About the Author

Rina Gray writes romance, paranormal romance, and women’s fiction. She is also digital marketing professional who explored her love of writing a few years ago. Writing has always been Rina’s passion, though initially, she tried to deny it. In college she served as the copy editor for the entertainment magazine and newspaper. During her tenure, she had the opportunity to interview various talented entertainers. Rina has always been an avid reader; sneaking to read her mother’s books she had no business reading, which sparked her love for horror. As a preteen, she received a load of romance novels from a family friend, and from that point on she devoured any book related to romance or horror.

Rina tweets about her writing journey and her unhealthy obsession with the NBA @rinagraywrites. Feel free to connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorRinaGray. Her website is www.blackromanceauthor.com.