Unsure of when Jared wanted to leave for Charleston, Tasha took Friday off. After she’d thrown her limited experience in his face, she wondered if he’d show up. She hadn’t called him to confirm their plans, and neither had he. The bravado she felt after speaking to Shayla had vanished. She’d read all of the erotica in her library, which consisted of the one book from Shayla, but couldn’t imagine doing those things with Jared. Getting Jared to take her virginity was one thing. Sharing all types of intimacies should be reserved for her husband. She doubted Jared would see it that way.
While Jared hadn’t called, her mother had—constantly, since Tasha had told her she was going out of town this weekend. She wasn’t foolish enough say she was going out of town with a man, opting instead to say she had to go to a conference in Charleston for work. It was hard to break her family’s tradition of getting together for birthdays, but a part of her was happy for the excuse. It was bad enough she was turning thirty without a husband, but to bring in the next decade with cake and ice cream with her mom and dad was depressing.
After cleaning all morning with still no word from Jared, she was starting to think he had changed his mind when her cell phone vibrated, alerting her of a text.
I’ll be there around 3. JP
She let out an unsteady breath. She had four hours to occupy herself before he showed up. She wrung her hands in front of her and chewed on her lip. This was a bad idea. She’d waited her entire life for the right man to give her virginity to, only to casually sleep with a known player over the weekend. It was reckless, stupid, and way too impulsive. If she met a man she wanted to marry later, what would she bring to the table now other than the fact that she was Jared Patterson’s leftovers? Another notch on the belt of the fitness trainer and entrepreneur who slept with half of the women in South Carolina? What man would want those sloppy seconds?
Her finger hovered over the call back icon on her phone display. She would call Jared, tell him this was a mistake, and continue to wait.
She didn’t press the button.
Wait for what? Wait for the next guy she dated to become excited with the thought of deflowering a virgin, or break things off as soon as he discovered she was saving herself for marriage? She’d done that for thirty years. Whomever she married didn’t have to know who she’d slept with in the past. Jared promised discretion. Although he’d shown up at her job this week, she doubted he would do that again. He was only doing this as a favor to her, not because he was overcome with the urge to sleep with her. He was notorious for one-night stands. From what she’d heard, he rarely slept with the same woman for an extended period of time.
Her head cocked to the side as she considered that. Why did he switch from woman to woman so much? Could he really be that much of a lothario that he wanted to sleep with every woman he came in contact with?
Tasha shook her head. It didn’t matter why he slept with the women he did, or why he stayed away from long-term relationships. His experience was the reason she’d chosen him. He knew what he was doing, would be discreet, and would make sure she enjoyed it.
Warmth spread through her body as she remembered the way he’d looked at her on Wednesday. He appeared as affected by the desire between them as she was. She agreed with Shayla he must want her a little bit. He may not have wanted her before, but he wanted her now. And if she didn’t want the same situation her sister had, losing her virginity to a man who’d only pretended to care, then it made more sense to control the situation.
Feeling somewhat better, if not calmer, Tasha stood and went through her kitchen out the back door. Weeding her vegetable garden would distract her for an hour or two. She’d packed the night before, and really had nothing left to do to prepare for the weekend. A few hours tending her tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers would keep her from changing her mind yet again.
The outside air was warm without a trace of humidity as she walked into her backyard. The one tall oak tree in the middle of the yard cast shade on her porch, and the smell of the potted marigolds on her patio greeted her. Smiling, she walked to the garden along the privacy fence in her yard. These were the types of days when she preferred being at home instead of in her office. It was too beautiful outside to be stuck behind walls.
After getting her tools from the shed, she started pulling weeds from between the still growing plants. Before long, her mind began to clear as she focused on the joy of feeling dirt on her hands as she worked.
Shortly after she started a person’s shadow covered her. She spun and held her trowel out in front of her, but the sudden movement from a crouched position caused her to fall awkwardly onto her ass. The sun behind him prevented her from seeing his face, but she knew it was Jared.
“You scared the crap out of me,” she said with her hand over her pounding heart. “What are you doing here already? It’s not three.”
Jared reached down and pulled her up. A shot of electricity shot from where his hand clasped hers straight to her belly. She snatched it away and took a step back, only to step on one of her tomatoes.
If he felt it, he didn’t show. He only stood there scowling at her. “Who are you comparing me to?”
Tasha returned his scowl. “What? You came here early and scared me half to death to ask who I’m comparing you to?”
He stepped closer. “Let’s get one thing straight. You’re not to compare me to anyone. When we’re together, the only person you’re supposed to think about is me. Don’t bring up another guy’s name when we’re together.”
Anger bubbled hot in Tasha’s belly. She reached out and shoved his chest with every ounce of strength she had. Caught off balance, Jared fell backwards into a pile of weeds. She put one leg on either side of his hips, stood over him and pointed a finger in his face.
“You need to get a couple of things straight. Number one, I’m not one of your groupies, so don’t talk to me like I should be privileged to sleep with you. Half of the women in South Carolina and California have slept with you so believe me, it’s not like it’s hard to do. Number two, stop trying to take advantage of the fact that I’m a virgin. My experience with men is limited, but I know enough to see that you want me. Badly. But I’m not going to let you take control of everything and get me all mixed up. Number three, there will be no more ‘when I’m with you’ after this weekend. I need a favor from you—that’s it.”
Jared stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head and laughing. “I can’t believe you pushed me down.”
Tasha crossed her arms and tapped her foot. “Believe it. And if you come around making demands of me, or trying to kiss me senseless again, I’m going to do more than that.”
He stopped laughing and looked at her seriously. “I’m sorry, Tasha. I didn’t mean to try and take advantage of the situation.” She raised an eyebrow, and he rubbed his jaw. “Okay, I did. You’re right. I do want you, badly. And when I want a woman I let her know.”
His voice rang with sincerity while desire crept into his dark eyes. Some of her anger subsided as her body heated in response. How did he make her go from boiling mad to lustful with just a look?
Her body relaxed slightly and he took advantage. He grabbed her arm and pulled her down on top of him before she could blink an eye. He didn’t flinch when she landed heavily on top of him.
“You want me too, Tasha. Don’t you?”
Get up and tell him that you’ve changed your mind, she thought. But the hardness of his body underneath hers, and the thickness of his erection rising against her stomach, chased that thought out of her head. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.
“Yes, I want you, Jared, but not like this.”
He smiled. “I don’t plan to fuck you on the ground in your backyard.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not talking about on the ground. I need you to stop being Jared the playboy and just be the Jared I see on occasion at the Rec Commission.”
“I thought you chose me for the playboy side,” he said with a wink.
“I did, but it’s too much for me. I like the Jared who teases me about being anal with the mentor attendance logs, or the Jared who lets me twist his arm into judging the senior Olympics. I’ve always respected that when we’re together you don’t treat me like one of your playthings. You treated me with respect. That mutual respect was why I chose you. I can’t do this if you keep treating me like another woman off the street.”
Jared closed his eyes before rolling to his side and lifting her up as he stood. When they were back on their feet, he stepped away from her. “In my life women fit into two distinct categories. The ones I’m fucking and the ones I’m not. I never thought you’d be in the former category, but once you were, a switch went off in my head. This is new to me. I don’t sleep with female friends.”
“It’s new to me too. Brand new. I need my friend to do this . . . please.”
She held her breath. He had the look of a toddler who’d just been told they couldn’t have cookies before dinner. He may have known her words made sense, but she doubted he was happy with it.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” he held up his hand when she started to interrupt, “without ever slipping back into old habits. But I’ll try.” He reached over to hold her hand and pull her against him. “Now that I’ve gotten a taste, I don’t want to mess things up and miss my chance. But if I make you uncomfortable, let me know.”
Tasha stared into his eyes and her heart melted. He looked so sweet, and tempting as hell. It was easy to see why women fell at his feet.
“I’ll let you know,” she whispered.
“Good.” He rubbed his erection against her. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
She trembled, but shook her head.
He squeezed her hips. “Good. I came early because I had to kiss you.”
This was going too far. They felt too familiar, too right. But it was only for one weekend. What would it hurt to indulge herself once? “Then do it.”
Before the words finished leaving her mouth his lips met hers. It was just like before, an explosion of heat and electricity. She didn’t hesitate to open her lips and grant his tongue entrance. He kissed her until her knees went weak. When she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, a groan rumbled through his chest. He slowly broke the kiss, but didn’t push her away.
“We can leave for Charleston, or go inside to your bedroom,” he said. She tried to push away from him, but his arms tightened around her. “I’m only teasing, Tasha. We can leave whenever you’re ready.”
Heat filled her face but she smiled. “I need to take a shower, then we can go.”
He nodded and finally let her go. “I’ll wait in your living room.”
Tasha ignored her disappointment when he didn’t offer to join her. That would have only freaked her out, but she already missed his aggression. It was a definite turn on, but not what she needed. She just needed to get through this weekend with her sanity intact.
“I’ll put these things up first.” She motioned to her garden tools on the ground.
“I’ll put them in your shed. You go take the shower. I’m anxious to get out of town.” He winked at her.
Tasha’s heart sped up. She hoped she could survive this weekend.