12. Five Minutes Before the Sirens

  1.     DCA, file 107.

  2.     More on the ‘Bob Gerry Troupe’ and their interesting post-war career at http://www.circopedia.org/Bob_Gerry_Troupe.

  3.     Griebel’s memoir, Ich war ein Mann der Strasse. Lebenserinnerungen eines Dresdner Malers (I Was a Man on the Street: The Memoirs of a Dresden Painter) (Röderberg, 1986), now out of print, has been widely cited for his intense and at times grotesque account of that night.

  4.     Fitzpatrick, Mischka’s War.

  5.     DCA, file 802.

  6.     DCA, file 133.

  7.     DCA, file 477.

  8.     DCA, file 116.