Appendix V
How to Pray for Your Wife
- That she would love the Lord with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Matthew 22:36–40)
- Find her beauty and identity in Christ and reflect His character. (1 Peter 3:1–3; Proverbs 31:30)
- Love the Word of God and allow it to bloom her into Christlikeness. (Ephesians 5:26)
- Be gracious, speaking the truth in love and avoiding gossip. (Ephesians 4:15, 29; 1 Timothy 3:11)
- Respect you and submit to your leadership as unto the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22–24; 1 Corinthians 14:45)
- Be grateful and find her contentment in Christ, not in circumstances. (Philippians 4:10–13)
- Be hospitable and diligently serve others with Christlike joy. (Philippians 2:3–4)
- Bring her family good and not evil all the days of her life. (Proverbs 31:12; 1 Corinthians 7:34)
- Invite godly, older women to mentor her and help her grow. (Titus 2:3–4)
- Not believe lies that would devalue her roles as a wife and mother. (Titus 2:5)
- Be loving, patient, hard to offend, and quick to forgive. (James 1:19; Ephesians 4:32)
- Have her sexual needs met only by her husband, and to meet his. (1 Corinthians 7:1–5)
- Be devoted to prayer and effectively intercede for others. (Colossians 4:2; Luke 2:37)
- Guide her home and children in a diligent, Christlike way. (Proverbs 31:27)
- Provide no reason for her character to be slandered or to lose confidence. (1 Timothy 5:14)
How to Pray for Your Husband
- That he would love the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Matthew 22:36–40)
- Walk in integrity, keep his promises, and fulfill his commitments. (Psalm 15; 112:1–9)
- Love you unconditionally and stay faithful to you. (Ephesians 5:25–33; 1 Corinthians 7:1–5)
- Be patient, kind, hard to offend, and quick to forgive. (James 1:19; Ephesians 4:32)
- Not get distracted or cower into passivity, but embrace responsibility. (Nehemiah 6:1–14)
- Become a hard worker who faithfully provides for your family and children. (Proverbs 6:6–11; 1 Timothy 5:8)
- Be surrounded with wise friends and avoid foolish friends. (Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 15:33)
- Use good judgment, pursue justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)
- Depend upon God’s wisdom and strength rather than his own. (Proverbs 3:5–6; James 1:5; Philippians 2:13)
- Make choices based upon the fear of God, not the fear of man. (Psalm 34; Proverbs 9:10; 29:25)
- Become a strong spiritual leader with courage, wisdom, and conviction. (Joshua 1:1–10; 24:15)
- Break free from any bondage, bad habit, or addiction that is holding him back. (John 8:31, 36; Romans 6:1–19)
- Find his identity and satisfaction in God rather than temporary things. (Psalm 37:4; 1 John 2:15–17)
- Read the Word of God and allow it to guide his decisions. (Psalm 119:105; Matthew 7:24–27)
- Be found faithful to God and leave a strong legacy for future generations. (2 Timothy 4:6–8; John 17:4)