It was a typical exhausting day. The only thing keeping Sidney going was Carly’s promise of another sleepover. But, to be honest to herself, half of the reason Sidney wanted to sleep over was to nurse from Carly’s tits again. Her milk was so sweet and the way she reacted from being nursed really got Sidney going. It was weird sex, but all sex was weird when thought about for too long.
All she needed to do was stop by her place, pick up some clothes, grab the mail, and go to her girlfriend’s place. By default they had been spending most of their time at Carly’s because her apartment was closer to both their workplaces and was slightly nicer.
Living in a townhouse converted to a set of three apartments was fine by Sidney. She saved a bunch of money living in the basement. She had been saving that extra money to someday put a down payment on a house. The only downside was that her father kept asking her if she was Laverne or Shirley. Even after being informed about the ancient sitcom Sidney didn’t find her father funny.
The moment she opened the door she knew something was wrong. There was an odd smell that hung in the air. She didn’t panic until she stepped into the living room and her shoe squished on the carpeting.
“What the fuck?”
Pausing a moment she heard water flowing. Not a lot, but enough.
“Oh shit!”
She raced through the apartment in a panic. Her footsteps squished on the carpet. When she reached the kitchen she slipped and grabbed for the counter but missed. Sidney fell to her ass.
“Ow! Fuck! My ass!”
She was in pain and wet and this was the worst day ever.
She did find, however, the source of the water. The baseboard radiator in the kitchen was leaking. It wasn’t her fault.
It was still a fucking mess.
“How the hell does a radiator break in spring?” she moaned as she stumbled to her feet. Her purse had fallen and it was wet too. There was a good inch of water on the floor. “Fuck fuck fuck.” Fishing out her phone she found the emergency number to her landlord.
“I’m not fucking paying for this,” she vowed as the phone rang.
Three hours later Sidney appeared on Carly’s doorstep. Her ass hurt from falling. She had two bags packed with the essentials. She was physically and mentally exhausted.
“Hi honey!” Carly said brightly as she opened the door.
Sidney burst into tears.
It was easy for Carly to hug her friend and hold her tight. She didn’t need to say a word.
After a minute of just holding her in the doorway, Carly let go and drew Sidney into her apartment.
“How bad was it?” she asked the still shaking blonde.
In response Sidney pulled out her cell phone and opened the photos. She had documented all the water damage. Carly flipped through them with a grim look on her face.
“I’m no expert, but this doesn’t look terrible.”
“It looks awful!” Sidney wailed.
“Honey, I’m an insurance adjuster. I’ve seen places under six feet of water. This is fixable.”
“I don’t have a home any longer! I’ll have to live in a motel or on the street or in my car or…or worse!”
Carly regarded the normally very in control Sidney with a jaundiced eye. “Are you saying staying in my apartment is worse than living on the street?”
“No, no,” Sidney sighed and collapsed on the living room couch. “I’m just so…exhausted.”
“You can stay here as long as you want.”
“Thanks.” Sidney was staring straight forward. Her eyes were dull. She was barely aware of her surroundings.
“But you’ll have to pay me.”
“Sure,” Sidney automatically replied. “Wait. What?”
“Not with cash,” Carly specified.
“Sure, I can help with the housework and groceries.”
“I means sex, Sid!” Carly exclaimed with a barely controlled giggle.
“Oh. Right. Yeah. I can do that.”
“I’m turning you into a whore,” Carly continued to giggle.
“I’m okay with that. Want me to pay now?”
“You look totally exhausted.”
Sidney nodded. “Yeah. I just want to go to bed.”
“To sleep.”
“If that’s what you want…”
“I’m hungry though.”
Carly cupped her small breasts. “My tits feel very full. Want a little something to drink.”
With a half-smile Sidney slowly shook her head back and forth. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“But have you had anything to eat tonight?”
“Dinner first. Then dessert.”
It was Carly’s habit to make herself a dinner that yielded several days of leftovers that could be reheated when she wanted. She spooned chicken, rice, and veggies onto a plate from her fancy Tupperware and put the plate into the microwave. Two minutes later Sidney was eating like a man starving for the pussy of his lover after being away for half the year.
It was easy for Carly to entice Sidney to her bed. She had already changed her clothes after getting home from work. Wearing nothing more than a camisole, an unzipped fleece, and pajama bottoms wasn’t exactly sexy, but it was extremely easy to slip off the fleece and pull down the cami to expose her small, but full and perky, breasts.
There wasn’t any questioning it now. Sidney knew what she was doing and so did Carly. Yes, it was a little weird and kinky, but that’s what made sex fun. Carly had too many pillows on her bed, but that helped support her body as she lay on her side and Sidney curled up next to her.
Sidney’s eager mouth found Carly’s small nipple and latched on immediately.
This seemed so normal now.
It only took a few seconds of Sidney sucking, nursing on Carly’s nipple, before the smaller woman’s milk let down. Carly could feel the milk flowing from her breasts. Both of them. The one still half in her cami was slowly dripping and making the soft cotton wet, but she didn’t care. Carly and Sid were both focused on the one breast that was being nursed.
To Carly, it was the center of her being. The milk was flowing. It felt wonderfully good. While she had always considered her breasts to be part of her sexuality, Sidney’s nursing had only intensified that. Maybe they weren’t as important as her clit, but it was starting to feel that way.
To Sidney, Carly’s breast was the center of the universe. There was nothing more important. The milk nourished Sidney, body and soul. It felt good to have a physical connection to the other woman, her lover, her girlfriend. It wasn’t supposed to be a sexual thing, nursing, but together they had made it the focus of their relationship. She never wanted to give this up.
When Carly’s milk gave out on her first breast, she was torn between encouraging Sidney to switch or to just keep sucking. She was right on the edge.
Sidney, knowing her lover well now and having much experience with other women, kept sucking on the empty breast.
All she had to do was lay her hand on Carly’s small, tight ass to make the brunette cum.
“Oh…oh fuck…oh yes,” Carly babbled as she came.
Sidney released the empty breast, tilted her head up for a quick kiss, before ducking down again, this time for the second breast.
“Oh, no, you don’t have to,” Carly said softly but her protest was weak and she made no motion to stop her girlfriend.
“I want to,” said Sidney as she freed the small breast from the camisole.
Her milk was already flowing and Sidney was treated to the sweet milk flooding her mouth. When Carly went to push her hand down her pajama bottoms, Sidney stopped her. She wanted to make Carly cum a second time, but it was going to be just from her tits.
“Please,” Carly begged.
Sidney said nothing and just shook her head, a slightly painful treatment to Carly since Sidney refused to give up the breast.
This time she didn’t have to empty the breast before Carly came a second time. She hadn’t needed to touch herself to cum, she just wanted to take the easy route. Sidney hadn’t allowed that and maybe it was for the best. Nipple orgasms were completely different from the ones arising from her pussy.
After the climax, Sidney slowed her insistent nursing and slowly sucked the last of the milk from her lover as she slowly recovered.
“I could get used to this,” Carly declared.
“Good,” said Sidney. “Because I’m already used to it.”