Chapter 6


The only thing that made Carly feel better that evening was taking off Sidney’s top and bra and sucking on her nipples while she shoved her hand into her panties and rubbed her clit.

Sidney was confused at her girlfriend’s odd need, but she went with it. There was no reason to deny her this small pleasure. Sid had boobs enough to share. She didn’t need to tell Carly about her exchange with Jerry because Carly was obviously upset about something. It was odd that Carly wanted to nurse and masturbate instead of getting some attention from Sid, but she could be patient.

“Oh fucking god if you keep going like that, I’m gonna cum like you,” Sidney exclaimed.

Carly barely glanced up at her, but she didn’t object when Sidney pulled up her skirt and tucked her fingers into her panties so that she could jill off along with her lover.

She pinched Sidney’s free nipple and the woman squirmed uncontrollably. Sidney had never had extremely sensitive nipples, but whatever Carly was doing to her was a brand of exquisite torture that she never wanted to end and needed to end right away.

Internally she struggled between allowing herself to cum and doing everything she could think of to stop it. Eventually she had no choice.

She came.

Much to her disappointment, she knew the orgasm originated from her clit. It was satisfying, but not exactly what she wanted.

Looking up from her position attached to Sidney’s large breasts, Carly looked inquisitively at her lover.

“Keep going,” Sidney urged her. “Make me cum again.”

Carly nodded, an easy task with Sidney’s large tits, and kept sucking and pinching.

Knowing it wouldn’t be enough, Sidney pushed aside Carly’s hand and brought her nipple up to her mouth.

When she placed the large nipple between her lips, Carly’s eyes went wide. She had to stop momentarily. 

“I didn’t know you could do that!”

“Keep going!” Sidney urged her around the nipple.

Together they sucked on her tits. Carly thought it was a bit weird, but Sidney said to do it, so she did. When Carly moved her hand between Sid’s legs, the blonde slapped it away.

She got it then.

Sidney had been able to suck on her nipples for years, since high school when her tits grew to their over-sized dimensions. She had only ever really sucked her own nipples to amuse a lover once in a while. Doing it felt nice enough, but wasn’t close enough to masturbation to really motivate her. 

Doing it with Carly was another matter entirely.

Her second orgasm originated out of her nipples. She could feel it. The climax was intense and unlike anything she had ever felt before. She felt perverted and dirty doing it.

That made the orgasm even better.

Carly laughed with delight at her friend’s spastic orgasm, and then held her tightly, thrilled at what they had done together.

It took a few minutes, but when she was back to normal, Sidney couldn’t stop herself from telling her girlfriend what had happened earlier in the day.

“Jerry texted me today,” she reported because she couldn’t help being overly honest.

“Jerry?” Carly didn’t look at her. The room was dim and the way they were holding each other didn’t lend itself to eye-to-eye contact.

“My ex.”


“Well, not really my ex. Sort of my irregular hookup. A friend with benefits if you will.”

Carly moved around on the bed. “What exactly are you saying, Sid? Are you asking for permission to go fuck this guy?”


Carly didn’t seem to hear her girlfriend. “My ex contacted me today too.”

Sid was taken aback. “Oh? But it’s been a fucking year!”

“Don’t I know it.”

“Are you swearing off men forever?”

“I’m with you now, aren’t I?” asked Carly. She covered her face with her hands. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I love you. I hate Dick. But I think I want some dick soon.”

Sid blinked. “Mind parsing that out for me?”

Carly surreptitiously wiped away a couple of tears. “Yeah. Sorry. I hate Richard, my ex. But I don’t think I can go the rest of my life without having a cock inside me.”

With a smirk, Sid gave her friend a kiss on the forehead. “That’s why god invented vibrators.”

“Not the same.”

“And strap-ons.”

Carly’s eyes widened. “You can’t be serious.”

“And strap on vibrators.” 

“Okay, stop.”

“And you haven’t had a really good vibrator.”


“Should I contact Jerry? Tell him you’re interested in some extra cock and your girlfriend wants to watch and maybe join in.”

Carly playfully slapped Sidney away. “You’ll do no such thing!”