
Carmen sat at the edge of her bed, her eyes wide and focused on the TV mounted to the wall. The news of the explosion was the lead story on every morning show as well as the dedicated news networks. Smoke still rose from the bombed out building and according to a live shot, at least one fire hose was still trained on the remnants.

Carmen didn’t need the crawler at the bottom of the screen nor the talking heads at the scene and the studio; she knew that warehouse, and she had heard the rumors of the meeting. The news anchors were just confirming it. Most of the news agencies were speculating that several heads of the major crime families were present in the office spaces of the building when the explosion took place. Every network had their own guess as to how many were dead: 2, 5, 38... But, authorities would only confirm a few deaths as the bodies were found blown into the parking lot.

Who was at that meeting? Frank? Anthony? Vincent???...

She could understand her concern for those she cared about, yet it didn’t seem to be the most pressing thing on her mind. Equally as demanding in her mind was another question: What role had her mother played in this?

Carmen knew her mother was involved somehow; she could feel it instinctively. The same way Mother instinctively knew about my actions.

Carmen struggled to filter through her emotions when she was startled by the ring of her phone. She rose to retrieve it.

“Is this Carmen Abbate?”


“Miss Abbate, this is Stephanie Kline at St. Francis Hospital. There’s been an accident.” The voice paused.


“Your brother, Anthony, is in intensive care. You were listed as his emergency contact.”

Carmen said nothing for a moment. Anger, hurt, confusion, fear...

“Oh my god. I’ll be right there.”

“Do you know where we are located?” The voice politely asked.

Already holding the phone out in front of her to hang up, Carmen managed to respond, “yes,” before she tapped the screen.

Carmen navigated the parking garage and quickly made her way into the hospital. After quite a few twists and turns, she found her way to Anthony’s room. The relative quiet of the floor made her believe that this wasn’t where the bomb victims were being taken.

Sticking her head into his room, she saw Anthony on the bed, his head turned away from her facing the window. He was hooked up to several monitors and she could see one of his arms was wrapped in a cast from his hand up to his shoulder. The other arm was heavily bandaged and held his IV. The bedding covered him from his midsection down, so she had no idea what he looked liked underneath that. Carmen slipped into the room and closed the door behind her.

Anthony, upon hearing the door latch shut, turned his head to her and opened his eyes. Carmen could see his bloodshot eyes and recent streaks of tears off the side of his face. They both simply looked at each other for a several seconds.

Finally, with no facial expression at all, Anthony spoke, “Did you get what you wanted?”

Carmen showed a slight look of confusion. “Anthony, what do you mean? You think I wanted you hurt?” She took a step forward to him, “I didn’t, I swear.”

Anthony still gave her no show of emotion.

She took another step closer to the bed. “How did this happen?” she asked.

A cynical smile curled onto on side of his face. “I fell down some stairs at the subway, Carmen. That’s all.” He turned his head to look straight up at the ceiling. “I didn’t think you wanted me hurt. I meant: did you get what you wanted from Vaughn – your promotion?”

Carmen moved to the chair beside the bed and quietly sat down. “I’m not worried about that. I’m here because you’re hurt. I’m here because I’m your sister, and I love you.” The lack of emotion in her voice betrayed the words she spoke.

With even less emotion, Anthony answered her, “I’ll be fine.” Still staring at the ceiling, he let out a loud sigh, “I guess I had something like this coming to me sooner or later.” The slightest hint of a chuckle escaped before he continued, “Fate is a wretched bitch, sometimes.” Slowly, he turned his head to look at her, “I just want to be sure that your business with Vaughn is taken care of. I want to be sure that my debt to you is paid. I didn’t hear from you after you left my apartment that day.


He returned his gaze to the ceiling. “How did old Walter take it?” he asked. Continuing before Carmen could answer, he said, “I must say he was not too happy when I showed him the copy of the tape I had made.” He shrugged his ‘good’ shoulder. “But the old man did seem like a prick. When I ‘met’ him at the bar, he was very kind and sweet. He said he was tired of living a lie and wanted to find someone he could settle down with and start a life. That got to me...”

Anthony sounded reminiscent as he went on. “I almost reconsidered going through with it all, but when we got back to my place,” Anthony’s tone hardened slightly, “he was a pompous old fuck. He even tried to threaten me afterwards.” Another sigh.

“But, oh well. He got what he deserved, and you got what you wanted... And I got a big karmic kick in the ass.” Anthony turned to her once again. “I was wondering why you never called me after I seduced him. Or after I showed him the recording of us and told him to get rid of Josh.”

“Ha!” The cynical smile grew larger as he laughed and looked up. “He thought I was one of Josh’s scorned ex-lovers. I played it off. But I thought you would want to know when things were ready. You never called. Why?”

Carmen knew the reason. It’s because I didn’t trust myself to not smile all day at work if I knew it was coming. Because I needed the uncertainty of it all to keep me acting normally. But she couldn’t tell Anthony that.

“I trusted you would do what you said, Anthony. That’s all,” she assured him. “And I think I was feeling guilty about putting you in that situation. I was very angry when I confronted you, and I’ve been feeling bad for it since.”

Not moving, Anthony smiled. “Bullshit, Carmen.”

Carmen didn’t react to him calling her bluff.

“There’s got to be another reason, but you know what? I don’t care what it is. If you can’t be honest for one moment, that’s fine. I just don’t want to hear any more of your lies. I’ve done what you asked, and now I’m finished with it.”

Carmen reached out her hand and placed it on his arm. “Anthony, please don’t feel that way. We’ll get you all healed up and out of here. Then –“

A nurse opened the door while she knocked on it and stuck her head into the room. “Hi there,” the she said. “I’m sorry, Mr. Abbate, it’s time for a few more tests.” She looked at Carmen and then back at Anthony. “Do you need a couple of minutes?” Carmen quickly glanced at Anthony then back at the nurse, but before she could speak, Anthony spoke up.

“No, now is fine. My sister was just leaving.”

The nurse smiled uncomfortably, but nodded toward the hall and swung the door completely open. Standing against the door, she made room for two large orderlies to walk into the room. The second orderly guided a wheelchair to the side of Anthony’s bed and they both worked to prep Anthony for transfer.

Carmen rose from her seat and watched the orderlies work. She instantly became disturbed when they lifted Anthony out of the bed, his legs lifeless.

“Anthony!!!” she shockingly exclaimed. “What?!? Why?!? Are you-???”

“Paralyzed.” He finished the thought for her. He managed a meager smile that resembled a mix of reproach and pity. “The fall fractured my spine.” He grimaced as the orderlies lifted him off the bed and situated him in the chair. As he landed in the chair, he grunted, “Karma’s a wretched bitch, like I said...”

One orderly led while the other pushed Anthony around the end of the bed and toward the door. Before he was wheeled out of the room, Anthony turned to Carmen and said, “Goodbye, Carmen. Good luck with your new life.”

Carmen sat in her car, too much in shock to drive at the moment. Her phone rang. She picked it up to see Vincent’s name on the caller ID. He’s alive! Instinctively, she answered the phone.

“Carmen? Are you okay? Have you heard?” Vincent hurriedly asked her.

“Yes, I heard. I don’t have any details yet, but I heard.”

Vincent started talking, but Carmen suddenly realized that she wasn’t actually listening to anything he was saying. Answering Vincent’s call was almost a trained response, but as she answered this time, she felt as though she didn’t want to talk to anyone. No, that wasn’t it. Something was off. With her mind going off in all different directions, she wanted clarity. Close... I need to get things back under control.

Despite her efforts, things hadn’t been turning out exactly the way she had planned. She had successfully manipulated her brother, but he had still gotten hurt. It’s my fault. I should have told him exactly how I wanted it done. Her mother turned out to be someone she never would have imagined her to be. How did I never see that??? Her friends were not quite what she thought they were. Matty and my mother??? Her life seemed to be completely unraveling before her eyes. Even her Vincent seemed to be drifting from her recently. The incident in the bar, where he barely acknowledged her, was just the tip of the iceberg. It seemed to her that their entire relationship had become a series of missed phone calls and intermittent text messages with no real connection. What happened to him? What was I doing wrong? ...Nothing. I’m not doing anything wrong. ...Then what can I do differently??? ...What is the problem here???

Control... Control! It suddenly dawned upon her that she was so much more like her mother than she had ever dreamed. Mother controlled everything. That’s how she succeeded in keeping it all a secret. That’s how she manipulated all those people. Control! She quickly decided that things would go HER way now. No mistakes. No detours. Nothing left to chance.

As Vincent continued talking into her ear, Carmen cut him off mid-sentence. “Vincent.” She said his name in a no-nonsense manner. “I really need to see you.” Her tone signified that this wasn’t a request. If I’m going to get things under control, I’m going to begin with the one thing I know I can reign in... “Can you be at my place in an hour?”

Hearing the firmness in her voice, Vincent replied, “Sure.”

“Good. I’ll see you in an hour.” And she hung up without waiting for a goodbye.

Carmen arrived at her apartment and threw her purse across the hall where it skidded across the table and flew off the other side. She ripped her jacket off her shoulders as she stormed through the house and simply tossed it aside. As she turned to enter her bedroom she was pulling her tank up over her head. She dropped it on the floor on her way to the closet. Kicking the door open she reached behind her and unzipped her skirt. I’ll make sure he sleeps with his hand on his phone after tonight! She pulled nearly the entire rack of blouses, skirts and pants to one side to reveal some more risqué clothing. Then, she turned to her stack of drawers and kneeled to pull open the bottom drawer. An array of colors and fabrics was revealed. She stood again and quickly glanced between the articles of clothing on the hangers and in the drawer.

After she had selected the proper ensemble, she took everything into the bathroom. Carmen quickly rifled through her collection of makeup and searched for the proper colors and applications that she could adapt to the light makeup she was already wearing. No time to start over from scratch...

Carmen was sitting on the bed fastening the strap on her second heel when there was a knock on the door. She stood and took one last look at herself in the mirror. Oh yes...

She heard the door open and Vincent call out, “Carmen?” She waited.

The door closed and again, “Carmen?”

She waited another couple of seconds before she stepped out of the bedroom. Just two slow steps into the hall and she stopped to put her hand high against the wall. Vincent saw her and he froze. Carmen leaned against her hand and bent one knee in a coquettish show. Her free hand traced along her bare mid-section up to her black lace bra.

Vincent stared in near disbelief. Carmen stood at the other end of the hall, a vision of pure sex. Her hair had been pulled back into a pony tail that she had pulled forward over one shoulder. Her dark eyes drew him in as they were highlighted by a shade of eye shadow he’d never seen before. Not only was it pink, but it was applied in a completely different way than Carmen ever used it. In fact, her entire face seemed to be exceptionally profound. Her lips were a shimmering deep red, her cheeks looked soft yet accented, every feature flawless.

He scanned down from her face and saw her chest barely covered by the black balconette bra. As she moved ever so slightly, he watched her taut stomach move just above the garter belt. The lace was so thin, the garment was essentially see-through. Set low on her hips, it attached to the stockings she was wearing, yet his eyes lingered at the panties she had selected. A tiny black triangle covered her cleft and a little white bow was fastened at the top. Yet holding the small triangle in place were three thin straps extending from the corners around her hips. The top strap extended above the garter belt while the other two slipped beneath the lace of the former. Vincent could only imagine what little coverage the three straps offered behind.

Pulling his eyes lower, he followed the straps of the garter belt down to the stockings. The straps themselves were barely thicker than the panties hugging her figure. They held firmly to the thick lace top of the stockings. But, below the thick lace was an extremely sexy, tight, fishnet weave. At the length of each of her legs was an incredible stiletto. At least 4 inches high, the heels drew out every curve in her legs. Her toes poked through a black leather band while her heel was secured by 4 straps that followed the curve of her ankle to the lower part of her leg.

Vincent couldn’t get past the eroticism that radiated from Carmen. The way she stood. The way she slowly shifted. And really, the look in her eye. Vincent was captivated. ...And Carmen knew it.

She didn’t say a word. His lack of animated reaction was enough. She started to walk the length of the hall, one slow, seductive step at a time. Her eyes never wavered, her expression never changed as she closed the distance between them. Her hips swayed as she smoothly glided to him, only the slight creaking of the leather-strapped shoes making a noise on the carpeted floor.

Stammering, Vincent tried to speak, “I-I-I don’t know what happened at the warehouse...”

Carmen put her hand over Vincent’s mouth to interrupt him. “It’s okay, Vincent. I’m okay, you’re okay, and I just needed you to be here.” He gently raised his hand to take her forearm. Lowering it to his side, he looked her up and down.

Snapping himself back to reality, a look of confusion came over him. “But, why this?” He nodded to indicate the outfit.

“Why?” she playfully asked. “Do you not like it?”

“No! No. I love it. I’m just confused about-... Why now?”

“Because,” she started to answer him loosing her hand from his and sliding it up his chest while her other hand slid behind his back, “we can,” she finished breathlessly. She pulled him to her with both hands and kissed him deeply. Vincent still a bit confused, reacted slowly to the kiss. Her tongue shot into his mouth and she pulled him firmly. He stumbled slightly at her forceful come-on, but regained his balance.

Her kiss was firm and extremely playful. He quickly began to respond to her. She clung to him tightly and pressed against him. He let his hands start to wander over her sexily covered body. Curious, he let one hand drift to her ass where he traced the three straps of her panties. He followed the straps to one point where one lone strap extended below, splitting her cheeks. As he lowered his hand to follow that strap, Carmen tightened her buttocks. Her firm ass felt wonderfully sexy under his hand. He gave her a firm squeeze and she arched her back, thrusting her chest into him.

When Vincent released his grip on her cheek, Carmen lifted herself even higher on the high-heeled shoes pulling on Vincent’s shoulders. This brought her head beside Vincent’s and she began to whisper into his ear.

“I want you to fuck me.”

Vincent nearly stopped moving completely when he heard Carmen say that. Oh my god! She’s never said anything like that before!

“Oooooo... I have your attention, do I?” she cooed. “That’s right, baby. I want you to FUCK... me.” The operative word was said with a soft, yet firm, emphasis. Her hand clung to the back of his head, holding his ear near her mouth.

“I want to feel you inside me. ... I want you to fuck me hard.” Vincent still barely moved. Again, Carmen was extremely proud of soliciting the non-reaction from him.

She lowered herself from him and pressed herself away. “But first,” she continued as she wriggled free from his arms and slowly backed away from him, “I want you to take me.”

Carmen locked eyes with Vincent. “I want you to feast on this body.” Her hands rubbed up and down her own skin, over her hips, up between her breasts, massaging and pressing into her flesh where it would have the most effect. “I want you to take me and use me.” She spun away from him and showed her backside. Her firm ass was bare below the garter belt except for three tiny strings over each hip. Only his hands knew there was another string that extended below.

“I want you to fuck this ass,” she turned to face the wall and put her hands against it. Arching her back and pressing her chest and cheek against the wall, she told him, “I want you to fuck me as hard as you can, any way that you want.” Her eyes closed as she subtly imitated her reaction to what she was describing. “Uhhnnnhhh...” she sighed, arching even more.

Vincent stood, mesmerized.

Carmen opened her eyes again and spun against her arm on the wall. When she ended up with her back against it, she thrust her chest into the air and looked at him again. “I want to be your fuck toy.” The words slipped from her lips with such sultriness and silky smoothness that it didn’t even seem like what she was saying was explicit at all. Vincent could barely believe that it was Carmen saying these things.

Still, he was incredibly aroused by everything she was saying, doing and suggesting. He couldn’t resist any longer, so he took a step toward her.

“AH!” she extended a hand to stop him. Vincent stopped moving toward her, but drifted to the other side of the hall to get a better look at her.

“But before you get to fuck me,” Carmen explained, her hands mimicking her words as she continued, “I need you to suck on my breasts. I need you to worship this body with your tongue. And I need you to make me cum.” Her hands ended up over her sex when she said this. “That’s right. I need you to make this pussy wet. I want to be dripping when you put your cock in me.”

Vincent stood wide-eyed. ‘Dripping’? Where did this girl come from???

“I want your fingers inside me first.” Carmen spread her legs slightly atop her high heels. “Then I want your tongue to taste me... lick me... and eat this pussy.” A few fingers slipped underneath the little white bow causing Carmen to draw a deep breath.

“Yes...” she hissed as her fingers moved beneath the panties. “I want to cum all over your face,” she said with her eyes closed and her head turned to the side as it appeared to Vincent that she was going to cum all by herself.

She quietly groaned, “Uhhnnnn...” as she withdrew her fingers and slowly brought them up to her mouth. Opening her lips, her already glistening fingertips entered her mouth and she sucked at them. A slight smack sounded as she pulled them from her lips. “Yesss, I want you to taste that as I cum.”

Vincent tried hard to swallow.

“And then,” Carmen flattened herself against the wall, “you can fuck me all you want.” She pressed her breasts together. “You can fuck me in any position, any way, and for as long as you want.” Again, she spun against the wall. “Then, I’m your dirty little fuck doll,” Looking over her shoulder, she wiggled her ass at him for effect.

“Ready?” she asked.

“Oh, hell yes,” Vincent gasped after another hard swallow.

“Good.” Carmen reached back and grabbed a handful of Vincent’s shirt. She tugged him toward the bedroom, but instantly let go so she could give him a good view of her ass along the way. She could feel his eyes feasting on her butt as she strutted through the doorway.

Once inside the bedroom, Carmen spun on her toes to face Vincent. Eagerly bouncing into the room, Vincent stopped when Carmen held up her hand.

“Now, I’ll give you a little bit of a head start.” And tease the shit out of you even more... Maintaining eye contact with Vincent, she reached down to the tops of her stockings and started to unhook the straps from the garter belt. With each clasp disengaged, the straps popped loose and dangled from the belt. Vincent’s mouth watered as Carmen deliberately worked to free the garter belt and stockings.

The last strap undone, Carmen stood up straight. She then turned her back slowly to Vincent. Her hands went to the front of abdomen and slipped underneath the garterbelt to hook into the thin strips of the panties. She looked over her shoulder at Vincent as she led her thumbs up over her hips, pulling the panties down slightly. Noticing Vincent’s eyes fixated on her ass, Carmen put her feet together and bent over at her waist. Once her back was parallel with the floor, she pulled the panties over her round ass ever so slowly.

Vincent just stared, mouth agape as Carmen’s hands continued down her thigh with the tiny black fabric in tow. The single strap peeled slowly from between her ass cheeks before finally falling free from between her legs. Carmen let the underwear fall to her feet and she dragged her hands along her legs as she stood back up. With her hands seductively resting on her legs, she carefully stepped out of the panties.

She didn’t turn back to Vincent; she took the final few steps toward the bed. Climbing onto the bed on her hands and knees, Carmen flashed her bare ass at Vincent one last time. Intentionally, she lowered her head and shoulders to the bed and arched her back. Her knees spread wide on the bed and her moist sex was open to him as he eagerly waited just inside the doorway.

Gyrating her hips slightly before turning over onto her backside, Carmen then crossed her legs as she lay back onto her elbows.

“Now,” she almost commanded, “make your fuck slave cum and she’ll be yours.”

Vincent nearly leapt the distance to the bed. He excitedly climbed onto the bed and over Carmen. Extending her arms up toward him, she met his kiss halfway and wrapped him up. He fiercely kissed her, spending little time on her mouth. With her hands on his shoulders and head, Vincent voraciously kissed at her cheek, ears and neck. His attack was rabid and animalistic.

Carmen was beaming with pride as Vincent attacked her. Her outfit and act had driven Vincent to a wild state and it was turning out even better than she had imagined. She was more than willing to give herself to him in any way that he wanted, but she made it clear that she was calling the shots. Still, she was playing into his ego even more by empowering him to bring her to orgasm first. Give the man a goal and then a reward for reaching that goal, and he’ll have twice the ego.

It wasn’t long before Vincent was lifting her from the bed with one hand to remove her bra. Once free, her breasts were hungrily ravaged by his hands and mouth.

“Yesss, suck on my tits,” she moaned when her nipple was taken into his lips. Her comments and vocalizations were just adding to his frenzy. She cried out, “AHHHNNNN,” when Vincent gently bit around one of her nipples. She knew Vincent was aware of her pain tolerance, but in his current state, he might press the envelope a little more.

She didn’t have to worry as Vincent released her breasts and continued down her stomach. He had reached below her waist with one of his hands, pressing it between her legs which she opened for him. His fingers massaged her engorged opening and they were quickly becoming slick with her juices.

Vincent rose up and shifted his body lower along hers and when he settled just above her hips, he slid a finger inside her. Carmen moaned loudly in response. Looking up at her, he saw her prop herself back up on her elbows to watch him. He smiled at her before he dropped his head to meet his hand. “Mmmmm,” she hummed when his tongue snuck between her lips.

Vincent was skilled with his tongue, but she wanted something more. “Slide another finger in me,” she told him. “Fuck me with your fingers.” Vincent, growing more accustomed to the commands didn’t even look up at her. His hand withdrew then advanced once again with another finger pressing into her.

She felt his fingers fill her as his tongue continued its assault on her clit. Damn, I’m wet. Carmen was a little shocked at how aroused she had become carrying out the seduction. The reaction she had solicited from Vincent and the power she felt from doing so had heightened her excitement.

Vincent’s hand slid in and out of her, but the attention on her clitoris was drawing her attention. She could feel the beginnings of the orgasm and she wanted to concentrate on it. “Stick your fingers deep in me.” Vincent complied. “Uhn, good...” she moaned. Reaching down with one hand, she gripped at his hair. “Eat that pussy, baby. Make me cum.”

Vincent took the comments as encouragement and his intensity increased. Furiously licking at her button he pressed against her.

Her entire sex was flush with warmth and no movement by Vincent went unnoticed. But, the action of his tongue was taking her there. “Yes, yes, that’s it! Make me cum.” She pulled him even harder into her by his hair. “Fucking make me cum, baby! Make me cum all over your mouth so you can have your fuck doll.”

Vincent, spurred by her words doubled his efforts. He pressed his fingers as deeply into her as they would go nearly lifting her off the bed. His tongue focused intently on her clit, working lightning fast.

“Oh god!” Carmen whispered as she felt the odd numbness that preceded the orgasm. “Oh god!” More loudly this time. “Fuck yes...” She pulled at his hair even harder. Her legs began to twitch. Her hips bolted. “Make me cum!!!” she yelled at him just before the orgasm hit her.

“FUCK!!!” she screamed when the first wave hit her. She bucked her hips so violently, Vincent was nearly thrown from between her legs. But, he stayed with it even as she thrashed on top of the covers. “I’m cummmmminggggg!”

Vincent held her as best he could to maintain the assault. Her body convulsed underneath him, but he held tight. His tongue was forced off its mark occasionally, but he would quickly center it again and cause her to freeze in place for a few seconds. The tight shuddering was his favorite reaction, but it was normally followed by a particularly rough buck. “Ahhhhhhhh...” she bellowed as her legs went taut, every muscle flexed, quivering under him. Then, finally, a loud, “UHN!” Her hips flew off the bed causing Vincent to hang on for dear life, but enjoying every second of it.

Vincent felt his hair being pulled in a different direction and he lifted his head from her hips. His lips and chin were coated.

Breathing heavily, Carmen, relaxed into the bed. “God damn, baby...” she sighed.

Vincent pushed himself up over her, the look of a puppy who just returned with the tossed stick on his face. “Did you like that?”

Carmen let out a few deep breaths with her head turned to one side before she looked back up at him. “Yes, I did. You did well.” Vincent smiled proudly at the compliment. The puppy enjoyed the pat on the head.

Reaching back up to his face, Carmen recognized the look of accomplishment on his face. Yes, you reached the goal I set for you, and now, you get your reward. Her hand slid into the hair at his temple, but then moved down his cheek and eventually his chin. She gently pinched his chin with her thumb and fingers, coating them with the same sheen he wore.

“And now,” she said as she brought her fingers to her lips, “you get...” she put her fingers in her mouth and sucked, “your fuck doll.” Her thumb then joined her fingers in her mouth and she smiled around them.

Vincent shot up on his knees and began tearing at his shirt. Forcefully ripping apart the chest, buttons flew across the bed. Pulling his arms out frantically, Carmen slid up the bed to watch him feverishly disrobe. Carmen propped herself up against the headboard to maintain the seductive allure. Vincent pulled his undershirt up over his head and threw it across the room. Carmen spread her legs before him and lazily let her fingers play between her thighs.

Vincent caught sight of this and he only became more eager. He had to jump off the edge of the bed in order remove his pants. While doing so, he was treated to the vision of Carmen sitting on the bed, her hand absently caressing herself. Her stockings still covered her silky legs, the stilettos jutted into the sheets and the garter belt still hung at her hips. Vincent hurriedly stripped down.

When he finally threw his boxers to the floor, Carmen simply said, “Now, come fuck me.”

Vincent, emboldened by the orgasm he had just caused in Carmen, was able to contain his eagerness slightly and deliberately climbed onto the bed. Carmen was impressed with his new-found restraint. He climbed over her and kissed her directly. He was far more calm and purposeful with this kiss than he was earlier.

Again, Carmen was surprised at how Vincent was able to keep his eagerness in check. She enjoyed the kiss with him. But, she could taste herself on his lips and it was exciting her once again. She reached between his legs and grasped the cock hanging there. Squeezing the half-engorged member in her hand, she pulled away from the kiss. “So, what do you want your fuck slave to do for you?”

Vincent smiled at her and pulled himself upright onto his knees. Carmen still held his penis in her hand, waiting for his orders.

“Suck my cock.” Vincent’s voice carried a bit of bravado when he issued his directive.

Carmen simply smiled a coy smile and looked up at him as she shifted her body to get on all fours in front of him. Finally releasing him from her grasp, she lowered her head to his waist and using her tongue, guided his head into her mouth. Sucking his length into her mouth, she hummed satisfaction. Vincent sighed as he sensed the heat in her mouth.

Carmen gently sucked him and let him slide to the edge of her throat. She let him withdraw and then drove her face back upon him. Vincent moaned each time he delved into her mouth. He looked down upon her and saw her beautiful curves. Her smooth bare back curled slightly with each bob of her head. Her hips, still hugged by the garter belt and its straps hanging loosely gyrated with the arching of her back. Her ass still displayed as she dipped her head to draw him in once again.

Vincent became hard very quickly and Carmen quickened her motions. His hard member slipped between her lips and slid out rapidly. Still with her hands on the bed, only her moist mouth touched him.

Vincent, completely enjoying the blowjob and the view afforded him, ran his fingers over Carmen’s bare back. She arched it in response and hummed a bit as he drug his nails up to her shoulders. She thrust forward even more rapidly with her head and Vincent put his hands on her head. A touch of apprehension came over him as he gripped her locks more tightly. He was fully aware of what she had been saying all night, but still, this might not be approved. To his surprise, Carmen offered no resistance.

Vincent started gently thrusting his hips forward to meet Carmen’s. To balance things out, Carmen relaxed her movements and let Vincent take over.

As almost a clarifying question, Vincent said, “Oh yes, let me fuck your face.”

Carmen responded with a muffled, “Mmm, mmm...”

With that, Vincent finally understood that she was completely on board with everything she was saying this night. He really could fuck her any way he wanted. Jesus, this is amazing!

He pulled at her head and thrust into her mouth. Aware that Carmen hadn’t quite yet mastered the deep throat maneuver, he took care not to go too deeply, but he enjoyed fucking that beautiful face. Her muted moans and excited motions told him she was enjoying it, too.

But, suddenly, one hand pushed Vincent’s thigh and Carmen wrestled her head free from his hands. “Uhnn,” she gasped breathlessly, and rose up on her knees. Her hands nearly slapped him on each side of his face as she pulled him to her and kissed him. Just as quickly, she pushed him back and repeated between breaths, “I want you to fuck me!”

Vincent understood. He grabbed her roughly by her shoulders and threw her to the bed. She landed with an “Uh!” on her front side, but before she could move again, Vincent’s hands forcefully dug into her hips and flipped her over. Spreading her legs apart, Vincent then pulled her closer to him. Carmen needed a moment to regain her bearings from the tossing and when she looked up, she saw Vincent’s naked body positioned directly between her legs, his cock proudly erect and only inches above her slit.

Vincent pushed one of her legs nearly to her chest while his other hand guided his cock to her opening. His pole still slick from her mouth, he thrust it directly in to the hilt. Carmen sucked in a deep breath as she was immediately filled. Vincent lowered himself over her extended leg and began pounding into her.

“Is this what you wanted?” he grunted over her.

Carmen locked eyes with him and narrowed them. She replied in a low, breathy voice, “Yes! Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

Vincent half-smiled, half-sneered at her and pushed into her harder than he ever had before. Carmen bounced against the mattress as Vincent’s weight crashed into her again and again. She placed her hands on his firm chest for stability and enjoyed the forceful fucking of her lover. Vincent grunted with every thrust, the primeval noise struck a chord with Carmen. She closed her eyes and took in the animalistic feeling of it all.

Vincent pushed against her leg and when she opened her eyes, he was sitting up straight, his cock still buried in her. Fishing his arms over top of her thighs, he dug his thumbs into the utmost top of her thigh and his fingers gripped her hips. He lifted her and pulled her closer to him, his cock penetrating her fully. He rocked up onto his knees and re-started thrusting into her. With his hands he pulled her to him to counter his thrusts. His hips smashed into her thighs and his cock slammed into her.

Carmen’s body rocked on the bed. Her breasts bounced with every drive and retreat. Her sex was nearly crushed every time their pelvic bones rammed into each other. She was loving it.

“That’s it! Fuck me!”

Vincent loved the dirty talk. He’d never seen or heard Carmen like this. This had to be a new step in their relationship. She’s finally comfortable to show this deep, dark side to me... And I love it! Every word only made him want to please her more. Every time she spoke, he drove into her even harder, faster, deeper.

“Yes, baby. Fuck me.” Carmen was impressed with his endurance thus far. I might even get a second orgasm out of this. Then, Vincent took a second to readjust his position. In an attempt to catch his breath, he withdrew from her and spread her legs wide. Sliding his erection over her engorged lips, he looked down to admire his view. Carmen held her legs wide for him and awaited the fresh penetration.

His cock slide up and down between her vulvae. Its head rose over her mound, stood up above it, then slid low again. Vincent was enjoying himself.

Finally, he pressed himself with a thumb and his head found her opening. He pushed forward and Carmen threw her head back in ecstasy. He slowly fucked her, plunging deeply into her and then withdrawing almost to the tip before driving again. Carmen put her hands on his face and stared at him, her mouth open in a silent moan as he worked his cock.

But Carmen wanted to be fucked still. “You like fucking your pussy, don’t you?” she asked him. Vincent only nodded in agreement. “Do you like your little fuck doll?” Vincent manage an “Uh-huh.”

“Good. ‘Cause I love it when you fuck me,” she nearly whispered. “I want you to keep fucking me. Fuck me hard.” Vincent again nodded, visibly a little winded. “And I want you to cum all over me.”

“Oh god.” Vincent stared at her.

“Yes. I want to feel your cum on me. I want you to cum hard and I want to feel your cum all over me.”

“Jesus...” Vincent could barely believe the words coming from his Carmen’s mouth. Still, he was absolutely thrilled to hear it. When she finally commanded one more time, “Fuck me,” he abruptly pushed up from the bed and threw Carmen to one side. She flipped over on the bed and felt Vincent spreading her legs. His thighs pushed into hers and his hands lifted her up by her hips.

“Oh yes, baby!” she cried out. She barely had time to get her hands underneath her when she felt his cock plunge into her. Again, with his hands roughly pulling at her hips, he rammed his cock into her with a vengeance.

Carmen’s breasts flailed beneath her at the violent thrusting. Her body shuddered each time Vincent hips crashed into her backside.

“Oooohhhh, godddd...” she yelled. “That’s it! Fuck me! Fuck me!! Pound that little pussy!!”

Her encouragement spurred him even more. “Damn Carmen!” he moaned.


“Oh yeah, baby”

“Yeah? You like fucking your little fuck doll?”

“God yes!”

“Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!!!”

Vincent pummeled her as hard as he could as he felt the orgasm approach. The friction between their two bodies was enough, but her words pushed him over the edge. His groans became louder.

“Yes, baby! Cum for me! Cum on me!!! Pound that pussy and then cum on my ass! Come on, baby!”

Vincent pulled out of her and held his shaft. His ejaculate launched up onto her lower back.

“Oooohhhhh...” Carmen sighed in satisfaction. “Yes, that’s what I wanted.”

His body jerked and convulsed as he held his cock between her cheeks, his fluid still pulsing out of him pooling on her back.

“Hhhmmmm...” Carmen hummed.

Vincent exited the bathroom to find Carmen tossing a sweatshirt over her head. Her stockings still covered her legs and she hadn’t bothered to remove the garter belt, either. She pulled the ponytail out of her hair and asked him, oddly enough, about the bombing, “Do you know what happened to Frank?”

Vincent stood in the middle of the floor for a second then took the cue to start gathering his clothes. He answered her while bending over grabbing his pants, “Well, he was at the meeting, that’s all I know.”

Carmen froze. She stared into space for a moment as Vincent continued to get dressed. Without even looking in his direction, she said, “I need to call my mother,” and strode out of the room. “You know the way out.”

Vincent sat on the bed completely dumbfounded.

Carmen called from the other room, “I’ll call you later tonight, I promise.”

Vincent sensed a bit of worry in her voice, so he proceeded to dress. When he walked into the hallway, he saw Carmen sitting on her couch, legs curled underneath her and her phone glowing up at her from her hand. He paused for a second, wanting to say something, but didn’t. Sitting there in a over-sized college sweatshirt, she didn’t look at all like the sultry seductress he followed down this hall earlier.

She raised the phone to her ear, so Vincent quietly slinked to the front door and left.