The next morning was awkward, not because of sex and nudity, they were fully used to each other now, but because they had to share one bathroom for the both of them to get ready for the day. Somehow, before, when they had spent the night at each other’s apartments this hadn’t been an issue. Now that Sidney was a resident of Carly’s place, even if temporary, it was a scheduling problem.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have spent twenty minutes this morning sucking on my tits,” Carly complained as they both squeezed into the bathroom to apply makeup and brush teeth.
“You weren’t complaining then.”
“You were making me cum!”
“I know. You’re beautiful when you cum.”
“Sidney,” Carly warned her.
“Oh, you love it.”
“I do, but we can’t rush around like this every morning.”
“We’ll figure something out. At least I have an easy answer for people when they ask what you are to me.”
That stopped Carly.
“What am I to you?”
“You’re my roommate,” said Sid with a grin.
Carly folded her arms across her small chest. “Really. That’s all I am to you?”
Sidney grabbed her, hugged her tight, and gave Carly a quick kiss on the cheek. “And my girlfriend. And my lover.” She looked down at Carly’s unimpressive chest. “And my daily dose of dessert.”
Laughing, Carly pushed her away. “Tease.”
“Go to work!”
The day before had been exhausting, but Sidney was determined to have a good day today. Creating actuarial tables wasn’t exactly fun, but it paid the bills.
As usual, the office was half empty. That was good. She didn’t like being in a crowded office. Covid had been good in that respect. Working from home was even better…when she had a home.
She blazed through all her stated morning goals by 10:30 so she decided to reward herself with a few minutes of cell phone time.
To honor Carly with the new status of their relationship Sidney decided to delete all her hookup apps. It wasn’t like she couldn’t get them back. But it was a nice gesture.
It would have been a nice gesture if she hadn’t seen one of the messages still there waiting for her to respond.
Does it really count as Sweet Home Alabama if it’s your third cousin?
It took Sidney a minute to process the meaning of the message but it all clicked together when she parsed the screen name of the man who had texted her.
She texted him back because it wasn’t a crime to flirt with a third cousin, was it?
Robert S. Coule, if your great-great-great-great grandmother knew you were on a hookup app she’d…well, she’d roll over in her grave if she knew what a hookup app was.
How’d you know it was me?
You’ve used RobinSCowl since high school.
Middle school?
Actually, 5th grade. Elementary school.
You were very precocious.
So were you. Hooking up with your cousin when you were only fifteen.
It was an overstatement to say they were cousins. There was some family connection between them. Some shared ancestor back five or six generations. Their families had been friends going back for years, a by-product of having never moved out of the same town. His branch of the family spelled their name Coule, hers spelled it Coulier. They didn’t share any grandparents or great-grandparents as far as they could tell.
Having attended all the same family parties and picnics and being the same age, it wasn’t all that surprising that they had fooled around when they were teenagers.
Are you so desperate for female companionship that you need to troll the internet? How long are you in town?
A few months. Company is moving me around, so yes I’m looking to get laid. And I saw your picture when I was matching. I couldn’t resist. Wanna have a dirty date tonight?
A few months back she would have said yes immediately. They kept it quiet because of the perception of some older family members was that they were family and shouldn’t be having sex, but that hadn’t stopped them in the past. Rob was one of the few men that Sidney would have happily given up women for the rest of her life.
Drat. Just me and my hand tonight then, I guess.
I’m seeing someone.
So it’s serious?
Serious enough.
Well, if you and he ever break up, let me know.
It’s a woman.
The pause of his response struck her. She had hinted before she was interested in women, but with Rob it was always about sex and getting off. They had never intended to be serious, though they teased and laughed about it.
I knew you were bi.
I’ve told you I thought I was bi many times!
Yeah, I just like to hear it. Makes my cock hard.
You’re disgusting.
Are you in love with her?
I think so.
Good for you. I’m happy for you.
She and I fucked another guy earlier in the week.
There was no pause this time.
God fucking damn it! I’m a couple of days late for a threesome with you!
Maybe I can talk her into another one…
You’re a fucking tease.
No tease. We’ll do it.
You’re every man’s dream.
I need to tell you a secret.
A secret other than you’re living a subrosa lesbian lifestyle?
Have you ever tasted a woman’s breast milk?
What the fuck, Sid?
I’ve gotten kinkier in my old age.
It was, perhaps, the best day of Carly’s life. She felt like she was on top of the world. Her girlfriend had moved in with her. Sex with Sid was great. Her job seemed to be what she was born to do. Realizing she could date and be happy with men or women was an eye-opener. Everything was great.
Tyler was one of those workers who never seemed to be in the office on a regular basis. That was fine. Today, when he walked by Carly’s desk he paused and smiled at her.
She barely glanced up. “Hi.”
“You’re looking happy today.”
Carly was glad she didn’t say she looked hot or pretty or complimented her on her looks. “Thanks.”
“Things are going well? Any problems?”
Now Tyler was starting to annoy her. She finally glanced up at him. “Is there something I can help you with, Tyler, or are you just going to continue to leer at me?” The annoyance was front and center in her voice.
He was puzzled for a moment. “I’m the team lead on the integration project, Carly. I’ve got questions for you.”
She slapped her hands over her mouth. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I was distracted.” Her words were muffled by her hands.
Tyler was a better person than her. He smiled and waved away her rudeness. “Don’t worry about it. Working here, I get used to insults all the time.”
“But I shouldn’t have…I’m so sorry. My friend is going through a rough time.”
“Hmm. That’s not showing on your face.”
“Right. Well, my friend is now my roommate because her place got flooded and it’s just putting stress on me that I didn’t realize. Sorry.”
It was a terrible lie. She wasn’t stressed out. The only stress Carly had was thinking about how long it would be before she got to go home and fuck her girlfriend again. Or have her girlfriend suck her tits. That would be lovely.
“It’s fine. You know what I do when I get stressed?”
“No. What?”
“I like to go down to the Super Fun Park and drive the go-karts around. Then just soak all the people driving the bumper boats. And then get one of their ridiculously oversized ice cream cones.”
Carly smiled and chuckled a little. “That sounds nice.” Her smile broadened. “Actually that sounds like a lovely date.”
Tyler nodded and waited.
It took Carly a second.
Her hand went to her mouth again. “Oh! Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Not if you’re going to say no.”
A million thoughts went through Carly’s head. She didn’t want to admit she was in a relationship with a woman, not to the office, not yet, though really it didn’t matter. And she didn’t want to say she was dating her roommate. And it had been too long since anyone had asked her out on a date. And Tyler was cute…and had a nice ass. And nice forearms. But she didn’t want to betray Sidney either. They were a couple. Maybe she should go out on a date with him just to keep the public guessing. It didn’t have to mean anything and Sidney didn’t have to know.
The thought that rattled her was when she wondered, Does he like the taste of breast milk?
More than a few seconds had passed.
Tyler grimaced. “If you don’t want to say yes, just forget I said anything. I’m terrible at this sort of thing.”
Quickly, she put her fingers on his forearm. “No. It’s not that. I was just…thinking. I’m not really looking for a relationship right now, but I don’t want to say no either.” She made a weird face. “A date sounds nice. I was thinking about when it would work for me.”
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s a yes, but I can’t give you a time just yet. Can I get back to you tomorrow?”
Carly felt awful, but when she got home that night and spoke with Sidney, she realized she had an opening because Sid needed to be at her apartment with her landlord the next evening.
“Do you want me to help?”
“No, I don’t have that much more stuff to bring over. He said most of my stuff can stay where it is for now.”
“Okay. Good. That’ll give me a time I can work late at the office.”
Carly had never been a cheater. Was she cheating now? There was something that Tyler could give her that Sidney couldn’t.
To make it up to Sid, Carly not only let her drain all the milk from her breasts that evening, she insisted Sidney do it again the next morning.
The date was casual, but she could tell that Tyler wanted it to be so much more.
That was fine. Carly wanted more as well.
After a couple of rounds of go-karts and spending way too many quarters on the water blasters, and eating the ridiculously oversized ice cream cones, Carly was exhausted. And turned on.
And her breasts ached.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow in the office?” said Tyler as they walked back to their cars.
“I’m not ready to go home just yet,” she said.
“Oh. Where do you want to go?”
“How about your place?”
At first she felt guilty for kissing Tyler on the front porch of his small house as he fumbled with his keys to let them inside. Then she realized how strong and muscular he was. It was completely unlike kissing Sidney. Not necessarily better, but different.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked as they stumbled inside.
“Yes. I haven’t been properly fucked in…” She wanted to say in over a year, but that wasn’t true. “In far too long.”
Was a day far too long?
She loved the way he moved her through his house as they slowly shed clothes, dropping them everywhere. She had been sure to wear one of her proper bras because she was worried about her milk.
He had removed her bra and was kissing her neck as he lowered her to the bed. Without her bra she was just down to her fancy pink panties. He was wearing his jeans but nothing else. She felt his hard cock against her leg.
When his kisses met the top of her breast she wanted to say something, but the words caught in her throat. A second later he was sucking on her nipple and she groaned hard and deep.
He stopped sucking and looked up at her. She met his gaze. After letting her nipple fall from his mouth, he said, “Am I hurting you? Too rough?”
Vehemently Carly shook her head. “No. It feels…wonderful.”
As much as she loved having sex with Sidney and her soft, smooth body, having a man do it was almost better. He was hard and strong in all the right places.
She told herself this was fine because she and Sidney had fucked Jerry together.
Of course, that had been together.
He sucked on her nipple again.
“I love women with small tits.”
She made a non-committal noise as he sucked some more. And then some more. And then harder.
And then he stopped.
“Your tits are so sweet,” he said looking down at the little mounds and had all but faded away to nothing as she lay on her back. “I mean literally sweet.”
And then he saw the middle trickling out of her nipple.
His eyes went wide.