1 DCA, file 855, for this and what follows.
2 DCA, file 107.
3 Tami Davis Biddle, ‘Sifting Dresden’s Ashes’, Wilson Quarterly, vol. 29 (Spring 2005).
4 Jeremy Black, The British and the Grand Tour (Routledge Revivals, 2011).
5 Walter A. Reichart, ‘Washington Irving’s Influence in German Literature’, Modern Language Review, vol. 52, no. 4 (October 1957).
6 Nadine Zimmerli, ‘Elite Migration to Germany: The Anglo-American Colony in Dresden Before World War 1’, in Jason Coy et al. (eds.), Migrations in the German Lands, 1500–2000 (Berghahn Books, 2016).
7 Ibid.
8 Digital versions of these advertisements, as featured in the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail, can be seen at the British Library Newspaper Archive.
9 Charles Shields, And So It Goes: Kurt Vonnegut, a Life (Henry Holt, 2011).
10 Kurt Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut: Letters, ed. and intro. Dan Wakefield (Vintage, 2013).
11 Ibid.
12 Victor Gregg with Rick Stroud, Dresden: A Survivor’s Story, February 1945 (Bloomsbury, 2019), for this and what follows.
13 Miles Tripp, The Eighth Passenger: A Flight of Recollection and Discovery (Heinemann, 1969; repr. Leo Cooper, 1993), for this and what follows.