Nathan strode into the office, not looking forward to the confrontation he and Tiana would likely have over Massage-gate. That’s what his fraternity brother and wife had named it after he confessed the crash-and-burn turn of events.
Their office door was cracked open. Julia, who did more for Tiana than him, sat in Tiana’s chair, reviewing the Fiete file.
“Where’s Tiana?”
“Oh . . . um, Mr. Goldberg said she wasn’t going to be in today.”
His heartbeat tripled in his chest. “Is that so?”
“It is, Mr. Lawson.” Leaning over, she jotted notes on a legal pad. “I’m not sure what happened. I checked her Twitter, but she hadn’t posted anything since Saturday morning. She tweeted she was looking forward to a day at the spa.”
Damn massage. He shook his head and slung his duffle bag beside his desk. Julia seemed a little too preoccupied with her boss’s life. He’d caught her starry-eyed gaze directed at Tiana more than once.
“She must be sick, so I’m recapping her notes from our meeting with Fiete.”
He snorted. Sick my ass.
The intern swiveled in the chair to face him. “Ms. Holliday would never fake an illness, especially with the video shoot just around the corner.” Her blue eyes were bright. Her face flushed.
Oh yeah, the kid definitely has a crush with a heavy dose of hero worship.
“You’re right. My mistake. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll take an early lunch today and check on her.”
“Oh!” Julia bounced in her seat. “May I accompany you?”
He swallowed another snort tickling his throat. Tiana would kill him if he showed the little stalker where she lived.
“I, uh, think it would be more helpful if you remained at the office and transposed her notes.”
Slumping her shoulders, the intern pivoted back to the computer. “I suppose you’re right. But if she’s sick, please be sure to take care of her. She likes—”
“Birthday cake ice cream when she’s stressed, happy, sad, mad . . . Hell, anytime. I’ll be sure to take care of Ms. Holliday.”
The morning flew by and, as planned, he left to confront his scaredy-cat coworker.
Before he could buzz up, Tiana’s best friend and roommate flew down the steps.
Nathan grinned, prepared to charm the pants off Melanie. He could have sworn he smelled rubber burning when she did an impressive Fred Flintstone skid and froze when she recognized him.
“Well, hello there, Mr. Lawson. What brings you ’round our neck of the woods?”
Pushing off the stoop, he stepped directly in her path. “I just wanted to check on Tiana. Make sure she isn’t playing hooky when we have an important campaign to lead.”
Melanie crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. “I think we both know Tiana would never shirk her responsibilities. Not that it’s any of your business, but she has a fever and a cold. Now if you would excuse me, I need to get to work.”
Sidestepping his body, she walked past him. He chuckled and shook his head. She’s even got her roommate fooled.
She turned around, walking backward, eyes dancing with mischief and lips stretched in I’ve-got-a-big-secret grin. “Don’t worry. She has a strong, strapping young man upstairs who’s taking care of her.”
“What?” He grounded his hand into the cement rail, wishing it was the head of Tiana’s strong, strapping young man. Could it be that guy from Diago’s? The one that flipped his hair?
“Bye, bye, now!” She waved, bouncing as she walked away.
Taking two steps at a time, he jabbed the hell out of the buzzer.
“Who is it?” a deep voice answered.
“Tiana’s boss,” he lied easily. “Let me up.” Irritation buzzed around him like a mosquito at a summer barbeque. Too bad Mr. Hair Tosser wasn’t in front of him to swat and squash.
“Tiana’s sick. I thought she called into work already.”
Nathan squeezed his hands into a fist. “She called in but asked for her files. If she doesn’t get them today, she’s gonna be pissed.”
Another long pause.
“All riiight, man.” The laugh that accompanied the disbelieving tone was cut off by intercom static. “Come on up.”
Three staccato rings signaled him to enter, and Nathan rushed through the lobby doors.
He was pissed. Clearly, Tiana had exaggerated the unimportance of her date. She wouldn’t let just anyone take care of her if she were truly sick. Or worse, take a personal day to screw around.
He jogged up the stairs and banged on the door.
It jerked open, revealing a tall man-child at least six-five with a baby face and struggle beard that had probably taken him three months to grow. Tiana is a damn cougar.
“What in the hell are you doing?” the man-child whispered-yelled. “She’s sleeping, man!”
Jealousy attacked Nathan’s chest like a swarm of killer bees. He wasn’t going to explain himself to Tiana’s baby cub. Fuck it. He was going to storm the apartment. “Out of my way, Simba.” Smacking the door open with his hands, he walked in like he owned the place.
“Tiana!” Nathan yelled.
“Hey man, get the hell out of here.” Simba tried to grab hold of Nathan’s shoulder, but he did a two-step and easily avoided the young man’s hands.
“What’s going on?” a raspy voice barked from the other side of the room. Tiana leaned against the kitchen counter, a wad of tissue in her hand.
Damn, she is sick.
Simba answered for both of them. “This asshole claims he’s your boss and wanted to drop off some files from work. Then he pushed open the door and barged in.”
“Casey, don’t say asshole,” she admonished in a weak voice. Her puffy eyes focused on Nathan. “That true?”
“I . . . I was worried.”
Tiana sniffed, coughed into her hand, and slumped against the wall. Nathan and the man-child rushed to her side.
“I got it!” Casey yelled, elbowing Nathan’s side.
“No, I’ll take care of her,” Nathan responded with a stronger blow to the ribs. Simba was young. He could handle it.
“Guys.” She gasped for breath after another bout of coughing. “You’re giving me a headache.”
Casey’s lips thinned into a tight line, but his eyes were gentle and reverent. “Let me take care of you for once, Tee-Tee.”
A growl escaped Nathan’s throat. Who in the hell is this guy?
“No.” She shook her head slowly. “You’ve got your interview. Go on and finish getting ready in my room.”
“I’m not leaving you with this psycho.” Casey jerked his thumb at Nathan.
“He’s not a psycho. I work with him. He’s safe . . . promise.”
A sheen of perspiration glistened on her forehead. Nathan pulled the handkerchief from his breast pocket and gently patted her forehead dry. Sliding an arm beneath her legs, he scooped her up, walked her to the couch, and settled her frail body on his lap.
Casey stood, mute and staring at them from the kitchen. His dark eyes glinted and narrowed with murderous intent. “You better take care of my sister!”
Sister! The brewing storm ceased, and the dark, gray clouds receded. Oh, shit! I almost beat up her little brother.
“Sorry, man. Thought you were her . . . her . . . ”
“Boyfriend? That’s gross, man.” Now laughing, he walked back to Tiana’s room, pausing at the door. “Brother or not, you touch my sister or do anything else stupid, I’ll kick your ass.”
“Got it.” Nathan glanced down at Tiana, whose eyes were closed. Heat emanated from her skin. Pressing the back of his hand to her forehead, he checked her temperature. Damn, she’s burning up.
He lifted her again and settled her on the couch. Quietly, he crept to the bathroom for a washcloth, wet the fluffy yellow rag with cold water, and returned to sleepy beauty.
Each erratic breath seemed like a struggle, as if she couldn’t get enough oxygen. Bending to his knees, he wiped the sweat from her face. The cool cloth hit her skin, and she shivered but didn’t open her eyes. He lifted her again, holding her against his chest.
Tiana quivered in his arms, and he stroked her hair, staring down at her naked face. She’d never been more beautiful. Despite her five-foot-seven height, everything else on her body was petite and dainty. High cheekbones against flawless dark chocolate skin. Pert lips formed a perfect cupid’s bow. A small cleft perfectly divided her elfin chin.
Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled.
He inhaled, and everything else ceased. He no longer heard the cat clock ticking on the wall, or the boring voice from the documentary on the TV, or the car horns and busy pedestrians from the street below. Only Tiana and her smile existed. A mysterious, Mona Lisa smile that was a punch to his solar plexus.
“Hey,” she whispered, her voice diluted of her usual rigid formality. “You’re here.”
He swallowed, tracing her lips with his finger. “Of course I’m here.”
“M’kay.” Her eyes closed again.
Leaning over, he grabbed the phone from his pocket, sent a quick text to his boss to let him know that he would be working from home, and then resumed his perusal.
“Will you stop perving on my sister?” Her brother walked over with a fleece blanket in hand. “You’re stroking her like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings.”
He handed Nathan the covering. “Mellie says she’s got the chills. She’s been hot and cold all night. So when she’s cold, just pull this over her, all right?” His forehead crinkled with concern. “Oh, and I gave her NyQuil earlier. Forewarning, she gets a little loopy.”
Nathan wasn’t sure if her brother’s concern stemmed from her illness or because she was snuggled in his arms. “I’ll take good care of her. Don’t worry.”
A blinding light momentarily robbed Nathan of his senses. Casey waved the phone at him. “I know you will. I spoke to Melanie, and she told me you were legit. I also have your picture and looked you up on the company website since you’re Tiana’s boss and all.” Casey pocketed the phone. “If I return and my sister is hurt or missing, I’m sending your pic to the NYPD.” After his rant, her brother bent over and stroked her face. Her beautiful brown eyes fluttered opened again, and she smiled. Not her Mona Lisa smile, and Nathan’s heart pumped harder than an Olympic sprinter running a hundred-yard dash.
Tiana reached to grab Casey’s hand. “Don’t cry Casey-poo. I won’t tell Mama you broke the table. I won’t let her hurt you again.” She yawned and snuggled deeper into Nathan’s chest. “Promise.”
Something dark flickered through her brother’s eyes. He cleared his throat and stood. “Like I said, take care of my sister. God knows she takes care of everyone else.”