N’Doch clamps his hands over his own mouth. Yelling out loud, right in the middle of the street! What am I thinking?
He’s thinking that after only a week of being pampered by women, his reflexes are already going soft. He sneaks a glance at Köthen, sees him swallow what might actually have been a chuckle. Then the baron orders them to move on, only this time, he sends N’Doch up to be point man. N’Doch doesn’t like this decision, but he respects its wisdom.
They make their way, spread out in a cautious line, along increasingly narrow streets that, guessing from the numbers of big dead trees lining the sidewalks, were once cool and shaded in the summer. The buildings look mostly residential and really old. N’Doch doubts there’s been much new building here—not since way before his time—because of all the brick. He recognizes brick from vids, but he’s never actually seen the stuff in real life, least not a whole building’s worth. Wasn’t ever much building in brick where he’s from, a few during the old colonial days maybe, but mostly it’s cinderblock or concrete. Along here, there are entire blocks of brick-built townhouses, lined up side by side, confronting their mirror images across the littered streets, red-brown facades gaping doorless and windowless like one big collective scream.
He’s scanning these buildings now like he would in a strange street at home, looking for the telltale signs of recent use, of covert habitation: anything that might warn of an ambush. He wishes he had a laser assault rifle or something serious, instead of a stupid, overgrown steak knife. But the streets just go on and on, empty of life. He gets a sudden chill: what if the place is hot, or diseased? But the destruction looks like looting to him, and firebombing and just plain age, stuff he’s seen a lot of. No full-out nuking. And a place that’s been plague-killed usually shows a lot more signs of it: the old remains lying around, the heaps of bird-picked bones, that sense of a fatal interruption having shown up in the middle of a normal day.
He pulls up on a corner, in the shade of a tall stone stoop. Crumbling exterior stairs lead up to a burned-out second story, arching over a lower entryway that’s barred with a battered metal door and a rusted folding gate. The fact that there’s still a door alerts N’Doch to check it out carefully. But he sees the gate is welded in place with that blue-green corrosion that salt water lays down on exposed metal. He hears a rustle in the shadowed corners under the stairs. He sees nothing big enough in there to hide anything of size. Must be a rat or something, he decides, and though he hates rats worse than most things, he finds this first sign of life oddly comforting.
First the girl joins him, then Köthen, who eyes the shadows under the stairs and drops wearily onto a chunk of the collapsed stair railing. N’Doch leans over to pass him the water, and gives his tongue up to the dragon’s control once more.
“So what d’you think of the States, Baron K.?”
Köthen sips and passes the jug back, rolling the water around on his tongue like it was some big year wine. “Does it matter to you what I think?”
This surprises him. What’s gotten the dude riled up again? Surely the baron’s not reconsidering his deal already? “Hey, man, just making conversation.”
“Let him rest, N’Doch,” murmurs the girl.
Köthen glances at her over his shoulder, then reaches for N’Doch’s water jug and a second pull. “What do I think? I think it is hot. And I think that this is a very large town to be so empty of inhabitants.”
N’Doch leans back, relieved. He dislikes being pulled into this dance between the two of them, but he also sees how he can use it to keep the baron talking to him. In Köthen’s eyes right now, he’s the lesser of evils. “Bingo. Looks like they wrecked the joint, then got up and left.”
“No one would do such a thing.”
“Hmm. Might.” N’Doch stretches his long legs across the mud-cloaked concrete. “You fought in wars, right?”
Köthen nods like it’s a stupid question. Like, doesn’t everyone?
“You ever looted some enemy village, then burned it to the ground just ’cause you wanted to?”
The baron’s tone alerts him, but not enough to keep him from plunging forward. “C’mon, really?”
“That’s what guys like you always do in the vids.”
“Guys like me?” Köthen repeats, as if the slang tastes sour in his mouth.
“You know, knights in armor.” N’Doch shrugs. “Well, probably they didn’t have anything you needed bad enough.”
Köthen looks to the girl, like he’s checking to see if she agrees that anyone who talks like this is an idiot or out of his mind.
“N’Doch,” she warns, “It’s a bad idea to accuse a man of honor of behaving like a common thief.”
“Oh. A common thief. Like me, I suppose. So sorry. I forgot his highness only steals big important things, like other people’s thrones.”
The girl’s eyes squeezed shut. He can’t imagine why, since he’s said it in French so the baron won’t hear. At least he thinks he’s said it in French. But Köthen is staring at him, and if looks really could kill, N’Doch would be a stone dead man. He sighs and gets ready to defend himself again.
“Why, N’Doch?” moans the girl. “Why must you do these things?”
“He wasn’t supposed to hear!”
Köthen’s mouth is a thin line buried in his neat, tawny beard. “What was your point?” he asks coldly.
N’Doch’s got a bone to pick with a certain blue dragon. What’s she trying to do, get him killed? Now he’s gotta go and tap-dance the baron into a peaceable mood again without making himself look too foolish. “My point? Just that when people need something bad enough, they take it. And when they got nothin’ to lose, sometimes they wreck the joint, just for spite.”
The baron’s eyes narrow on him, then dip away. “Or themselves, if they can.”
N’Doch sees Köthen retreating toward his private darkness. A better place for him than at my throat, he decides. But all this has got him thinking about home, and he realizes he hasn’t given the whole answer yet. He considers what was going on then: the waves of migration out of the bush into the towns as the long drought took hold, then back out again as the drought continued and the towns became lawless. All stuff he’d taken for granted. But now, he’s beginning to sniff out a wider perspective.
“No, okay, listen,” he says, hearing himself sound earnest in spite of himself. “What I really think is, something happened. Not just another war, but something that made it no good living here anymore, no matter how much stake they’d put into the place or how much they’d fight for it.”
The girl’s voice is hushed. “Like . . . plague?”
Some things really are universal, N’Doch notes. “I gave that a moment, too, but I don’t think it was anything that sudden. More like, over a lotta years.”
This getting serious seems to work. The tightened vise of Köthen’s jaw has relaxed. He’s listening again.
“Some slower destruction,” he says.
“Yeah, like . . . well, like the water coming up.”
Recalling the meters of African beach lost to the sea, the dozens of coastal shantytowns washed away or forced inland, even in his own short lifetime, N’Doch gets up and points down the wider street that crosses the one they’d come in on. “Take a look down there.”
The street runs downhill from their vantage into a part of town where the buildings get taller and newer. But a block or so past their corner, the road dips into the bay and from there on, the buildings rise out of deeper and deeper water. Köthen joins him, their argument forgotten. N’Doch watches him and the girl try to get their minds around what the water means. Sure, they both know what a flood is, but your usual flood is temporary. Eventually, the water dries up or goes away. This high water has obviously settled in for the long haul. He recalls his moment of revelation in Lealé’s office, what seems like months ago and is really less than two weeks, when he held the hard copy of PrintNews in his hand and actually read it, understanding it as fact for the first time ever, not just entertainment media. And one of the things it talked about was rising sea levels all over the world, stuff about ice falling off in Antarctica and melting in the tropical oceans. Well, there was a lot going down right then, people shooting at him and worse, so he got distracted from the specifics. Now he wishes he’d read it more carefully anyway. He stares at the green water lapping the window ledges down the hill and shivers, once, very hard. It’s like a spasm of comprehension settling in on him. He’d assumed the drought and the beach-swallowing ocean were local because they affected him locally. No, the truth is, he didn’t even think about it. But now, here he is in the US of A, if his guess is correct, and the same thing is happening. Or has already happened. This is his future’s future, all right, and he’s not sure he’s gonna like it.
Nah. Easier to backpedal. Be the old streetwise N’Doch who lived for the moment, never gave the future a thought. “’Course I could be wrong, y’know. Probably just a real high tide or something. Storm, out to sea.”
Looking at an ocean flowing through doorways, Köthen barks that bitter laugh of his. “Oh, yes. And the townsfolk will all be home by dinnertime.”
N’Doch can’t help but grin. Already this dude reads him pretty damn well. “Okay, then, say I’m right. It gets worse. In my time, this country we’re in, or at least I think we are—this place was the wealthiest, most powerful country of all. If it could be done, the Americans could do it. So if they’re in this sort of trouble, I just gotta be worried about what shape the rest of the world is in.”
“It reminds me of home,” the girl remarks solemnly.
Köthen turns his eyes from the water. “This apocalyptic thinking again. I must stop listening, or you will have me believing you.”
“Oh, believe it, my lord,” pleads the girl. “I am sure it has something to do with why we are here.”
He blinks at her. “It’s the weather you’re after? I thought it was a dragon. Well, then, we might as well all go home. It’s God’s choice, is it not, to send cold or hot, wet or dry? If He wishes to make the waters rise, there’s little my good sword arm can do about it.”
“It ain’t that simple . . .” N’Doch begins, at the same time that the girl says, “But what if it isn’t God who’s responsible?”
“Who, then, other than God?”
“Some great Evil.”
Köthen sucks his teeth, contriving to look both contemptuous and worried. “You’d have better brought Hal Engle on this trip, then, instead of me. Great Evils are his bailiwick. Especially as he thinks I’m one of them.”
But the girl is in her dogged mode. When Köthen moves away to reclaim his chunk of rubble, she follows him, arms outstretched. “But isn’t it odd, my lord? At home, there was snow and ice in August. In N’Doch’s time, a drought was killing the land. Here, the sea is swallowing the cities! And, lo, dragons are waking from their timeless sleep, called to a holy Mission! Surely their mission is to defeat this Evil, and bring Goodness back into the world!”
N’Doch lets out a slow whistle. He can’t help himself. Where the hell did all that come from?
Köthen rests his elbows on his knees, shaking his head. “Hal Engle has too charismatic an influence upon the young. He should be curtailed.”
“Sir Hal has not even heard this idea!” the girl protests.
“Would you like to hear my theory?” N’Doch thinks it’s time to deflect this argument. “I’m not sure you’ll like it any better.”
But Köthen’s head has lifted suddenly, his nostrils flaring.
N’Doch stills. “What?”
“Do you smell that?”
N’Doch turns his head into the faint stirrings of the heated air. “Huh. Smoke. Somebody’s up and about.”
Köthen nods. N’Doch watches him take the breeze into his head like a dog would, sorting the layers and subtleties.
“At a distance,” he says. “A sickly kind of smoke.”
“Yeah?” N’Doch gives it another try. Sure enough, it ain’t just woodsmoke. He’s always thought he had a pretty good nose, but this guy’s a real pro. “Could be . . . maybe . . . burning rubber? Oh, right. You wouldn’t know what that is. It’s this gooey shit they make . . .”
Köthen waves him silent. “What’s burning isn’t important. Who’s burning it is what we need to know.”
The adrenaline is rising again, tingling along N’Doch’s nerves. “Like, friend or foe?” he mutters.
“Always assume the latter,” says the baron.
“Better safe than sorry,” N’Doch agrees.
Erde listened to their murmured litany, surely the sort of mutually reassuring exchanges that soldiers needed in order to prepare themselves for battle, and suddenly it sounded alien to her.
“No,” she said. “That’s not right. If we assume they are enemies, they will assume the same of us.”
Both men turned as one to stare at her.
“But this is their land. We are the strangers here. We may need their help.”
Köthen shoved his hands onto his hips and turned away.
N’Doch said, “And what makes you think they’re going to give it to us?”
“How will we know if we don’t even ask?” Then, finally, she offered her own version of pragmatism. “If we show up with a dragon . . .”
N’Doch shrugged. “She’s got a point,” he said to the baron.
But Köthen said, very quietly, “No.” He tested the air again, walked to the edge of the broken sidewalk, and stared down the street. “You brought me here for this. It’s what I do best. We’ll do as I say.”
“My lord baron . . .”
“The dragons are our reserves. Only a fool shows the enemy everything he’s got at the start of the battle. A fool or a braggart.”
Erde felt her back straighten involuntarily. “My grandmother the baroness often mentioned the value of a show of strength, especially if it means that needless killing can be avoided.”
“I have no lust for needless killing,” Köthen growled.
“We don’t even know who they are yet!” N’Doch complained. “Why argue now about what we’re going to do to them? By the time we decide, they may be doing it to us!”
“There is no argument,” said Köthen. “We will do as I say.”
“Tell you what, Baron K . . . let me go on up ahead and scout ’em out a bit. I can move fast and light. It sort of used to be my profession—before I got shanghaied into the dragon business.”
Erde could see Baron Köthen wishing in his heart for someone predictable and steady at his side, like Captain Wender, or even the not entirely sane but surely reliable Hal Engle. On the assumption that there was greater strength in union, she decided to support him.
“No scouting now. We must stay together,” Köthen insisted. To Erde’s surprise, he turned to her. “Are the dragons agreed? They will come if you call them?”
“They will, my lord.”
His gaze lingered a moment. Then he grabbed her hands at the wrists and twisted them palms up and open in front of him. Their unscarred, healthy flesh seemed more than a puzzle to him: an offense, perhaps. How else to explain his tight, nervous expression?
“Did I dream it?” he murmured.
“No, my lord.”
“It’s true, then, is it, witch? Dragon magic?”
Had he not believed? Was N’Doch’s story of resurrection not convincing to him? “Oh, yes, it surely is. My lord Earth has made far greater healings than this.”
He balanced one of her hands in his left, and with his right thumb and forefinger traced the invisible lines where Wender’s dagger had cut into her skin. It was like sunrise. Her entire body awoke to his touch. Keeping her own hands steady was a supreme act of will. She couldn’t even think of looking up at him.
He knows, she decided. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me. Damn him!
And the thought gave her strength.
Köthen placed her hands down by her sides as if putting them back in proper order. “Well, then I guess I needn’t worry about whatever fearsome weapons these warriors of the future might use against me. I have a dragon to put me back together again.”
On the edge of the street, N’Doch cleared his throat. “Baron K. The sun’s going down. We better get going.”
Erde signaled the dragons.
Reluctantly, they gave over a part of their consciousness from their ongoing debate over the guilt or innocence of Lord Fire.
Erde’s excitement ebbed. But surely Baron Köthen would know the difference between a man-made fire and one of natural origin.
Lady Water apparently knew what “rubber” was.
That’s significant. Keep us posted.
Nothing around to hunt.
He never tells me anything!
Erde’s head sang with the sibilance of dragon derision. In order to sober them up, she asked them something serious.
We aren’t miracle workers . . .
Lady Water sounded annoyed, but then, Erde often thought her too easily annoyed. Perhaps this was due to having an annoying human as her dragon guide. Erde was particularly irritated with N’Doch just then, as she feared he was bringing out the worst in Baron Köthen. She’d understood better how to deal with them when they were at odds. But just one life-threatening incident later, and they were instant allies. Any moment they’d be punching each other in the arm like barracks infantrymen and looking for flagons of ale to hoist together. When she said as much to the dragons, Lady Water grew even more annoyed, and her brother Earth even more tolerant and kindly.
Well, he got his highness up and moving, didn’t he?
Did he? Erde thought she had done that.
I couldn’t have said that better myself.
What about my needs? But Erde kept this thought in the private part of her mind. She was outnumbered on the issue of N’Doch, and always in such cases, she trusted the dragons’ wisdom. Again, she resolved to try to better understand her fellow dragon guide.
They were about to start off, arranged in that stringlike formation that both Köthen and N’Doch favored, with herself in the middle and N’Doch up ahead. N’Doch came over and touched her elbow. “Did you warn him about guns yet?”
Guns. Oh, no.
“Will they be here, too?”
“Hell, girl, more’n likely. Once you get a good idea like that into folks’ heads, they ain’t gonna give it up easy.”
“A good idea, N’Doch?”
He, of all people, who but for the dragons would be dead from the destruction that these “good ideas” could wreak on human flesh.
“Well, you know what I mean. They work.”
“How should I warn him about guns?”
“How did you learn? I told you, right?”
“No. Someone just began shooting, and you told me to duck.”
“Oh, right. I remember now. Well, maybe that’s how he’ll have to learn, too.”
The moment was always in her mind, though most of the time she could ignore it, that preternaturally clear, slow-motion image that would never fade or be forgotten: N’Doch is yelling. He is racing toward her over the bright velvet grass, dodging not out of but into the path of the guns firing behind him. And then his long, slim body is jerking, arcing into the air, his mouth flung open, his dark head hauled back, blood and bone and flesh, pieces of him spattering her chest and cheeks as the dragons’ aura embraces them in a rush of silence and merciful oblivion.
Erde buried her face in her hands.
“Hey, girl . . .” He touched her elbow again, uneasily. “You worry too much.”
“No.” She shuddered once, then dropped her hands and looked up at him, amazed. She had just understood something. While reliving that awful moment yet again, a detail had made itself clear to her, something she had not known, or had denied.
. . . dodging not out of but into the path of the guns . . .
He had put himself between them, between her and the guns.
He’d said he remembered nothing about that moment, the moment of his dying and just before. But Erde thought he should. She reached out to the dragons and asked them to put the image into his head. She saw its arrival in his eyes and in his sharp intake of breath.
“Why did you do that, N’Doch?”
He was wrung silent by the pictures in his mind. Only a strangled gasp escaped him, then a shudder very much like her own.
“Why, N’Doch?”
“I don’t . . .” he murmured, then stopped and licked his lips. “No, I do . . . what I remember is, I was . . . so angry. Just so fucking angry! Shooting down innocent women because they’re, like, an inconvenience!” His chest rose and fell as if he’d been running. “Baraga thought I controlled the dragons. I couldn’t . . .”
“I know.” Right there in the broken alien street, Erde put her arms around N’Doch, not even worrying about what Baron Köthen might think, and held him until he stopped shuddering. He did not return the embrace. He was too stunned, she could see, by what she had shown him, by what it told him about himself. And so was she.
She backed away from him a step, patting his arms several times as they hung long and limp by his sides.
“I will tell him about guns,” she said.
N’Doch knows he can’t let himself be distracted by this just now. He needs to be about four hundred percent alert. But he decides it’s also not the best idea to let the girl fill the baron in on something crucial like guns which she knows shit-all about. Like, what if he says to her, how does it work? This guy could ask that kind of question. What will she say, by magic?
Plus he sees Köthen is leaning back against the brick wall of the building while she talks to him, with his arms folded across his chest at a majorly skeptical angle. It won’t do for the baron not to believe her at all. He’ll get his head blown off first thing. N’Doch slouches over to join them.
“So what’d you tell him?”
When she repeats it for him, N’Doch laughs. “I wouldn’ta believed you either.” He offers a more mechanical explanation involving trajectories and lightning and simple ballistics, and Köthen’s eyes surrender their resistant glaze. He has never heard of artillery or gunpowder, but he knows all about catapults, and once again, he impresses N’Doch with the agility of his thinking and his willingness to go after an idea as long as he can get the smallest toehold on it.
“Gun.” Köthen rolls the word around as if tasting it. The military potential of such a notion is not lost on him, though N’Doch’s description of gunpowder clearly smacks to him of alchemy. He uses the French word, somewhat awkwardly, since N’Doch hasn’t been able to give him the word for gun in German. It doesn’t exist yet for the girl and the baron, anyhow. N’Doch finds his own brain bending around that idea. Like, if he did know the German for gun, and he taught it to the baron and it got into the language that way, where would the word have come from in the first place? He reminds himself, when he has time, to ask the dragons. Just the sort of thing they ought to know.
“Main thing,” he says, “is to stick close to cover. Just ’cause they’re a ways away don’t mean they can’t get at you.” He sees Köthen’s glance flick down the length of the street and up the sides of the buildings, scanning the dark rows of empty window holes. You got it, dude, he agrees gloomily. This here’s sniper heaven. He thinks he detects the slightest wavering in the man’s ramrod confidence. It’s there in his eyes—the shadow of a shark cruising the shallows—and as quickly gone, as the baron rejects the thought and shoves himself away from the wall.
“I am not the kingdom’s best archer,” he remarks, “but a stout bow would be comforting right now.” He nods N’Doch forward and signals them to move on.
Feeling as much of a sitting duck as he can ever recall, N’Doch leads the way down the littered sidewalk, choosing now to hug the building walls for the sake of available cover. He checks every burned-out doorway or busted window and it’s slow going, but the smell of smoke is still hanging in the air and the baron doesn’t seem impatient.
The street runs straight for several more blocks, then snakes off to the left. At the crook of the turn, N’Doch spots a little huddle of what must have been shops, shorter buildings with gaping holes in the bottom story that used to be display windows. He peers inside each one. He sees old glass, mostly ground into glittery powder, and along the walls, wrecked and empty shelving, the charred remains of counters and freezer cases, heaps of twisted wire from storage racks. All junk. Anything useful has been salvaged already, probably over a considerable length of time. These places have a picked-over quality that N’Doch recognizes. He shrugs and moves on. Here and there, a bit of blistered metal offers a fragment of a word or image to confirm his guess: the northeastern US of A, some time after his. He can’t decide now which is more surreal: walking around knowing you’re in 913, or sifting through the wreckage of your own future.
Around the elbow, the street dips sharply and within a block, lowers itself into the muddy green water. There are no alleys or cross streets to lead them aside, along dry land. N’Doch glares about at the looming brick facades. Cul de sac. Perfect place for an ambush. But he’s always had a major objection to retracing his steps. Then he sees something that makes him smile. Köthen and the girl come up beside him.
“Oh,” says the girl. “We’ll have to find another way.”
Down the slope of the street and on the far side, where the bay has already swallowed the bottom story, a crude gangway has been lashed together out of salvaged pipes and window grating and battered metal doors. It leads from the raised stone stoop of the building at the water’s edge, across that facade, and into a second-floor window of the building next door. It looks well-used and pretty sturdy, N’Doch thinks. It even has a jerry-built sort of railing. What he finds most interesting, though, is that there’s been no attempt made to conceal it. It’s like, well, yeah, this is where the road goes, now that the old one’s underwater. He looks to the baron. “I’ll check it out.”
Köthen shrugs, like it’s the best of a poor choice, and nods him forward. They head downhill and cross the street. Köthen and the girl wait on the stoop while N’Doch climbs the gangway. The windows of the facade are blocked with dented sheet metal until he gets up to the end of the ramp. The final window has been enlarged by knocking away the brick sill. It’s now door height, if you’re someone a bit shorter than N’Doch. He leans against the facade and pokes his head into the opening. The dark room inside has long ago been trashed. The wooden floor gapes in several places. N’Doch can hear the slosh of water in the space below. There’s a salty dampness in the air, a coolish draft rising that he inhales with relief as he ducks through the doorway.
Inside, the gangway continues, cutting the room diagonally, across charred wood and naked joists, safety railing and all. It disappears through a wide archway into an even darker room beyond. N’Doch squints into the ungiving shadow. He listens. It looks and sounds like the building is empty, but he feels that it isn’t. Old instinct tells him that in a place like this, it’s likely he’s being watched. He’s been trying hard to ignore the chill in his gut from the girl’s little dragon-video, but the image is on flash replay in his head and he can’t find the off button. He needs a leg up here, so he does something he almost never does. He calls up the dragon voluntarily.
Hey, girl—you there?
Where else? What’s up?
Nothin’. Only, y’know that eye thing you do? I’m out scouting this old building and it’s dark as a powerdown in here, so like . . . I was wondering if maybe you could help me out a little.
Sure thing, bro.
He’s got to grant her this, she doesn’t rag him when she knows he’s in a tight spot. As he’d given over his tongue, N’Doch now gives up his eyes to dragon control, and the spectrum of light available to him increases vastly into the infrared. Details of the room snap into focus in seething black and white.
“Mega,” N’Doch murmurs.
You want to ride this road with me a while, or are you guys too busy?
I’m with you.
N’Doch’s gotten almost used to Water hanging around in his head. She sounds pretty much like he does, so even with their frequent disagreements, it’s kind of like having a conversation with himself. But when the Big Guy talks to him, it’s a shock to his system. Earth’s voice is as slow and vast as the dragon himself, and there’s no denying the weird and external source of it.
“Great,” mutters N’Doch to himself and the dark space beyond. “Hope you won’t be sewing me up again too soon.”
He checks for the knife that Margit loaned him, then leaves it in its sheath and starts off across the gangway. Even in infrared, he sees nothing unusual, but his own personal sonar is about screaming by the time he makes it to the other side of the room. He halts at the archway and peers around one side. Another dark, empty room, longer, much narrower. A hallway, maybe, its one window to the left again boarded, its floor again in tatters. But it occurs to N’Doch that here, the floor has been pulled up on purpose, so that an intruder will be forced to the gangway.
It’s a few long steps to the next doorway. He takes them swiftly and quietly. He sees that the door has been taken off its hinges and used as part of the gangway. He sticks his nose into the absolute darkness of the third room, barely able to hear for the alarms going off inside his head. Surveying the walls with his dragon night sight, he spots an interesting arrangement of old rope and broken planks that just might lead along one wall to a corner, where a mess of pipe and plaster-dusted studs lean upright to suspiciously resemble a ladder. Sure enough, halfway to the crumbling ceiling, among the mildewing remnants of a plaster cornice, N’Doch makes out a shallow platform and two small bright spots of human heat. One of them has a stubby arrow nocked into a mean-looking crossbow, aimed straight at N’Doch’s heart.
He pulls back fast into the archway.
*What? Kids?
Water agrees. Even his one quick glance has revealed the proportions of the hot spots: slim-limbed, short, and, to N’Doch’s surprise, probably female.
“Hunh.” Should he go back, get the others? When he and the baron were having their manly shoot-first exchange, N’Doch hadn’t figured on running into women. Not even women. Girls.
He leans against the archway, using it as cover. “Friend,” he calls out softly, and then, remembering where he is or might be, calls again in English. He thinks he hears giggling in the corner, then a rustling and a brief frantic flapping of bird wings. Confounded, he calls again.
“Friend?” He hopes his English will be up to this.
“Toll or password!” demands a voice struggling to sound a lot deeper.
N’Doch represses a chuckle. He remembers doing this as a kid, extorting bogus toll from passersby in his nabe. “Don’t know no password, ain’t got no toll.”
Now he knows he hears giggling. “Who sentcha, tallman?”
“Nobody. Sent myself.”
Exasperation. “Gotta know sumbuddy sentcha.”
“Well, nobody did.” There’s unconscious music in the invisible girls’ speech patterns. Without exactly intending to, N’Doch imitates it. “Sumbuddy sendyu?”
Outright derisive laughter. “Natcheroo.”
He lets his musician’s ear lead him. “Who be dat, den?”
“We Blind Rachel crew. Whoyu?”
You listening in, girl?
He hears dragon assent in two-part harmony.
“I don’t know Blind Rachel. Should I?”
“You lie, tallman.” The voice has remembered to try again for gravity. “Don’ no’un ’scape Blind Rachel ’round heah.”
“Toldja. Ain’ from ’round here.” N’Doch’s afraid now that this parley’s on an endless loop. Then he has an inspiration. “How ’boutchu takin’ me ta Blind Rachel?” He almost adds, me’n my friends, and then thinks better of it.
There is a whispered conference up in the corner. N’Doch eases his head around the return of the arch. The dragon has tuned up the resolution, and he can see them as clear as day: two scrawny girls not much younger than the girl waiting outside. One is staring his way, resolutely aiming the crossbow. The other is murmuring and gesturing to her about it. And now he sees the rough-built cage beside them, with the pigeon-sized bird inside. But the cage is plenty big enough for two or three, and suddenly N’Doch fears he understands the wing flapping he heard before.
“Senta bird, didchu?” he hazards, trying to sound relaxed about it.
“Natcharoo, tallman.”
“Okay, good. Now maybe Blind Rachel cometa me, steada me waitin’ ’round all day.”
A shocked silence from the corner. Then, “You talk reel big, tallman.”
“No offense, see? But I’m a busy man.” He thinks he’s just about got the hang of their lingo. It’s like singing and he likes the rhythm of it in his mouth. And then an entirely different voice speaks up.
“An what mightcher biziness be, newfella?”
This voice is male, and somehow he’s got up into the room behind N’Doch. N’Doch alerts the dragons, thinking: oh, man, the baron’s never gonna let me hear the end of this. He lets his hands float away from his body and slowly turns around.