What Not to Bare

Dear Ladies:

We have dealt, in the main, with what fashionable people put on their bodies as clothing. We have not yet spoken of what covers their head, or “brain box” as some young sports would call it.

Why, after spending far longer than you would care to admit to in choosing your garments for the day, would you then clap something on your head that doesn’t augment your ensemble? A hat is just as unfunctional as the rest of your clothing, although it has the pretense of keeping your head covered. A good hat can make up for many deficiencies in the clothing area, but good clothing cannot cover up a bad hat.

Remember that if your face is your fortune—or at least your calling card—your hat is the literal top of the fortunate heap.

Do not besmirch the rest of it by wearing poor headwear.

The Fashionable Foible