Chapter 3

By the end of the Olympics Tasha was a ball of nerves. She decided against watching any of the interviews she’d done for the local news later that night. She’d floundered like an idiot with simple questions every time she’d noticed Jared watching her, and he’d only made it worse by smiling like he knew some secret. It was sexy and distracting.

Just that morning she’d realized she was making a knee-jerk decision to ask Jared to take her virginity after her bad date with Charles. But a few seconds in Jared’s arms proved her idea had its merits. He had held her as if she weighed nothing. She’d known he was strong, but his body was as solid as a rock. When he looked at her as if he wanted to kiss her, it ignited something within her so hot and delicious it was almost scary.

Her stomach tied in knots and she secretly hoped he would forget her impulsive request for a favor. But he helped break down equipment after the Olympics and waited patiently for her to finish. Two hours after the official ending of the games, she walked over to him and the handful of volunteers remaining at the registration table.

“Do you need us to do anything else?” one of the volunteers asked.

She set a box of equipment on the table and looked around. “No, most of the items I brought I’ve gotten back and the rental company should be here in a few minutes with the truck for the larger items.” Just as she said that, the truck pulled up behind the stage.

“There they are. They’ll handle the rest. Thanks, everybody.”

The guys in the truck walked over and Tasha gave them directions for packing up the bigger equipment. As they left to begin she turned to Jared. “I didn’t realize it would take so long to break down this year. You didn’t have to wait.”

He shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I didn’t have anything pressing this afternoon.”

Her lips curved into a teasing smile. “I don’t believe that. Friday night isn’t booked up already for Mr. Jared Patterson?”

He laughed. “Let’s just say I shuffled my schedule a bit for you.”

His low voice sent flutters across her spine and her heartbeat sped up as the breeze carried his scent over. She shoved the box in his hands. “Can you help me put this in the gym?”

He took the box from her and followed her into the back of the building. On the way she gave herself a pep talk. This wasn’t a dumb idea. Remember all of the bad dates running for the hills. This would make her life easier.

He put the box in the storage room in the gym then sat on one of the bleachers. “So what is the favor you needed?”

She froze for a second before shuffling from foot to foot. God, forgive me for what I’m about to do.

She twisted her hands in front of her. “Well, I don’t know the best way to ask. It’s a personal favor.”

Surprise flashed in his dark eyes before he gave her a reassuring smile. “We’ve known each other for years, so I guess it’s okay to ask a personal favor. Do you need a reference or something?”

Heat crept up her face. How sophisticated, she was blushing. “Not quite. I need you to . . . relieve me of something.”

He blinked and cleared his throat. “What is it?”

She took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. “I need you to take my virginity.”

A range of emotions ran across Jared’s face: confusion, disbelief, irritation, and desire. None of his expressions provided a clue to what his answer would be. Sure, he was her most logical choice, but it didn’t mean he was interested in sleeping with her. They had a limited acquaintance, nothing more.

His features finally settled into an impassive expression before he spoke. “What are you talking about?”

She sighed with relief. At least he hadn’t flat out refused. “Look, Jared, I know it sounds like a lot. But really it isn’t.”

He looked doubtful. “Taking your virginity isn’t a lot?”

“No, not really. It’s a nuisance for me. Whenever I meet a guy and tell him I’m saving myself for marriage he either dumps me outright or tries to seduce me just for the fun of it. I’m tired of the whole process. Men today aren’t looking for a virgin bride and I’m tired of my virginity scaring them off. I need to get rid of it and you made the most sense to take it.” She said everything in a rush out of fear she’d chicken out altogether.

He pointed to his chest, confusion clear in his eyes. “How in the hell do I make the most sense?”

She held up her hand and ticked off her reasons. “I respect you and what you’ve done with your life. I couldn’t lose it to someone I didn’t like. You aren’t looking for a relationship and are used to casual affairs, so a one-night thing with me wouldn’t be a big deal to you. You’re discreet, although I’m surprised about the hickey today. Usually you don’t flaunt your affairs.”

He covered the hickey with his hand. “That was a mistake that won’t be repeated. Go on.”

“Well, you’re also . . . I mean I assume . . . since you’ve had so many lovers and whatnot . . . ” Her face burned. “I assume you’re good in bed. I need someone who could at least make it decent. I know the first time hurts and isn’t always the best, but I figured you could make it bearable.”

“I can’t believe this,” he mumbled and lowered his head in his hands.

She went on. “Plus, there is no chance I would ever fall in love with you.”

His head snapped up. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

She gave him a sheepish smile. “No offense, but except for respecting what you’ve done with your professional life, you’re not exactly my type.”

He frowned. “Why is that?”

“I mean really, Jared. You’re a whore. No offense, but you do sleep around, and you’ve made it no secret you don’t plan to ever get married. You’re not exactly good husband material. I plan to marry someone who is more responsible—with women, I mean.”

“So you think losing your virginity will help you find this pillar of responsibility?”

She ignored his sarcasm. “Yes, I do. It won’t be there hanging over my head. The next guy I meet won’t have to think that dating me means we’re automatically getting married. Since the pressure is off, he’s more likely to stay around.”

“Why don’t you just keep the fact that you’re a virgin to yourself?”

She crossed her arms. “Because after about two weeks of dating, men start hinting around about having sex, and then I have to tell them why I’m not going to sleep with them.”

“So when your virginity is gone, do you plan to start sleeping with them?”

She hadn’t thought that far ahead. She didn’t plan to sleep with every guy she dated, but maybe if she met someone she really liked it might be easier to move forward to a sexual relationship once her virginity was gone. “Not all of them, but maybe someone else in the future. I’ll worry about that later. I just need to get rid of my virginity.”

Jared stood up and shook his head. “Tasha, this is a big deal. Maybe you should wait—”

“No, I’m sick of waiting. I’ve been waiting for twenty-nine damn years and I’m through. I need someone to help me and I’d like it to be you.”

He took a few deep breaths. “I need to think about it.”

She squared her shoulders. “I need an answer before next week.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Why so soon?”

“It’s my birthday. I’d like to lose it before I turn thirty.”

“So you want to do it this week?”

Her heart lurched, but she tried to go for nonchalant and shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll follow you to your house and we can take care of it tonight.” Her voice shook.

Desire flashed in his eyes before he hid it and slowly shook his head. She’d seen guys look at her with desire before. He was tempted.

“We are not doing this tonight,” he said.

She stepped closer. “But we are going to do this?”

His eyes traveled from hers to her lips. She’d never noticed how dark they were, like melted chocolate. She licked her lips and his eyes grew darker. It was suddenly hard to breathe. Feeling a surge of confidence, she licked her lips again and he stepped closer. Her heart pounded, her breasts ached, and an unfamiliar tingling trickled between her legs as she breathed in the spicy mixture of cologne and Jared.

She was heated from inside out. It was heavy, sensuous, and left her euphoric. She leaned up, hoping he would kiss her. He lowered his head and her breathing shallowed. With a curse, he quickly pulled back and turned away. Disappointment hit her like a tidal wave. She’d never anticipated a kiss that much before, never wanted a kiss that much. The knowledge was exciting and terrifying.

Hesitantly, she reached out and placed her hands on his arms. He stiffened but didn’t pull away. Slowly, she leaned her body against his. The top of her head barely touched his shoulder. She took a second to get used to the feel of him against her. The softness of her breasts pressing against the hard muscles of his back caused a tremor to go through her. His body shivered in return. It was brief and so slight she only noticed because she was pressed against him so firmly.

“Are we going to do this?” Her voice was soft, throaty. The sound of her desire surprised her.

He took her hand and pressed it against the thick bulge in his pants. “You really want to handle this?”

Heat shot through her body and her panties liquefied. If any other man had done that she’d have cursed him out, but she welcomed his challenge. If she shied away from his boldness, then he’d say no. So with another prayer, and her face flaming, she softly squeezed his length. It got harder and her panties got wetter.

It was thrilling. It was frightening.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He groaned before pulling away. “Dammit, Tasha, I’m not doing this tonight. I need to think about it.”

She wanted to stamp her foot in frustration. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard to get Jared Patterson in bed. “For how long?”

His eyes traveled the length of her body and she felt as if fire burned her everywhere his gaze landed. If desire made you feel this wild and reckless, it was no wonder some considered it a sin.

“Come to my house tomorrow night. We’ll talk about it then.”

She hid her disappointment with a nod. Even though her body was on fire for something she’d never had before, she understood why he would want to think about it. This was out of left field to him. Hell, it was an impulsive decision on her part, one she’d talk herself out of again if she thought about it too much longer. She’d let him consider it overnight, and hopefully he would agree to take it tomorrow before she reconsidered. She wasn’t sure how it worked, but hopefully once they had sex the fire she felt for him would go out.

She smiled and nodded. “Okay, I’ll come by at seven.”

He nodded and took a step back from her, giving her one last heated look before marching out.