Chapter Twelve

Cat paced in front of the club, along the same four squares of muted gray cement and back again, twisting her hands as she went. Her ears trained to the silence around her while she waited, knowing that at any moment Michael would be there, standing in front of her. In mere minutes, she’d finally be able to wrap her arms around him. Time, unfortunately, seemed to pass slowly. Seconds ticked into long aching minutes.

She wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, how they’d work it out. The conflicts still stood between them. She’d called his mother ten minutes ago, after hanging up with Michael. Mrs. Brant assured her that her father wouldn’t be alone, but it didn’t stem the uneasy knot twisting in her stomach. Or quell the questions.

She only knew she couldn’t stop hearing his husky voice in her ear, his words as strong as the emotion expanding in her chest. “That I love you and I want to be wherever you are.”

When she finally heard the familiar rumble of his bike rounding that final corner onto Main Street, she turned to watch his progress. Her heart picked up pace, but as he came to a stop beside her and cut the engine, one emotion stood out above the rest: need. Her father was right; love was all that mattered. Only that she wouldn’t have to give him up.

He’d barely dismounted, hanging his helmet off the left handlebar and pocketing his keys, before she surged forward. Standing in the street, she threw her arms around his waist, buried her face in his chest and breathed in the scent of him, of soap and leather and something uniquely male and all Michael. “I was so afraid I’d never see you again.”

His arms closed around her, and he buried his face in her hair. “I’ve been sitting on the side of the highway trying to think of one damn good reason to get on it.” His voice was low in her ear.

Without releasing her hold, she pulled back enough to look at him.

His dark eyes glittered back at her, so tender her heart melted into a puddle at her feet. If she doubted how he felt about her, she didn’t now. “What’d you come up with?”

“That I can’t bear to be without you, either. I’ve decided my father’s right. It’s time to come home.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “I think I just needed something to come home to.”

Her breath caught in her throat. Dare she believe her ears? “You’re moving back to Crest Point?”

“Yes and no. It’s going to take some rearranging, but I could open a shop here. My partner, Casey, thinks it’s a good idea. It’s time we expanded.” His eyes burned into hers, his voice lowering to a husky murmur. “You make me feel . . . complete. Kaylee’s death has haunted me, but somehow when I’m with you, I feel nothing but peace.” He lifted a hand and brushed her hair back off her face. “I’m not willing to give that up.”

“I love you.” The words left her mouth on a choked whisper. They didn’t do justice to the emotion caught in her chest and clogging her throat, but they were all she had.

“I love you, too.” He kissed her gently, lingered there for a long, tender moment before pulling back. “Marry me. For real.”

Her eyes filled and overflowed, hot tears dropping down her cheeks, leaving her unable to speak. To never have to give him up again, to be there when he opened his eyes every morning, curling around him every night while they slept. They already belonged to each other. Each had claimed the other that first night. This would simply make it official.

“I like that idea.” She managed to push the words past her full throat, her voice cracking.

“Court house opens at eight thirty tomorrow.” His not-so-subtle meaning burned in his dark eyes.

She let out a quiet laugh, swiping the wetness from her cheeks. “Your mother will kill us.”

He grinned, ever the bad boy. “Who says she has to know? We get married tomorrow and don’t tell anyone. My mother can still have her big wedding. Everybody’s happy.”

She rolled her eyes, pressing herself into him. “It’ll be all over town by lunchtime.”

His arms tightened around her. “Mm.”

“Or we could just wait.” Unable to resist teasing him, she playfully bit her bottom lip and batted her lashes at him.

The corners of his mouth twitched, but to his credit, he didn’t smile. Instead, he narrowed his eyes, playful, challenging. “Still can’t decide whether or not you want me?”

She leaned up on her toes, whispering against his mouth. “I’m positive I want you. I think I knew that the first night.”

His voice lowered, husky and tempting. “Then marry me.”

“I’d love nothing more.” She whispered against his mouth as she kissed him again.

He kissed her slowly, his lips plying hers in a tender exchange that had her body melting into his. After a long, lingering moment, he pulled back. “I still have to go back. I have an interview next week and with things changing, Casey and I have a lot to sort through. You’ll go with me? You can come back anytime you want. Or I can fly your father out to us.”

“You’re not holding me prisoner?”

He leaned down and raked his teeth over her earlobe. “There’ll be time for that later.” He pulled back, those eyes searching hers. “So you’ll go?”

Was he actually afraid she wouldn’t?

“I want to be with you, Michael.” She settled a hand over his heart. “Always.”

“Let’s go home.” He brushed his lips over hers.

She pressed her body into his, tightening her hold on him as she leaned up onto her toes and met him halfway. “I’m already home.”