1 A very interesting – and frightening – piece about Kästner and his relationship with the Nazis (and the burning of his books) can be seen at Spiegel Online: www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/nazi-book-burning-anniversary-erich-kaestner-and-the-nazis-a-894845.html.
2 Erich Kästner, When I Was a Little Boy, trans. Isabel and Florence McHugh (Jonathan Cape, 1959).
3 DCA, file 802.
4 DCA, file 477.
5 Harris Papers, folder 40, document dated 10 May 1945.
6 Harris, Bomber Offensive.
7 Ibid.
8 Harris Papers, folder 3A, letter dated 18 June 1945.
9 Letter from Taylor to The New York Times, published 18 January 1992.
10 This is part of an epic oral interview conducted by Hugh A. Ahmann for the United States Air Force Oral History Program, the transcript of which can be read at www.trumanlibrary.gov/library/oral-histories/landryrb#146.
11 Dyson, ‘A Failure of Intelligence’.
12 Max Seydewitz, speaking in February 1950; the speech was widely reported in British newspapers.
13 Harris Papers, folder 40, ‘Lectures, Speeches, Talks etc.’.
14 David Irving, The Destruction of Dresden (Kimber, 1963).
15 Observer, 5 May 1963.
16 Observer, 12 May 1963; Birkin was one of several readers taking issue with Nicolson.
17 Tripp, The Eighth Passenger.
18 As discussed by Mark Arnold-Foster in the Guardian, 14 February 1967.
19 Ibid.
20 This fascinating interview was screened by the BBC on 11 February 2013.