Chapter 4


Carly woke up to Sidney nuzzling her small breasts. 

“Keep going,” she encouraged her lover.

It was nice for someone to pay them the attention they deserved. 

Just because Sidney was sucking on her, didn’t mean that Carly was just going to lay there and take it. She reached down and grabbed a handful of Sidney’s big breasts, located the nipples, and teased her girlfriend as Sidney became more insistent with her sucking.

“Careful,” Sidney cautioned around Carly’s little nipple.

“Make me cum,” Carly begged. “Make me cum like a good girl.”

For some reason, Carly felt an ache in her breasts. That was unusual, she hadn’t felt that in months. Not since she had started on her birth control pills. But it was a sort of pleasant ache that eventually blossomed into an orgasm courtesy of Sidney.

“We need to go out on a proper date tonight,” said Sidney as Carly was still floating pleasantly from her orgasm. 

“Okay,” she agreed too easily and too quickly. A wicked thought occurred to her. Just before her breakup in a desperate effort to keep Richard from leaving, she had bought the sleaziest set of lingerie she could find. She had never worn it for Richard.

She was going to wear it for Sidney.


Carly was staring down at her hand. Her fingers were intertwined with Sidney’s as they both rested their hands on the table. 

“I don’t think my fingers are that pretty,” Sidney said, bringing the small brunette back to reality.

“Was I staring?”


“I’m nervous. I’ve never been on a date with a woman before.” Carly blushed and looked around the restaurant. It wasn’t anything special. Just a nice place to eat. Literally no one was paying them any attention other than the waiter who periodically came by during the meal. 

“But you have had sex with one,” Sidney pointed out.

“Sid!” Carly hissed at the woman she was starting to think of as her girlfriend. It was wrong but it was so right at the same time. “Someone’s going to hear.” She tried to pull her hand back. Sidney tightened her grip.

“No one cares.”

Carly knew that was the truth, but she was still nervous.

“Let’s play a game,” Sidney suggested. They were literally down to dessert. There was no special hurry to go home. 

“What sort of game?” Carly asked warily.

“It’s a game I played with an ex…years ago.”


“Look around the restaurant. Tell me who’d you want to go home with.”

“That’s crazy. And stupid.”

Sidney made a show of looking around the dining room. There were at least twenty tables in the place with maybe fifty people eating. They were from all walks of life and all ages.

“The guy in the blue shirt near the corner. He looks like he has a big dick.” Sidney grinned and scooped up the last of the cheesecake with her fork, luxuriously depositing it on her tongue and sucking the fork’s tines to remove every last bit of the rich dessert. 

“He’s eating with his wife. Or girlfriend,” Carly said after spying the man. “And he looks too old for you.”

“Doesn’t matter. Big dick. Your turn.”

“I don’t want to play.”

“Too bad. You have to.”

Carly tried a tactic she knew wasn’t going to fly. “The woman directly across from me.”

“Ha ha. Nice try. Choose again.”

Carly scanned the room. The choice wasn’t great. “Honestly, the waiter. He was nice.”

“And gay and too young for you.”


“So pick someone else.”

Carly had already picked someone else and was afraid to reveal her choice, but it was just a game. 

“The woman in the red dress, way over there,” she discreetly pointed with her fork. 

“The one with the big tits?”

Carly blushed furiously.


“I had a feeling about you, Miss Santiago.”

“Can we go now?” asked Carly. “I have something special to share with you at my place.”


Stripping for another person wasn’t something that had ever really occurred to Carly. She had been asked a couple of times by previous boyfriends, but she was always self-conscious about it. 

Putting Sidney down on the couch and then slowly taking off her clothes turned her on more than she would have thought. She had danced ballet through high school, but ballet didn’t automatically lend itself to the more exotic dance arts.

Still, she tried.

When unwrapped the dress from her body and showed off the fancy lingerie she had worn for Sidney, the other woman came off the couch, embraced her, kissed her, and said, “You really earned that ballet shoes tattoo, didn’t you?”

They both looked down Carly’s body. Her one tattoo, the impulsive act of a college freshman, was a pair of pink toe shoes that danced along the edge of her pelvic bone on her left hip. Her mother would have been scandalized if she knew.


They kissed. Carly felt the intensity of the kiss as an ache in her breasts.

“Let me undress you?”

Carly was trembling. She didn’t know why. She knew what they were going to do and she wanted to do it. It had to be the anticipation.

She already felt naked. Shoes. Thigh high stockings. A thong. A bra. Her jewelry: a simple necklace and a few rings.

Sidney reached behind her back and expertly released the single hook that held Carly’s bra closed. 

That made it a little easier for Carly to stand proudly. Maybe her tits were small, but she had nothing to be ashamed of.

Sidney then kissed her way down Carly’s body, kneeling as she went, as the small brunette stood there. Sid was careful to avoid Carly’s tits, teasing her. She planted a little kiss on the ballet shoes tattoo before reaching behind Carly and cupping her small, firm ass.

The shiver that raced through Carly’s body excited her as Sidney pulled her thong down, leaving her in stockings and shoes. 

“You’ve had a little work done,” Sidney commented, running her finger along Carly’s trimmed and shaped pubic triangle.

“I did it myself.”

Sidney kissed the top of Carly’s mound but was stymied because of the angle and the difference in their sizes.

Standing up, Sidney said, “Let me escort you to bed, young lady.”

Carly felt saucy as she walked mostly naked, holding Sidney’s hand, to the bedroom. When she attempted to take off her shoes, Sidney stopped her. 

“No. Leave them on. Makes you look like more of a slut with the stockings and shoes on.”

She barely had time to nod before Sidney pushed her down on the bed and was on top of her. Carly felt a bit overwhelmed being ravished by the bigger woman who was still fully dressed, but then she felt Sidney’s mouth on her nipple and all her concerns were washed away.

“Oh…that feels really good, babe,” she said softly, running her fingers through Sid’s blonde hair. “Oh. Oh! Just go careful…I’m really sensitive right now.”

Sidney barely heard her. She was too focused on sucking Carly’s delightful nipple while pinching the other one. Carly squirmed about but the stress was what made the tension so delightful. Before she realized it, Carly was right on the edge and then she was cumming even before Sidney touched her pussy.

Carly was left panting heavily while Sidney moved to the side and gently slid her hands all over the brunette’s skin, feeling the softness.

“That was intense.”

“And I’m not done yet,” said Sidney, reaching up and firmly pinching Carly’s nipple, making her yelp in response.

“Hey!” she protested.

“You like that?” Sidney asked in her wickedest voice.

Clutching her breasts, Carly said, “Sort of, but it hurt.”

“I made you cum.”

“Yeah…but they’re extra sensitive right now.”

“You in that part of your cycle?”

Carly started to answer, but then caught herself. “No. Not at all.”

“So…?” Sid asked expectantly.

Dropping her hands, Carly looked at her small breasts. They were a little bigger than normal. Maybe that was from getting played with by Sidney and just having cum. Experimentally, she cupped her breasts and gave a little squeeze. 

She gasped in surprise as her nipples both formed little beads of white liquid.

“Good fucking God!” Sidney exclaimed.

It took Carly a moment longer to process what was happening. Her first thought, oddly, was that she had cancer and was dying. After a half-second’s reflection she realized she was being stupid and her breasts, having been the center of Sidney’s attention for nearly two weeks, were simply having a reaction to all that sucking along with her birth control pills.

“Oh…that’s…unexpected,” she said in an oddly calm voice. “I’m lactating.”

Sidney blinked. “You are?”

“What else would you call this?” she asked, wiping one nipple, displaying the thin while milk, and then without thinking, she tasted it.

Sidney gasped.

Carly realized what she had done after the fact, however, she was pleasantly surprised by the sweetness of her milk.

“Oh. Huh. I can see why babies like it.”

Sidney blinked. “Why?” she asked cautiously.

“It’s very sweet.” Carly squeezed her breast again, forcing out some more milk. Not much. Just a drop, but enough. “Try some,” she said, angling her body toward Sidney who backed away.

“No thank you.”

Carly laughed at her. “You’ll have sex with all sorts of men and women, but you have qualms about a little breast milk?” Carly had no idea where her sudden boldness was coming from, but she liked it.

She even loved it.

“Don’t try to shame me into doing something I don’t want to.”

Carly grinned, feeling a bit of sexual power and dominance she suddenly had over Sidney. “If you want to have sex with me, you’ll taste my boob milk,” she said, lifting up her tiny tits and once again offering them to Sid.

Sidney just glared at her. “You think that’ll work?”

Silently, Carly nodded and flopped back onto the bed and spread her legs wide. She elegantly extended one hand into the air and then allowed it to descend to her pussy where she gracefully started diddling her clit.

“Fuck,” Sidney cursed. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

She shoved aside Carly’s hand, lay atop her, and took one small nipple into her mouth, and sucked gently.

Her mouth sparkled with sweetness.

“Oh!” Sidney exclaimed. “Okay, I thought that maybe you had just a certain body lotion or something.”


“Your tits have tasted pretty sweet for the past few days.”


“You’ve been making milk for a while is what I’m saying.”

“That makes sense…I guess.” She started to sit up but Sidney pushed her back down. “I want to sit up,” Carly protested. “I want to take off your clothes.”

“And I want to suck on your tits a little longer.” 

Sidney was bigger and stronger. She held her lover down and continued to suck on her tits. Despite herself Carly relented and allowed Sidney to draw out her milk. 

The process was made easier when Sidney’s hand went to Carly’s pussy. Being fingered and sucked at the same time was Carly’s newest favorite thing.

Her second orgasm of the evening was brought about by both Sidney’s mouth and fingers. She couldn’t tell if her orgasm was clitoral or nippular. Or both.

After the orgasm, Carly pulled Sidney’s face up to hers and kissed her girlfriend fiercely. 

“Not as sweet as I wanted your kiss to be,” said Carly with a pout.

“I think I drank all your milk,” Sidney reported.

“That’s okay. I'll make more. Take off your clothes. I want you naked. I want to play with you.”

Carly only helped Sidney get half of her clothes off. She essentially stopped helping remove Sidney’s clothes once she got the busty woman’s bra off. The moment her big boobs came into view, Carly attached her mouth to the blonde’s nipple. 

“Mmm…that feels nice, but I don’t have any milk for you,” said Sidney.

“A girl can dream,” said Carly around Sidney’s large nipple and went back to sucking and squeezing the large mounds of flesh that decorated Sidney’s chest.

Showing boldness she hadn’t ever felt before, Carly felt between Sidney’s legs and found her pussy, sinking a finger deeply into her lover.

“You could use a vibrator on me,” said Sidney. “I’ve got several in my dresser drawer. I can show you my favorite.”

Carly moved atop Sidney and kissed her way down to the small triangle of dark blonde curls. Sidney paused and happily groaned as Carly licked her clit before sucking the little organ, causing Sidney to gasp.

“You like that?”

“I love it!”

Carly took her time. She showed an enthusiasm for eating pussy she had never displayed before. Sidney took it all in. It took the application of her fingers while sucking on Sidney’s clit to make her cum, but Carly felt a great deal of satisfaction in her accomplishment.

They kissed without Carly wiping away Sidney’s amrita from her face. 

“I think I love you,” Carly blurted without thinking.

Sidney just stared at her.

Clapping her hand over her mouth, Carly backed away, humiliated. “I’m sorry. I always say it too soon. Forget I said anything.” She made to move out of the bed and find her clothes.

“I love you too,” said Sidney. “There’s no thinking about it.”

Carly paused. “You do?”

“I’m not saying we’re getting married, but there’s nothing wrong with saying I love you if that’s what you feel. It’s never too early.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”