 420, 421

    death of, 422

    decision to stay in Będzin ghetto, 15

    escape to Slovakia, 380, 381

    Final Solution news and, 126, 128

    honor for, 17

    David Kozlowski and, 117–18, 126

    in liquidation camp, 304–5, 308–9

    on loss of couriers, 169, 170

    loss of David and, 259, 380

    memoirs of, 380–81, 419–20, 421

    partisan detachments and, 497n

    personality of, 117, 480n

    as refugee in Hungary, 392–95, 512n

    relocation to Będzin, 118

    on resistance group held by guards, 300–301

    survivor experience of, 401, 419–22

    torture of, 301–2

    as witness, 309, 390

    Young Guard leadership role, 117, 118–20, 121

    ZOB and, 127, 132

Klinger, Shoshana Gjedna, 327, 507n

Kobiletz hiding places, 375–76, 377–79, 390–91

Kojak, Bolk (Boleslaw Kozuch), 310–11, 312, 507n

Kol-Inbar, Yehudit, 468n, 490, 498n, 502n

Korczak, Janusz, 69, 87

Korczak, Ruzka

    on armed Jewish resistance, 223

    background of, 246–47

    death of, 434

    as fighter recruiter, 251

    FPO roles of, 246, 252

    on importance of women resistance fighters, 9

    as Paper Brigade smuggler, 249

    sabotage missions and, 251, 257, 501n

    survivor experience, 430–32, 433–34, 520n

    on Tosia, 79

Kosovska, Christina. See Hazan, Bela

Kovel, 17, 39, 50, 188

Kovner, Abba

    death of, 434

    Final Solution news and, 79–80

    gender roles and, 250–51

    partisan detachments and, 246, 247, 248, 250, 255

    resistance mantra of, 115

    resistance planning, 183

    sabotage missions and, 249

    survivor experience of, 412, 432–33

Kovner, Michael, 434–35

Kovner, Shlomit, 434

Kozibrodska, Lonka

    assimilation, 188, 489n

    at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 330–34

    Bela’s memoir and, 430

    Bela’s nursing attempts and, 333

    capture of, 189, 190, 191–92

    as courier, 185–86, 188, 488n, 489n

    death of, 333–34

    deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, 329–30

    Freedom and, 186

    at Pawiak Prison, 325–28

    typhus infection, 332–33

Kozlowski, David, 117–18, 126, 164, 241, 259, 380, 497n

Kozuch, Boleslaw. See Kojak, Bolk


    author’s visit to, 446

    December attacks (1942), 7, 146–47, 227

    ghetto, 135–37, 143–44, 226, 371–72

    Jewish history of, 135

    as Nazi capital, 483n

    See also Fighting Pioneers

Kroin, Haya, 510n

Kukielka, Aaron

    childhood of, 21

    in forced labor camps, 59–61, 99, 109, 115, 472n

    Renia’s wandering days and, 100

    survivor experience, 423, 518n

Kukielka, Bela, 30, 55–56, 114, 466n

Kukielka, Esther, 21, 54–56, 114

Kukielka, Leah

    death of, 480n

    flees from Wodzisław ghetto, 99

    Jędrzejów ghetto and, 53, 55, 57

    Renia receives news of, 108–9

    Renia’s childhood and, 19, 20

    in Sandomierz ghetto, 113–14

    Wodzisław ghetto and, 93

Kukielka, Moshe

    death of, 480n

    flees from Wodzisław ghetto, 98, 99

    Freedom and, 28

    German invasion and, 33

    Renia receives news of, 108–9

    Renia’s childhood and, 19–22, 466n

    in Sandomierz ghetto, 113–14

Kukielka, Renia

    Irena Adamowicz and, 168–69, 191–92

    assimilation, 107–8, 204–5

    author’s meeting with family of, 442, 443–44

    background of, 14–15

    Będzin Freedom youth movement betrayal and, 259

    Będzin ghetto deportations and, 233, 234–35, 236

    Będzin ghetto formation and, 158–59

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 260, 281–83, 305–6

    Będzin ghetto uprising preparations and, 164, 224–25

    Będzin reunion with Sarah, 112–13

    birth of, 19, 464n19

    brother Aaron in forced labor camps, 59–61, 99, 115

    capture of, 313–19, 507n

    childhood home of, 451–52

    childhood of, 19–23, 30–31, 465n, 466n

    as courier, 171, 172–76, 180, 225–26

    death of, 437–38

    decision to stay in Będzin ghetto, 13, 14, 15–16, 160

    despair and, 156, 157

    escape from Mysłowice Prison, 365–70, 372–77

    escape to Slovakia, 378–83

    fake documents, 103

    family name of, 20, 465n

    Final Solution news and, 131

    flees from Wodzisław ghetto, 98–99

    Freedom-Judenrat conflict and, 165–67

    Chana Gelbard and, 476n

    German invasion and, 32–35, 468n

    Gestapo questioning and torture of, 334–40

    Hantze’s arrival in Będzin and, 129–30, 482n

    on Hantze’s death, 201

    Hantze’s death and, 223–24

    Hantze’s escape attempt and, 168

    Hershel’s survival and, 237, 238, 239

    interwar adolescence of, 27–31

    interwar fashion and, 27, 466n

    Jędrzejów ghetto and, 53–56, 57, 58, 59

    on Judenrats, 48, 470n

    in Katowice prison, 318–24

    Kazimierza Wielka housekeeping job, 107–8, 109, 110

    in Kobiletz hiding places, 375–76, 377–79

    languages spoken by, 178, 465n

    marriage of, 424–27

    memoir of, 6, 401, 404, 423–24, 462n, 518n

    at Mysłowice Prison, 340, 341–49, 360–64

    on Nazi atrocities, 62–65, 93–94

    Nazi occupation of Poland and, 35, 52–53

    as orginary person, 6

    partisan detachments and, 241–42

    personality of, 436, 444, 507n

    psychological reactions of, 283–85

    as refugee in Hungary, 392–95, 512n

    as refugee in Slovakia, 386–90

    relocation to Będzin, 14–15, 110–12, 129

    resistance background of, 14–15

    return to Będzin, 291–92, 308

    Sarah’s capture and, 423, 518n

    smuggling, 54–55, 59, 471n, 472n

    survival of, 288, 291

    survivor experience of, 401, 402, 423–27, 435–38, 521n

    wandering days, 99–107

    Warsaw missions from Będzin, 272–80, 503n

    weapons smuggling, 225–26, 231–32, 241–42

    as witness to Warsaw ghetto uprising, 201–5

    Wodzisław ghetto and, 61–62, 93–96

    youth groups and, 27

Kukielka, Rivka. See Kukielka, Renia

Kukielka, Sarah

    Aryan family placement of children and, 379, 380

    assists Renia to Będzin, 14–15, 110

    Będzin children’s programs and, 120–21

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 296

    Będzin liquidation camp rescue attempts and, 313, 507n

    Będzin reunion with Renia, 112–13

    capture of, 423, 518n

    decision to stay in Będzin ghetto, 15

    escape from Będzin ghetto liquidation, 305

    interwar fashion and, 27

    Nazi occupation of Poland and, 53

    Renia’s childhood and, 27, 466n

    Renia’s correspondence with, 108, 109

    Renia’s escape from Mysłowice Prison and, 365–66, 368, 372–77, 378

    Renia’s escape to Slovakia and, 379, 380, 391–92, 512n

    youth groups and, 27, 28, 121

Kukielka, Yaacov (Yankel), 21, 99, 109, 113–14

Kukielka, Zvi (Zamir), 30, 53, 426, 518n, 523

Kuprienko, Tatiana, 361–62

Labor Zionism, 13, 28, 31, 84, 443. See also Freedom youth movement

Langer, Genia, 510n

Laskier, Rutka, 72, 481n

“Last Jew in Poland, The” (Dzigan and Schumacher), 26

Laundau, Fania

Laundau, Fania Fainer, 355, 427, 436, 510n

Lazebnik, Faye Schulman

    honor for, 520n

    partisan guerilla missions, 245

    as partisan nurse, 244–45

    Passover and, 245–46

    photographer, 244

    suicide means and, 496n

    survivor experience of, 408–9

Lemberg (Lvov), 7

Lenczer, Chawka

    background of, 506n

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 296, 305

    escape to Slovakia, 380, 381

    Kobiletz hiding places and, 378, 379

    survivor experience, 401, 424

Lerer, Zippora, 200

Lewisohn, Ludwig, 424

libraries. See literary resistance

Lichtensztajn, Margolit, 73

Limanowska, Bronislawa. See Hazan, Bela

literary resistance, 70–72, 75, 249

Lodz, 47, 58, 72

Lonka. See Kozibrodska, Lonka

Loren, Lea, 218

love relationships. See romantic and marital relationships

Lubetkin, Zivia

    aid, education, and cultural activity focus of, 68–70, 81

    aliyah of, 412–13

    assassinations and, 478n

    background of, 37

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 261

    on Betar, 485n

    children’s programs and, 70

    as courier, 74–75, 271

    directives from, 16

    emissaries and, 167, 196–97

    escape and hiding, 220, 221

    false news of death, 171, 192, 211, 493n

    fight with Kazik, 217, 493–94n

    Final Solution news and, 81, 82–84

    Freedom underground meeting (1939), 40, 469n

    Frumka’s conflict with Jewish police and, 487n

    German invasion and, 38–39

    on ghetto isolation, 176

    on Hantze, 473n

    in hiding, 270–71, 503n

    historical inattention to, 463n

    on Jewish cemetery, 495n

    Jews-in-hiding and, 271

    leadership role of, 49, 84–85, 196, 477n

    liberation of Warsaw and, 411–12

    memoirs of, 416, 417

    name as code for Poland, 51, 212, 470n

    personality of, 37–38

    on psychological reactions, 91

    relationship with Antek, 40, 50–51

    relocation to Warsaw, 36, 40–41, 42–44, 469n

    Renia’s escape from Mysłowice Prison and, 376

    Renia’s escape to Slovakia and, 378–79

    sewer escapes and, 210–11, 213, 214–17, 493–94n

    on Shoshana, 507n

    survivor experience of, 411–18

    tactical change to defense and, 82–85

    training camps and, 49–50

    use of codes, 127

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 148, 151, 152–53, 154–55, 167

    Warsaw ghetto soup kitchen and, 73–74

    in Warsaw ghetto uprising, 197–98, 199–200, 206–9, 210–11, 213

    Warsaw ghetto uprising preparations and, 192, 195–96

    Warsaw Judenrat and, 47–49, 69, 470n

    Warsaw Uprising and, 410–11

    Zionism and, 38

    ZOB and, 88–92, 148, 196, 478n, 482n

    ZOD headquarters gassing and, 212–13

Lublin, 17, 286, 412, 432, 462n

Lubliniec revolt, 132–33

Lutz, Fanny Solomian, 244

Luxemburg, Rosa, 30

Lvov, 7

Macha. See Futermilch, Macha Gleitman

Madejsker, Sonia, 255, 256

Mahut, Helene, 515n

Majdanek death camp, 286

Majewska, Wanda. See Schneiderman, Tema

Mann, Franceska, 352, 509n

Marcus, Moshe, 506n

Marder, Tziporah, 234, 241

Marshak, Liba, 515n

Marx, Karl, 30

Marysia. See Feinmesser, Bronka

Mazia, Fredka, 518n

Meed, Vladka

    Aryan family placement of children and, 262–63

    assimilation, 178, 268–69

    death of, 436

    deportations and, 85–88

    fake documents and, 264

    Jews-in-hiding and, 264–67, 270

    resistance group alliances and, 150–51

    schmaltzovniks and, 180

    survivor experience, 435

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 152

    Warsaw ghetto uprising preparations and, 194

    weapons smuggling, 228–29, 490n

    ZOB and, 90, 150

melinas. See Jews-in-hiding

Meltzer, Genia, 372

memoirs. See Holocaust memoirs

Mengele, Joseph, 333, 507n

Meth, Rose, 510n

militias. See armed Jewish resistance; specific militias

Mire, Gola, 142, 147, 371, 372

Mirka, 145, 343–44, 508n

Mitchell, Margaret

Montelupich Prison, 370–72

moral/spiritual resistance, 5

Moreshet, 433–34, 443

Moscovitch, Rivka, 260, 272–75, 277, 376, 410

Moxon, Kitty Felix, 357, 510n

Mysłowice Prison

    Halina’s escape from, 376–77, 511n

    Renia at, 340, 341–49, 360–64

    Renia’s escape from, 365–70, 372–77

Na’amat (Pioneer Women’s Organization), 424

Nazi atrocities

    Będzin, 156–57, 160

    Bela witnesses, 327

    children and, 262, 501n

    forced labor and, 56, 60

    Frumka’s news of, 131

    ghettos and, 62–65

    invasion of Poland and, 32–33, 34, 35, 183

    psychology of, 473n

    Renia hears stories of, 93–94

    Renia on, 62–65, 93–94, 160, 486n

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 202–3

Nazi collaborators

    atrocities and, 64–65

    Holocaust narrative on, 405

    imprisonment and, 326

    Judenrats and, 48

    Polish police, 96, 478–79n

    Ukrainians as, 64, 473n

    ZOB assassinations, 151

    See also Polish antisemitism

Nazi occupation of Poland, 35, 52–54, 70

Nazi racial theory, 25, 80, 81

non-Jewish assistance

    Irena Adamowicz, 168–69, 175, 191–92, 487n

    betrayal and, 240–42, 258–59

    circumcision and, 97, 479n

    extent of, 447–48, 522n

    factories and, 119, 237, 300, 481n

    fake documents and, 480n

    Hershel and, 238–39

    imprisonment and, 326

    Jews-in-hiding and, 96, 263, 270

    Kobiletz family, 375–76, 377–79, 390–91

    payment for, 96, 377, 511n

    postwar experiences and, 419

    punishment for, 348, 361–62

    Renia’s escape from Mysłowice Prison and, 375

    Renia’s wandering days and, 99, 101, 102–3, 106, 107

    sexual assault and, 287–88

    Warsaw Uprising and, 411

Novogrodsky, Sonya, 74

Olomucki, Halina, 475n

Oneg Shabbat group, 72–73, 74

Oneg Shabbat tradition, 136, 145–46

Ornstein, Jonathan, 446

Paldiel, Mordechai, 404, 461n, 502n


    Bela’s aliyah, 429

    Chajka’s aliyah, 391, 395

    Chajka’s aliyah desire, 118

    escape routes to, 39–40, 47, 388

    Frumka’s aliyah desire, 46

    immigration restrictions, 31, 38, 393, 409, 466n

    Renia’s aliyah, 394, 395–97, 512n

    Ruzka’s aliyah, 431

    survivor experience and, 401–2

    Tosia’s aliyah desire, 77

    Zivia’s aliyah, 412–13

    See also Israel; Zionism

Palevsky, Chayele Porus, 521n

Paper Brigade, 249

partisan detachments, 5

    abortions and, 244, 498n

    antisemitism of, 242, 245–46

    Będzin Freedom youth movement attempt to join, 240–42

    Będzin Freedom youth movement betrayal and, 258–59, 501n

    couriers and, 257–58

    daily life, 252–53

    gender roles in, 242–44, 250–51, 497n

    geography and, 493n

    guerilla style tactics of, 240

    Jewish refugees and, 98, 246, 255, 256–57

    number of, 7

    refugees and, 242

    resistance group alliances and, 149, 240

    sabotage missions, 3, 251, 255–56, 500n, 501n

    sexual assault and, 243, 498n

    sexual/defense economy of, 243–44

    treatment of Jewish women, 242–44

    types of, 498n

    unique Jewish units, 246

    weapons smuggling for, 229, 241–42, 250

    ZOB group, 241–42, 497n

    See also FPO; Jewish partisan women

Passamonic, Rivka, 218–19

passing. See assimilation

Passover, 198, 245, 513n

Paulsson, Gunnar S., 447–48, 461n, 495–96n, 522n

Pawiak Prison, 266

    Bela at, 191, 325–28

    couriers at, 169

    deportations to Auschwitz-Birkenau, 329–30

    executions at, 328, 507n

    Freedom proximity, 326–27

Pearlstein, Leah, 47, 89, 150, 469n, 470n, 489n

Pejsachson, Idzia, 169–70, 224, 487n

Pejsachson, Irka, 119, 120, 125, 497n

Pejsachson, Leah

    Chajka and, 119, 123–24

    deportation to labor camp, 123

    as Young Guard coleader, 122–24

    Young Guard leadership role, 122–24

People’s Army (Armia Ludowa) (AL), 149, 219, 221, 227, 410

Piłsudski, Józef, 25

Pioneer (Hechalutz) Union, 30, 38, 39, 43, 46–47, 127

Pioneer Women’s Organization (Na’amat), 424

Pitluk, Zlatka, 355

Płotnicka, Elyahu, 67

Płotnicka, Frumka

    asked to leave country, 16, 167

    assimilation, 47, 131, 178

    background of, 44–46

    Będzin educational activities and, 121

    Będzin ghetto deportations and, 233, 236

    Będzin ghetto formation and, 158, 159

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 260, 306, 307–8

    Będzin ghetto uprising preparations and, 224

    as courier, 47, 50–51, 74–75, 130, 176, 226–27

    death of, 306, 308

    decision to stay in Będzin ghetto, 14, 16, 160

    disguise as non-Jew, 47

    as emissary, 16, 167, 197

    Final Solution news and, 81, 85, 476n

    Freedom-Judenrat conflict and, 165–66, 167

    Hantze and, 66, 67

    Hantze’s death and, 223–24

    honor for, 17, 427–28, 446, 520n

    intelligence gathering, 47

    Jewish police conflict with, 487n

    leadership role of, 44, 45, 132, 469n

    partisan detachments and, 241

    relationship with Hantze, 66, 67, 131

    use of codes, 127

    Warsaw ghetto soup kitchen and, 73–74

    Warsaw leadership of, 40

    weapons smuggling, 90, 226–27

    writings on, 424

    Zivia’s relocation to Warsaw and, 41, 44

    ZOB and, 89, 90

Płotnicka, Hantze

    arrival in Będzin, 129–30, 482n

    assimilation, 130, 178

    attempt to escape Poland, 167, 170

    background of, 66–68

    childhood of, 66–67

    death of, 201, 224, 492n

    decision to stay in Będzin ghetto, 15

    despair and, 157

    as emissary, 167, 170, 197

    Frumka’s relocation to Warsaw and, 470n

    honor for, 520n

    leadership role of, 469n

    Lodz Freedom community and, 47

    personality of, 66, 67, 473n

    relationship with Frumka, 66, 67, 131

    relocation to Warsaw, 67–68

    Warsaw Freedom youth movement and, 66, 68

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 200–201

    writings on, 424

Płotnicka, Zlatka, 44, 66–67

Poalei Zion party, 467n, 491n

pogroms, 25


    author’s visits to, 444–52

    citizen arrests in, 148

    German invasion, 12, 31, 32–35, 36–37, 182–83, 464n, 468n

    Holocaust narrative in, 407–8, 447–48

    kibbutzim in, 13, 15, 28, 37, 38, 47, 108, 109, 118, 120–21, 163, 182

    occupations and partitions of, 20, 24

    post-Soviet nationalism, 447

    post-Soviet “new Jewish” culture, 445, 446, 449

    Soviet territory in, 39, 67, 76

    survivor experiences and, 407–8, 418–19, 517n

    women’s rights, 29, 467n

    Zivia as code for, 51, 470n

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, 23, 446

Polish antisemitism

    assimilation and, 97–98

    Będzin ghetto deportations and, 236

    Będzin ghetto formation and, 159

    Bund on, 26–27

    Catholicism and, 24, 25

    Final Solution news and, 273

    Jewish culture on, 26

    memoirs on, 448, 522n

    partisan detachments and, 242

    Polish identity and, 25

    in Renia’s childhood, 22, 31, 465n, 468n

    survivor experiences and, 412, 516n

    Zivia’s experience of, 41

Polish chalka, 24

Polish Communist Party (PPR), 142, 149, 163–64, 210, 214. See also Communists

Polish Jews

    culture of, 21, 26, 28

    history of, 23–26

    interwar experience, 27–31, 466n

    interwar fashion, 27

    prewar youth movements, 27, 28–29, 30, 31, 467n, 468n

    women’s public sphere involvement, 29–30, 467n

Polish police, 96, 478–79n

Polish Scouts, 28

Polish underground, 5

    Irena Adamowicz, 168–69, 487n

    Final Solution news and, 83, 84

    Jews-in-hiding and, 270, 502n

    postwar Poland and, 407–8, 418–19, 447

    resistance group alliances and, 149–50

    rival factions of, 149–50

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 194

    Warsaw Uprising, 410–11, 515n

    weapons and, 226

Ponary mass executions, 80, 81, 183, 187, 248, 476n, 496n

Poppert-Schonborn, Gertrude (Lyuka), 509n

post-traumatic stress, 414, 420, 421, 516n

Potasz, Abram, 307, 506n

Poznán, 29

PPR. See Polish Communist Party

preparation kibbutzim. See kibbutzim

psychological reactions

    assimilation and, 269

    callusing of the soul, 62

    collective depression, 27

    couriers, 180, 269

    crying, 283–84, 380, 430–31

    deportations and, 95–96

    depression, 381, 421

    despair, 136, 156–57, 284–85

    family deaths and, 114–15, 139, 224, 244–45, 269, 282, 480n

    gallows humor, 237, 497n

    grief, 297

    hyperactivity, 412, 415, 516n

    hysteria, 294, 322

    Jews-in-hiding, 269, 270

    post-traumatic stress, 414, 420, 421, 516n

    restlessness, 128

    survivor’s guilt, 91, 213, 381, 407, 417–18, 430, 515n

    vengeance, 282, 412, 432

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 192, 490n

    wish for death, 342

    See also suicides and suicide attempts

Purim, 120

Radom forced labor camp, 267

rape. See sexual assault

Ratajzer, Kazik. See Rotem, Simha

reading. See literary resistance

Reich, Haviva, 407

Reinhartz, Henia, 72

Renia. See Kukielka, Renia

rescue groups, 5

    American Joint Distribution Committee, 46–47, 48–49, 83, 263–64, 394, 475n, 512n

    as community, 270

    Hanoar Hatzioni, 310, 506–7n

    Jews-in-hiding and, 263–64, 502n

    Polish dearth of, 461n

    Żegota, 263, 264–65, 271, 502n

Resistance: Jews and Christians Who Defied the Nazi Terror (Tec), 405

resistance group alliances

    armed Jewish resistance planning and, 84–85, 149

    Będzin, 126

    Betar and, 485n

    Kraków, 137

    Polish Communist Party and, 142, 163–64

Revisionist Zionism. See Betar youth movement

Ringelblum, Emanuel, 8, 17, 69, 71, 72–73, 86, 266

Rivka Glanz, 150

Robertson, Wlodka, 263

Robota, Roza, 351, 357, 358–59, 509n

romantic and marital relationships

    in Auschwitz-Birkenau, 351, 509n

    fighters trapped in bunkers and, 294, 505–6n

    FPO and, 248

    ghettos and, 57–58

    partisan detachments and, 243–44

    purity codes and, 117, 426, 505n

    survivors, 409, 412–13, 436–37

    tough assignments and, 248, 499n

    witness and, 390

Ronen, Avihu, 405–6n, 420, 421, 497n, 506n, 518n

Ronen (Rosenberg), Benito, 389, 390, 392, 397, 419, 420, 421

Rosh Hashanah, 35

Rosnow, Mira, 521n

Rosnow, Sara, 521n

Rossner, Alfred, 119, 237, 300

Rotem, Simha (Kazik Ratajzer)

    aliases of, 467n, 493n

    on backup plans, 503n

    Irena and, 517n

    Kukielka, Renia’s Warsaw missions and, 275–76, 503n

    romantic relationships and, 505–6n

    survivor experience of, 419, 517n

    Warsaw sewer escape and, 209, 213–14, 215, 216, 217, 218

Russia, 36, 42. See also Soviet Union

Ruzka. See Korczak, Ruzka

sabotage, 3, 248–50, 251, 499–500n

Sandomierz ghetto, 113–14, 480n

Sarah. See Kukielka, Sarah

Saving One’s Own: Jewish Rescuers During the Holocaust (Paldiel), 404

Schindler, Oskar, 119

schmaltzovniks (blackmailers), 97–98, 180, 287

Schneiderman, Regina, 91

Schneiderman, Tema, 187–88, 229, 489n

Schulman, Faye. See Lazebnik, Faye Schulman

Schulman, Meir

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 292, 295, 299, 305, 506n

    Kobiletz hiding places and, 377, 390–91

    Renia’s capture and, 319

    Renia’s return to Będzin and, 292

Schulman, Morris, 409

Schulman, Nacha, 292, 295, 299, 305, 319, 374, 375

Schumacher, Dzigan and, 26, 466n

Schumacher, Yisroel

Schüpper, Hela, 141–42, 143, 147, 208, 211, 227–28, 436

Schwartz, Helen, 510n

Schwartz, Sheindel, 39

Second Republic, 25

Sedziszów labor camp, 99, 479n

Segal, Faige, 510n

Seksztajn, Gela, 73


Senesh, Hannah, 2, 403, 407, 424

sexual assault

    in death camps, 354–55

    extent of, 285–88

    forced prostitution, 64

    ghettos and, 57

    partisan detachments and, 243, 498n

Shabbat, 19

Sharon, Arieh, 443

Shazar, Zalman, 412, 518n

shtiebel (prayer house), 19

Sikorski, Władysław

Skarzysko-Kamienna arms factory, 115, 286

slave labor. See forced labor

Sleeping Girl (Seksztajn), 73


    Jewish conditions in, 384–85

    Jewish deportations from, 385–86, 389

    Jewish refugees in, 386–90

    Renia’s escape to, 378–83

smuggling, 6

    books, 249

    Jews, 378–83, 386, 391, 512n

    maps of death camps, 150

    methods for, 495–96n

    Nazi concern with, 474n

    Renia, 54–55, 59, 471n, 472n

    underground news, 150

    weapons, 90, 149–50, 164, 225–26, 241–42, 250, 490n

    See also couriers

Sobibor death camp, 7, 85, 352, 509n

Socha (Polish officer), 240

Solomian Lutz, Fanny

sonderkommandos, 351, 357

Sosnowiec, 7

Soviet-Saxon border, 36

Soviet Union

    Battle of Stalingrad, 225–26

    couriers and, 230

    honors given by, 520n

    partisan detachments and, 243, 250–51

    postwar Poland and, 407–8, 418–19

    resistance group alliances and, 149

    Warsaw Uprising and, 410

Spartacus, 219

Spizman, Leib

Springer, Hershel

    Będzin ghetto deportations and, 233, 238

    Będzin ghetto formation and, 158, 159

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 260, 296, 299, 304, 305, 506n

    decision to stay in Będzin ghetto, 13, 14, 15, 16, 160

    false news of death, 235, 237, 238

    Freedom-Judenrat conflict and, 166, 167

    partisan detachments and, 241

Springer, Yoel, 166

Stalingrad, Battle of, 225–26

Star of David armbands, 12, 52, 464n. See also armbands

Stroop, Jürgen, 161, 486n, 492n, 496n

“Struggle for a Jewish Palestine, The”, 22

suicides and suicide attempts, 92, 125, 202, 218, 322–23, 353

survivor experiences

    Bela, 428–30, 519n

    Chaika, 427, 519n

    Chajka, 401, 419–22

    Chasia, 407, 429, 436, 515n, 520n

    children, 520n, 529

    co-survivors as surrogate families, 427–28

    Faye, 408–9

    fragility, 426–27, 519n

    guilt, 407, 417–18, 430, 515n

    Israeli politics and, 402–3, 413

    lack of identity, 401, 408–10, 417n, 418

    long lives, 436, 521n

    missing relatives and, 425, 519n

    Polish antisemitism and, 412, 516n

    post-traumatic stress, 414, 420, 421, 516n

    postwar Poland, 407–8, 418–19, 517n

    Renia, 401, 402, 423–27, 435–38, 521n

    repression of past, 415, 419

    Ruzka, 430–32, 433–34, 520n

    silencing and censoring of women and, 406–7, 419–20, 514–15n

    vengeance and, 432–33

    Vitka, 431, 432, 433, 434–35, 521n

    Vladka, 435

    witness and, 402, 413–14, 416, 431, 435, 437

    Zivia, 411–18

    See also family survivor legacies

survivor’s guilt, 91, 213, 381, 407, 417–18, 430, 515n

Szwajger, Adina Blady (Inka), 227, 262, 270

Tarnów, 7

Tec, Nechama, 405

Teitelbaum, Niuta, 219–20

Tema. See Schneiderman, Tema

Tenenbaum, Mordechai, 187, 429, 475n, 496n

The Count of Monte Cristo, 247

Tolman-Zlotnicki, Hadassah, 510n

Tosia. See Altman, Tosia

training camps (hachshara), 28, 49–50, 67

train sabotage. See sabotage

Treblinka death camp, 7, 89, 91, 114, 126, 130–31, 154

Treger, Zelda, 253–55, 257, 432

typhus, 58, 115, 332–34, 346

Ukrainian collaborators, 64, 188, 473n

Ukrainian kalach, 24

umschlagplatz, 87, 151

underground bunkers, 3, 13, 164, 207–8, 292–97

underground flyers and newsletters, 3, 128, 129, 187–88

United Partisan Organization. See FPO

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 435

UN’s International Court of Justice, 16

Uprising (television show), 7–8

Uris, Leon, 401, 415

victim-blaming, 405, 513–14n


    Bela as courier to, 185–86, 188

    Judenrat, 496n

    Nazi occupation of, 182–83

    sabotage missions in, 3, 255–56, 500n, 501n

    weapons smuggling, 495n

    Youth movements and, 182

    See also FPO; Vilna ghetto

Vilna ghetto

    Irena Adamowicz’s visit to, 168

    Bela and, 182–85

    FPO and, 248, 250

    Nazi atrocities, 131

    Tosia’s arrival in, 76–77, 78–79

    Vitka and, 250

    weapons, 226

visual arts, 73, 475n

Vitis-Shomron, Aliza, 490n

Vitka. See Kempner, Vitka

Vladka. See Meed, Vladka

Warman, Marysia, 490n


    author’s visit to, 445–46

    Frumka’s relocation to, 46

    German invasion, 42–43

    Hantze’s relocation to, 67–68

    Jewish cemetery, 226, 495n

    Jewish culture in, 21, 42

    Jewish history in, 41–42

    Jews-in-hiding in, 262–67, 502n

    Nazi anti-Jewish laws, 42–43

    Renia as courier to, 171, 172–76

    Soviet liberation of, 411–12

    Warsaw Uprising, 410–11, 515n

    Zivia’s relocation to, 36, 40–41, 42–44, 469n

    See also Warsaw ghetto; Warsaw ghetto uprising

Warsaw Aktion (1943), 470n

Warsaw Confederation (1573), 23

Warsaw Freedom youth movement

    Antek’s role in, 50–51

    Dzielna center, 43–44

    educational and cultural activities, 68–70, 71

    Hantze and, 66, 68

    mini uprising and, 154

    soup kitchen, 46–47

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 199, 219, 491n

    Zivia’s role in, 51

Warsaw ghetto

    Irena Adamowicz’s visits to, 168

    archives on, 72–73, 475n

    Aryan family placement of children and, 262–63

    conditions within, 73–74, 474n, 475n

    couriers and, 74–75

    cultural and educational activities in, 68–70, 74, 474n, 475n

    deportations from, 85–88, 91, 148, 470n, 477n, 478n

    forced labor, 49, 150, 485n

    Judenrat, 47–49, 69, 83, 198, 470n

    liquidation of, 168, 489n

    literary resistance in, 70–72

    mini uprising (January 1943), 148, 151–56, 167, 171, 192, 486n, 490n

    resistance activity as inspiration for Będzin, 126

    resistance group alliances within, 149–51

    service activities in, 69, 73–74, 475n

    size of, 474n, 478n

    Socialist Red Cross, 69

    telephone communication, 192, 208, 489–90n

    underground bunkers, 164, 207–8

    visual arts on, 73

    See also Warsaw Freedom youth movement

Warsaw ghetto uprising, 197–205

    Anna and, 350

    Będzin ghetto and, 224, 261, 271

    burning of the ghetto, 206–7

    escape and hiding, 220–22, 494n

    funding for, 195, 490n, 491n

    Great Synagogue destruction, 220

    Hantze and, 200–201

    impact on Nazi policy of, 514n

    as inspiration for other cities, 224

    Passover and, 513n

    Passover celebrations during, 198

    preparations for, 192–97, 227, 490n

    Renia as witness to, 201–5

    reports on women fighters in, 200, 203, 218, 492n

    romantic relationships and, 505–6n

    sewer escapes, 209, 210–11, 213–18, 493–94n

    survival during, 201

    women fighters’ deaths, 218–19

    Zivia’s role in, 197–98, 199–200, 206–9, 210–11, 213

    ZOB control of ghetto and, 195, 490n

    ZOD headquarters and, 207–8, 212–13

Wasser, Manya, 74

Weinstein, Mala, 510n

Weitzman, Lenore J., 406, 461n, 514n

We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence After the Holocaust (Diner), 404

Wilczynska, Stefa, 69, 87


    assimilation and need for, 347, 353, 508n

    German soldiers and, 309

    historical inattention to women and, 405–6

    memoirs and, 371–72, 430

    romance and, 390

    by survivors, 402, 413–14, 416, 431, 435, 437

    See also Holocaust memoirs

WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organization), 385

Wodzisław ghetto, 61–62, 93–96, 98–99

Women of Birkenau Camp (Olomucki), 475n

women resistance fighters

    activities of, 2–3

    historical inattention to, 7–8, 405–7, 463n, 514–15n

    importance of, 8–9, 463n

    lack of focus on, 7–8, 463n

    Nazi comments on, 161, 486n

    number of, 4

    strengths learned from family, 414, 516n

Women’s International Zionist Organization (WIZO), 385

Woranowicz, Halina. See Grossman, Chaika

World War I, 24–25

writing. See literary resistance

Yaari, Bela Hazan. See Hazan, Bela

Yaari, Yoel, 430, 519n

Yad Mordechai Museum, 207–8, 443

Yad Vashem, 442–43

Yad Vashem Studies

Yiddish, 27, 45, 467n

Yiddishe Kamf Organizatsye. See ZOB

Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO), 249, 466n

YIVO (Yiddish Scientific Institute), 249, 466n

Young Guard, The (Hashomer Hatzair), 6, 78

    Irena Adamowicz and, 168

    Anna and, 350

    Będzin, 119–20, 121, 125, 126, 164, 481n

    beliefs of, 117

    Benito and, 389

    Chaika and, 496n

    Chajka’s leadership role in, 117, 118–20, 121

    fictional representations of, 7–8

    vs. Freedom, 467n

    Holocaust narrative and, 404, 415, 419–20, 421

    kibbutz of, 419

    Kraków alliances, 137

    partisan detachments and, 241

    purity laws of, 117, 426

    resistance group alliances and, 126

    Tosia’s arrival in Vilna and, 76–77, 78–79

    Tosia’s leadership role in, 76, 77–78

    Vilna, 183

    Vitka and, 248

    Warsaw deportation attack by, 151–52

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 151–52

    Warsaw ghetto uprising and, 196, 491n

    women in, 30

    Zelda and, 253

    Zionism and, 117–18, 466n

Young Pioneer (Hechalutz HaTsair), 467n

Żabiński, Jan, 149

Zabludowicz, Noah, 358–59

Zaglembie region

    forced labor in, 118–19, 481n

    German annexation of, 15, 118

    ghettos in, 12–13

    Jewish identity and, 11

    partisan units in, 240

    ZOB cell founding, 127, 132, 482n

    See also Będzin

Żegota (Council for Aid to the Jews), 263, 264–65, 271, 502n

Zelda. See Treger, Zelda

Zelshinski, Haim, 428

ziemlankas, 252

Zimetbaum, Mala, 352–53, 509n

Zionism, 22

    Akiva and, 136

    Bela and, 181–82

    Betar, 485n

    Final Solution news and, 84

    Freedom youth movement and, 13, 28, 39–40, 47, 467n

    Frumka’s involvement in, 44

    Labor, 13, 28

    religious, 22, 26

    Renia’s family and, 22, 26

    socialist, 466n

    survivors and, 402

    women in, 30

    Young Guard and, 117–18, 466n

    Zivia’s involvement in, 37, 38

Zionist Congress (1939), 38

Zionist Youth, The (Hanoar Hatzioni), 310, 378, 404, 491n, 506–7n, 518n

Zitenfeld, Aliza

    Aryan family placement of children and, 260, 380

    Będzin ghetto liquidation and, 296, 297, 298, 299

    children’s programs and, 497n

    decision to stay in Będzin ghetto, 15

    deportations and, 238

    escape from Będzin ghetto liquidation, 305

    in hiding, 378

    Renia’s escape to Slovakia and, 379, 391

    torture of, 301, 302

Zivia. See Lubetkin, Zivia

Zivia’s girls. See couriers

Zlotnicka, Hadassah, 510n

ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization)

    Akiva Pledge, 134

    alliances of, 149–50

    Będzin, 164, 272

    Będzin ghetto uprising preparations and, 164

    betrayal of, 240–42, 258–59

    Chajka and, 127, 132

    control of Warsaw ghetto, 195

    deportation response, 88, 89–90

    escape to join partisans and, 241

    Final Solution news and, 89

    “fives”, 128, 482n

    formation of, 88, 278n

    Frumka and, 89, 90, 150

    group suicide mission plans, 92

    Jewish community mistrust and fear of, 88, 91

    Jews-in-hiding and, 263

    militia phase, 92

    Nazi collaborators and, 151

    partisan detachments and, 241

    psychological reactions, 92

    Renia and, 241–42

    Socha infiltration of, 240–41

    Tosia and, 89, 90, 150, 196

    Vladka and, 90, 150

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 149, 151–56

    Warsaw Uprising and, 410

    weapons, 90–91, 128, 149–50, 163, 164, 194–95, 226, 485n, 490n, 491n

    women’s roles in, 196

    Zaglembie cell founding, 127, 132, 482n

    Zivia and, 88–92, 148, 196, 478n, 482n

    See also Warsaw ghetto uprising

Zoberman, Irene, 515n

Zonder passes, 129, 165, 233, 481n

Zosia. See Adamowicz, Irena

Zuckerman, Eyal, 416–17, 418, 469n, 516n

Zuckerman, Roni, 417

Zuckerman, Shimon, 416

Zuckerman, Yael, 416, 418

Zuckerman, Yitzhak (Antek)

    archives and, 475n

    assimilation and, 276–77, 504n

    on Betar, 485n

    Bronka and, 489n

    escape and hiding, 221–22

    Final Solution news and, 83, 84

    Frumka’s conflict with Jewish police and, 487n

    on Hantze, 473n

    Havka and, 496n

    Jewish cemetery and, 495n

    Jews-in-hiding and, 267, 270, 502n

    leadership of, 152

    nom de guerre of, 469n

    on non-Jewish assistance, 487n

    on Pawiak Prison, 507n

    relationship with Zivia, 40, 50–51

    Renia’s escape from Mysłowice Prison and, 376

    Renia’s escape to Slovakia and, 378–79

    Renia’s return to Będzin and, 292

    Renia’s Warsaw missions and, 272, 278, 503n

    on Shoshana, 507n

    in Soviet territory, 39

    survivor experience of, 412–15, 416

    on telephone communication, 489–90n

    on use of codes, 482n, 489–90n

    Warsaw ghetto activities, 70, 71

    Warsaw ghetto deportations and, 477n

    Warsaw ghetto mini uprising and, 152–55, 167

    Warsaw ghetto uprising preparations and, 194, 209, 490n, 491n, 494n

    Warsaw Uprising and, 411

    Zivia’s death and, 418

    on ZOB mass suicide plan, 92

    on ZOB weapons, 91, 490n

Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa. See ZOB

ZZW (Jewish Military Union), 149, 209, 213, 404, 485n, 491n, 517n