Alcohol was involved.
When Sidney went over to Carly’s apartment after work because it had been a year since Carly had broken up with Richard. A long year in which Carly had mourned the loss of her boyfriend to “that red-haired slut-whore” as she put it.
Sidney thought Carly was better off without Richard, but a year of not dating was taking it too far.
Not that Sidney was having much better luck in the dating department. For the past year every man she met was good for, at most five dates, and maybe two rolls in the bed before he disappeared. Sidney was starting to doubt herself, her sexuality, and her hopes of ever having a permanent partner in her life.
“Hel-loo,” Carly slurred when she opened the door to her place. She juggled a bottle of wine that was mostly empty in one hand and a mostly full wine glass in the other as she dealt with the door. “I’ve been waiting for you, best friend.”
Sidney had seen Carly drunk before, but this was a little much so early in the evening.
“I see you have a head start on me.”
At once Carly’s eyes riveted to Sidney’s chest. “Ohhh…ghoood! I love that top on you. It makes your chest look…fucking amazing.”
Sidney pushed her friend back into the apartment and closed the door behind her. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed, but she worried about her friend making a fool of herself.
“You might be more than a little drunk already,” Sidney commented as she saw a second wine glass on the living room’s coffee table. It was only half full. She thought she spied lipstick on the glass’s rim, but she forgave Carly for that.
Deep down, Sidney was self-conscious of her chest. She had been the first girl in her class—her elementary school class—to develop breasts. Too many men considered her breasts to be her personality and that always seemed to go double for new men.
“I’ve always wanted your tits,” said Carly as she offered her friend the half-filled glass from the coffee table, added to it from the bottle in her hand, and topped off what she had in her own glass.
Sidney was impressed with the metaphorical juggling act Carly did with the three vessels.
“No you don’t,” said Sidney taking a sip of the wine. It was very good. Too good to just drink to get drunk from. “Backaches. Clothes not fitting correctly. Always having to wear a bra. Let me go on.”
Carly pointed to her own, nearly flat chest. “No attention from boys. Bras are mandatory but a waste. Clothes don’t fit me ‘cause I got no boobs. Let me go on.”
“How about we just drink in silence.”
Carly was amenable to that.
The silence lasted all of ten seconds.
“I really miss Richard,” she whined as she finished her wine.
“You’ll find someone better.”
“Did you know one of the reasons he dumped me was because I have no boobs?”
“You don’t have no boobs, you just have small boobs.”
“And you don’t miss Richard, you just miss having a companion.”
“And the sex,” Carly added.
“And the sex,” Sidney agreed.
“I loved it when he sucked on my nipples.”
Sidney burst out laughing.
“I didn’t need to know that.”
“I have nipples,” Carly insisted. “See?”
She yanked up her shirt to reveal a rather modest bra. It was more akin to a camisole or training bra.
“Nice bra,” Sidney commented.
“Shit! Sorry. Missed the bra.”
“You don’t have t—” Sidney tried to stop her friend, but was already too late.
Carly yanked up the plain white bra revealing a pair of small breasts with equally small pink nipples.
“Very nice,” said Sidney. “You can put your shirt back down.”
Despite herself, Carly started to laugh and pulled her bra and shirt back into place. “Jealous?”
“I’m jealous of yours.”
Sidney looked down at her impressive chest. “No you aren’t. I’m jealous of yours.”
“No you aren’t.”
They laughed together for a minute. Sidney took another drink of her wine and realized her head was already spinning a bit. She should have had something to eat before visiting her friend.
“I’ve got a confession,” said Carly.
“Do tell.”
“I love boobs.”
“You and everyone else,” said Sidney as she drained the last of her glass and wondered if Carly would offer more.
“No. I’m serious. If I didn’t like sex with men so much, I’d be a lesbian, that’s how much I love boobs.”
“You must have had a big LUG phase in college,” Sidney commented. Her face felt hot from the wine. Or was she embarrassed?
“LUG. Lesbian until graduation. How many girls did you mess around with in college?”
Carly’s face went bright red.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“You didn’t!” Carly lied. “None! It was none!”
“Oh. Huh. To each their own, I guess. You must have missed your opportunity.”
Sidney looked away and wished for more wine.
Even in her inebriated state, a realization dawned on Carly. “Oh my god, you’ve had sex with a girl!”
Sidney breathed out and tried to remain calm. She thought that part of her life was behind her. “Okay, yeah, in college. Years ago.”
“That’s…I’m jealous! Again!”
They had been friends for a few years, having met at a job they had both left behind two years ago. Sidney either had had enough wine to be honest or wanted to make a confession. “Don’t be shocked, but I’m bi.”
Carly clapped both hands over her mouth and her eyes went wide. She was shocked. “No you aren’t!” she said immediately after releasing her hands.
“Well, not actively. At the moment. It was just two women. In college. It was to…experiment. I liked it. But I like men more. The sex was…was good…was great, but I’m more interested in men.”
“What was it like playing with their boobs?” Carly pressed in close, completely enthralled.
Sidney lifted her hands to her breasts, gently holding each and lightly massaging the soft felt. “Like playing with your own…only better.”
Carly was drunkenly nodding along with Sidney’s words. “Better?”
“Yeah, better. Sex with someone else is better than with yourself, so playing with someone else’s boobs is better too.”
They looked at each other for a moment. Sidney wished for more wine but none was immediately forthcoming.
Moving with incredible quickness for someone who was drunk, Carly was suddenly right in front of her friend feeling her up.
Sidney laughed nervously. “Yeah, like that,” she said uncomfortably.
“Is this okay?” asked Carly, fascinated with her friend’s large breasts and the way they happily squished unlike her own much smaller ones.
“I would have preferred that you ask first…”
“Sorry…swept up in the moment.” She was looking down directly at Sidney’s chest as she massaged the other woman’s breasts. “These are great.”
“Yeah…except for the back pain and too much interest from boys—and men—who can’t keep their hands to themselves.”
Carly didn’t take the hint. Or she was too drunk to understand. “Can you take your top off?” she asked as if mesmerized by the other woman’s soft flesh. “I want to feel them without your shirt…and bra.”
Sidney laughed nervously. She knew where this was going even if Carly didn’t. It was a bad idea. A terrible idea. It was the sort of thing that brought down empires…and ended friendships.
Carefully, Sidney pushed her friend’s eager hands away from her chest. She then pulled her shirt up over her head, leaving her wearing just a rather plain and very effective bra. It was the furthest definition of sexy lingerie.
“Oh.” Carly’s disappointment was palpable.
Moving things along, Sidney turned around. “Unhook me, would you?”
Carly blinked. “Your bra has four hooks.”
“Yeah. Big boobs make that necessary.”
With fingers trembling, Carly released her friend’s bra and Sidney turned back around on the couch, tossing aside her bra. Carly stared at Sidney’s large breasts, topped by equally large areolas but rather average sized nipples.
“You can touch them if you want,” Sidney offered.
“Oh, thank you, Sid!” Carly grabbed the blonde’s large breasts, letting her fingers explore the softness of the flesh and lingering over her nipples.
It took no time at all for Sidney’s nipples to contact and harden which delighted Carly and she giggled nervously.
“I feel like I’m doing something wrong,” she confessed to Sidney.
“Well, I haven’t been felt up like this since eighth grade when Henry Donner made it to second base with me in the back of the bus.”
Sidney’s deadpan took Carly by surprise, but she looked up at her grinning friend and laughed in delight.
“Sorry,” she said, pulling her hands back nervously, not knowing what to do now. Her curiosity wasn’t sated in any way. She didn’t want to admit it to Sid, or even herself, but her damp panties were evidence of how this interaction had affected her.
“Let me see yours again,” Sidney said calmly.
Carly’s eyes went wide and unconsciously she put her arms in front of her small chest. “You want to see them again? Why?”
Sidney gestured at her topless state. “You’ve seen and touched mine…”
More than anything, Carly hated being put on the spot. But it wasn’t like she wanted to escape this particular conundrum that she had created.
It was easy for her to remove her shirt and bra and she did so in one smooth movement. To call it a bra was a bit of exaggeration. It was really a camisole, just enough fabric to pull off the illusion of a bra and smooth out any unwanted nipple dents in her shirt.
The moment she was topless in front of Sidney, her light brown nipples immediately hardened into tight little nubs. It was all she could do to keep her hands away from her partial nudity.
“They’re so cute!” Sidney wasn’t being condescending. There was no better way to describe Carly’s small breasts and matching nipples.
“Don’t say that,” Carly frowned.
“Why not? It’s true.” Sidney reached out and expertly caught Carly’s nipples between her index fingers and thumbs.
Carly gasped but didn’t pull away. She felt an electric spark between her nipples that traveled down through her stomach all the way to her clit which started throbbing. More than anything she wanted to let Sidney have her way with her…but she was too ashamed to say anything.
Sidney gently twisted Carly’s nipples making the brunette tremble with anticipation at what was to come next. Her breathing started to come in short little gasps.
“Do you want me to let go?” asked Sidney. She studied Carly’s small breasts. There wasn’t much there, though what was there was perfect. Small and pert, just enough to fill the hand and not overflow. Sidney was more than a bit jealous.
“No,” gasps Carly, afraid that taking in too deep a breath would be painful, but not wanting for Sidney to let go either. She didn’t want to pull away…but there was just the slightest frisson of pain the way Sidney pinched and rolled her nipples. Men had played with her tits before in all sorts of ways, but most were uninterested in her tiny tits. Once they saw what little there was to work with, they headed south and focused on her pussy. “Yes,” Carly said, changing her mind. Her entire body was trembling at Sidney’s touch.
“Which is it?” Sidney teased.
“Whichever you want,” Carly all but cried.
Just when she thought the pain couldn’t get any worse, Sidney pinched harder and twisted her nipples halfway around causing her to cry out in pain.
A second later Sidney released Carly’s left nipple, but kept a firm grip on the right. Right after that, Sidney leaned in and softly took Carly’s free nipple into her mouth, soothing the abused nubbin of flesh.
“Oohh…” she moaned as the pain ebbed away. Sidney released the pressure on Carly’s left nipple, but didn’t let it go.
It took the brunette a moment to realize her friend wasn’t just giving her a bit of pain relief with her mouth; she was actively pleasuring her.
Much to Carly’s surprise, she loved it.
“Ohhh,” she softly commented as she realized how much she liked what Sidney was doing.
It took some doing, but Sidney carefully eased her friend down to the couch, laying atop her like a proper lover.
Carly was torn between protesting and just letting it happen. After all, there was nothing wrong with what they were doing.
And Carly’s body was desperate for any sexual touch.
She let it go on for longer than she wanted.
And then she let it go some more.
And some more.
She felt like she was back in high school and was curled up in the corner of Jimmy Sterline’s basement rec room with Ed Dabney who had gotten her shirt off and she experienced for the first time what it felt like to have someone suck on her nipples.
It was heaven.
She let Sidney keep going. And going. There was a moment of frustration when Sidney switched from one small breast to the other, but then Sidney pinched the one she had been sucking on and Carly couldn’t control herself any longer.
Carly didn’t get how some women couldn’t orgasm. That wasn’t a problem for her, she just needed some nice steady rubbing on her clit.
Cumming for the first time just from having her nipples sucked was scary and exciting, better than the steepest roller coaster she had ever ridden.
When she came back to herself, she saw that Sidney had released her nipple and her head was up, staring directly at Carly’s face.
“Are you okay?” Sidney asked, concerned.
“I came,” Carly said, her face flushed with her orgasm and embarrassment.
Sidney giggled. “Wow. I didn’t know I was that good.”
Shyly, Carly said, “Can I…can I…try it too?”
“Try what?” asked Sidney, already knowing what and was eager to say yes.
“Can I…suck on your breasts a bit?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Giggling, both women changed positions so that Sidney was now on her back. Her breasts didn’t exactly disappear but they did flatten giving her an appearance similar to what Carly had all the time.
That didn’t stop Carly. She knew that if she didn’t plunge forward, she’d chicken out, so she closed her eyes and leaned in, taking up one of Sidney’s nipples in her mouth.
The nipple was still semi-hard, but immediately contracted again at the touch of Carly’s tongue.
It wasn’t nearly as weird as she thought it would be. It was a lot more exciting than her initial thought that it would be so bland and boring.
Carly hadn’t admitted to Sidney that she liked kissing and sucking on her male partners’ nipples when given the chance. Most were reluctant to let her do that, but Sidney was the complete opposite.
She liked how Sidney let her hands wander around Carly’s back, gently stroking and caressing her. It was comforting and sexy.
It got a whole lot sexier when Sidney rested her hands on Carly’s small and firm ass. It was enough for Carly to gasp around Sidney’s nipple, but not enough to get her to stop.
The two women made eye contact and Carly just nodded, encouraging her friend to keep going while she explored the delights that were Sidney’s nipples and breasts.
Sidney simply laid back and enjoyed the skin to skin contact. This was much more sensual and relaxing and enjoyable than the last couple of guys she had been with who had simply fucked her and left. She let Carly explore and enjoy herself.
“Should I stop?” asked Carly.
“You…you don’t seem to be getting as worked up about it as me,” she said.
“I’ve never had a nipple orgasm,” said Sidney. “We can stop if you want…or we can do something else if you want to keep going.”
“Something else?” asked Carly, confused. “Like what?”
Sidney gave her a look like she was an idiot. “Well, for that I’d have to take off my pants.”
It took the brunette a moment. “Oh. Oh shit! Wow!” She sat up. “I’m suddenly a hundred percent sober.”
That wasn’t the truth, but what Sidney was implying said a lot with very few words.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Carly calmed herself. The last thing she wanted to do was hyperventilate herself into passing out. “This went a lot further than I thought it would.”
Slowly Sidney sat up. “That’s fine. We don’t have to. This was fun. And illuminating. Maybe we should get something to eat?”
“I didn’t say no,” Carly said slyly, realizing she was just a little bit drunk. Not nearly as much as she wanted to be, but more than was good to be making a serious decision like this.
Sidney gave her a knowing smile. “So…you want to.”
Carly made a weird face. “I didn’t say that either. I don’t know what I want to do.”
“We can just jill off next to each other if you want,” suggested Sidney. “That’s what I did the first time I messed around with another woman.”
“Or you can watch me,” Sidney said, pushing things along the way she wanted them to go.
Sidney didn’t answer. She kicked off her shoes and stood up, unzipping her pants and pulling them down, revealing a rather fancy set of panties that were floral with lots of lace and were of a much cheekier cut than her bra would have implied she was wearing.
She caught Carly eyeing her ass. “When you have to wear boring bras because your boobs are too big, you tend to go fancy with the underwear.”
Carly nodded silently. She was rather relieved that Sidney sat back down with her underwear on.
Sidney brought her knees up to her chest, putting her heels on the edge of the couch. Since Carly didn’t object, Sidney slid her fingers into her panties and quickly found her wet pussy.
“Oh my god,” Carly breathed.
“Do you want to watch?”
Carly nodded again, not knowing what else to do.
Sidney smiled and started rubbing.
It was one thing to watch porn. It was another thing entirely to watch another person masturbate directly in front of her.
Carly knew she could have made it weird by kneeling on the floor between Sidney’s legs as she jilled off. That would have been a little too far. Carly had no idea where that strange thought had come from, but she was tempted.
She liked being tempted.
Instead she just sat next to her friend on the couch, one hand on Sidney’s bare knee, while the blonde busily rubbed her clit. Sidney’s eyes were closed and Carly wondered if her friend was concentrating or fantasizing.
It didn’t matter. The whole process only took a minute before Sidney moaned deeply and pressed her thighs in on her hand. Her body trembled visibly for a second and then she relaxed.
A moment later Sidney opened her eyes to see Carly staring at her.
“Your turn,” said Sidney.
It only made sense, but Carly was still shocked.
And tempted.
And turned on.
But she couldn’t do it.
“I want to watch you. It’s only fair.”
“I…I can’t…I can’t do that sober.”
Sidney looked pointedly at the empty bottle. “Do you have more wine?”
Carly jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen. A minute later she returned with a bottle and two glasses. Sidney still had her hand in her underwear but she was no longer visibly playing with herself.
“No wine. Vodka,” said Carly. She splashed a good serving in each of the glasses and gulped down half of hers while Sidney carefully sipped at hers.
“Okay, I can do this,” she said after setting down her glass and wiggling out of her soft yoga pants.
She retook her position on the couch, now wearing only her panties, and closed her eyes. More than anything she wanted to do this, but it was too far, too much.
Still, it was easier to push her hand down into her panties and insert a finger up into her pussy, getting it nice and wet, than it was to kick out her friend and wonder what might have been.
Once her finger was wet enough, she stopped teasing herself and brought her finger back up to her clit where she circled the little organ, fantasizing about Sidney, her ex-boyfriend, some nameless men, an attentive audience, and imagining herself with hugely distended breasts.
So keyed up she was that it seemed like it took no time at all for Carly to reach a climax.
It was strange to find Sidney staring at her when she opened her eyes again.
It was stranger still to kiss Sidney, but she didn’t stop herself from kissing the blonde woman.