Terry W. Ervin II is an English teacher who enjoys writing fantasy and science fiction.
Fairyed is the fourth book in Terry’s Monsters, Maces and Magic series (LitRPG fantasy). He is the author of two other series: Crax War Chronicles (science fiction) and the First Civilization’s Legacy Series (fantasy). Terry has also written a post-apocalyptic alien invasion novel titled Thunder Wells, and a short story collection, Genre Shotgun. Finally, Terry co-authored Cavern, a Dane Maddock Adventure, with author David Wood.
When Terry isn’t writing or enjoying time with his wife and daughters, he can be found in his basement raising turtles.
To contact Terry, or to learn more about his writing endeavors, visit his website at www.ervin-author.com and his blog, Up Around the Corner, at uparoundthecorner.blogspot.com