Chapter 16


The moment after she ended her text conversation with Carly, Sidney had every intention of getting back to work. She had been adjusting her breasts inside her bra all day and it was getting annoying. She had purposely worn her most comfortable bra that morning because she was paranoid about her newly discovered lactation situation.

Instead of working she had been messing around on the internet and that hadn’t made the situation any better. While it was fine and dandy to have a girlfriend who was lactating—how many more chances in life would Sid have to fuck and suck a lactating woman?—it was another thing entirely to be the one who was lactating. 

Lactating was hot on other women, not on her. 

The soft bra worked for her. It didn’t do wonders for her tits other than making them feel comfortable. Normally. They didn’t feel comfortable now. Maybe she was too focused on them. Maybe they were bigger. She was definitely worried about possible leakage and people finding out. 

Maybe she was adjusting things too much and that’s why they were uncomfortable. It was definitely psychosomatic, she had decided right before Carly had texted her.

And then she was distracted by the thought of having another threesome with her girlfriend. It had been nearly a year of just a few sexual encounters most of which were unsatisfactory and certainly weren’t going to lead to a relationship. Now she was fucking Carly every day because they were living together. And they had fucked two different men together. 

She didn’t want it to stop.

It was heaven that Carly was in charge of bringing the hard cock this time.

And then the fucking messages from her mother started once she was in the correct mindset to work.

Sidney you know I havent been pushing you but its time for you to get serious about finding a man

“Fuck no, Mom. I’m not getting married.” 

She said it aloud but didn’t text it to her mother. She wasn’t insane.

In her mind, Sidney relented and maybe one day she’d get married, but it wasn’t in the future any time soon.

Not now, Mom. I’m working. It was a simple and direct message. Of course her mother ignored it.

I know you have something with robin 

You need to stop that now and find someone appropriate

“Would a woman be appropriate to marry, Mom? Robin and I aren’t even related for fucks sake.”

Working was her one word response.

Ive been talking to friends and ive found a couple of young men you should meet

That elicited an immediate response from Sidney.

No. Mom, just NO. I don’t want you setting me up with anyone for any reason!

Sidney just wanted to turn off her phone at that point. But she was also anxious to hear any additional information from Carly. She would have gladly left work in a heartbeat if it meant fucking someone new…as long as she was fucking that someone new alongside Carly.

Youll never get married if you dont get serious about finding a man sidney

Sidney knew exactly how to piss off her mother so she did exactly that. 

Unless he comes with a huge dick and a bigger wallet, I don’t want to get married. I’m happy sleeping around.


Sid had to twist the knife.

Want to hear about the women I’ve had sex with?

There wasn’t a response from her mother for several long minutes. Sidney felt good about herself…and disgusted at the same time. She hated the way her mother just expected her to get married and have grandchildren for her. Maybe she had given the old woman a stroke or heart attack.

Sidney wasn’t that lucky.

I know your saying those things to upset me

Im not going to get upset

You need to think long and hard about what your doing with your life

Sidney gave the finger to her phone. “Fuck off, Mom.”

Her phone remained silent for a good hour.

The next buzz from it was an alert from Carly. Does Friday at six work for you? Tyler wants (or so he says) to nurse from both of us and wants us to wear matching lingerie. Are you up for that?

Sidney’s response was quick. We don’t wear the same size.

But we can wear the same color and style. Want to live out a teenage boy’s fantasy and go lesbian lingerie shopping?


Thursday night lesbian lingerie shopping was hardly the exciting experience that too many fantasies and terrible romantic sex comedies made it out to be. The pair spent most of their time trying to find matching styles that had both of their sizes. It was less sexy and more of an exercise in logistics and compromise.

Eventually they had to settle for flowered blue and green bras. There wasn’t much choice when it came to finding a bra that came in both 34B and 38DD. Luckily their choice of panties was easier.

“Thong, g-string, or bikini?” the saleswoman asked them. She obviously knew that Carly and Sidney were up to some sexual hijinks, but, like so many people who worked in retail, she simply didn’t care. She’d do what it took to make the sale and that was it. 

“Thong,” said Carly quickly.

“G-string,” said Sidney just as quickly.

They eyed each other.

“You could buy one of each,” the saleswoman suggested.

“We aren’t the same size.”

“We’re trying to be sexy, not slutty,” Sidney pointed out.

“Speak for yourself.”

They each opted for their preferred undergarment. Maybe it wasn’t exactly matching, but they were reasonably sure that Tyler wouldn’t care.


It was waiting the rest of the week that killed them. Carly and Sidney spent too much time in bed having sex and sucking each other’s tits. As much as she didn’t want it to happen, Sidney realized that indeed her milk was coming in. She didn’t exactly match Carly in volume, but it wasn’t because Carly wasn’t trying her damnedest to establish a steady milk supply in her lover.

It was strange, but Sidney started to love it. She looked forward to nursing her girlfriend every night and every morning. She loved nursing and being nursed at the same time. 

The sex afterwards was spectacular. 

Since Tyler didn’t spend all of his time in the office, Carly only saw him once more before the big day. They just passed by each other in the hallway and exchanged pleasantries. She was convinced that no one in the office had a clue what they were up to.

Meanwhile, Tyler did send her texts. 


I can’t wait to fuck you again.

Me too.

Is your girlfriend’s milk as sweet as yours?


Can you send me a picture of her? Nothing dirty.

No. She’s going to be a surprise for you.

How about a dirty pic then?

No. Just no. (To that she added a winking emoji.)


Carly showed all of these texts to Sidney. She was as amused and excited as Carly. 

Once, at Sidney’s request, he sent a picture of his hard cock.

Both women squealed like high school girls at the sight of it.

“Oh…I’m going to enjoy tomorrow night!”


It was supposed to be about sex and nothing else. Carly had mentally prepared herself for that. So had Sidney, but she was a more experienced hand at this sort of thing. Carly had spent extra time sucking on Sidney’s tits, morning and night, to encourage the development of her milk. At first Sidney was resistant to Carly’s advances and insistence on nursing from her, but she gave in. 

She couldn’t cum from being nursed like Carly, but she was more than happy to enjoy the experience. She was happy to let Carly nurse her. It felt unnaturally good.

It was sort of exciting having a strange man come over to her apartment just for sex. Carly was the one to open the door when Tyler rang the bell, mostly because she insisted. She was floored when she saw him standing there holding not one, but two bunches of flowers, one in each hand.

“How…how did you ring the bell?” she asked.

He gave her a wink. “One of my many talents.”

Sidney appeared over Carly’s shoulder. Her eyes went wide at the flowers. “For me?” she exclaimed as she pressed her hand to her large chest and pretended to swoon. 

Tyler extended a bunch to her. “Well, one is for you. It seemed rude to arrive here empty handed.”

Carly quickly snatched the other bunch out of Tyler’s hand, taking the bouquet that was mostly purple flowers while leaving the pink bunch to Sidney. She noted the flowers were mostly tulips, which made sense with the season and their city’s Dutch heritage. 

“I have vases for both,” she said, leading the way to the kitchen.

“It’s been forever since someone gave me flowers,” said Sidney. She stopped mid-step as they moved from the door to the kitchen. “Shit.”

“What?” asked Carly as she positioned her step stool to reach the top cabinet where she kept her rarely used glassware.

“The last time I got flowers from anyone was the formal I went to in college. And that was a fucking corsage.”

The small group was uncomfortable at her revelation. 

“I…uh…I was going to bring roses, but that seemed a little clichéd and all,” said Tyler to break the silence. “I mean, rose petals in bed sound nice but…”

“But you didn’t get a chance to scatter them in our bed, right?” said Carly to move things along. It was then she noticed that Tyler had been staring at Sidney.

That only made sense because Sid was tall and blonde and beautiful and had big boobs. 

It took Carly a moment to realize that Sidney was silently crying.

This was not how Carly wanted the evening to go. She wanted to take off her clothes along with Sidney and get her tits sucked and get fucked and cum too many times to count.

She didn’t want to comfort her girlfriend as she had an emotional breakdown.

Still, she couldn’t do nothing and quickly went to embrace Sidney, setting aside her bouquet while Tyler uncomfortably filled the vases and did his best to make artistic arrangements of both.

“Don’t cry, honey. That’s not what this is all about,” said Carly.

“I know, I know,” Sid sniffled. “I’m sorry.” She inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly. “Okay, I’m better now. Let’s go have sex and completely forget what an idiot I’m being.”

Tyler perked up. “I thought we were going to start with…uh…the milk thing.”

“Right,” said Sidney brightly, desperate for anything to distract her from her unintentional emotional display. “I suppose that Carly told you she’s made me lactate?”

“Hey!” Carly protested but Tyler ignored her.

“She sure did. I mean, when I tasted her milk…wow! I had a new kink that I never would have imagined. I wanted to do whatever it took to get her back into bed and then she invited me to a threesome with her and with you and she told me that you’re lactating as well…holy shit!” He spent the entirety of this verbal diarrhea staring at Sidney’s chest, a detail she didn’t miss. “She didn’t tell me your boobs were so big, though. Do you have a lot more milk than her?”

His eyes were shining by the time he looked up to meet her eyes. 

Carly laughed and answered for her girlfriend. “Nope. I make more. A lot more.” She gave him a wink. “In this case size doesn’t matter.”

“Like hell it doesn’t,” said Sidney not wanting to be cast into a secondary role to her lover. “Everyone knows that bigger is better, right Tyler?”

“Uh…I’d love to make a comparison so I can make an educated judgment.”

“That’s a come on if I ever heard one,” said Sidney as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. She knew she should have worn a lower cut shirt that showed some cleavage, but she didn’t want to overshadow Carly. So she had worn a tight shirt instead. Something even small-busted Carly could do. “Shall we?” she asked her girlfriend.

This was the moment that Carly had been waiting for. “Yes.”

Her shirt wasn’t nearly as tight and she didn’t have the tits to show off, but that wasn’t going to stop her.

Almost simultaneously they pulled their shirts up and off. Automatically Carly slipped her right arm around Sid’s waist and Sid put her left around Carly’s.

“Nice bras,” was Tyler’s comment. “Would you be offended if I told you I was rock hard right now?” His eyes flitted back and forth between the massive amount of cleavage that Sidney had, her tits barely being contained by the powerful straps of the bra, and the thin chest that Carly sported, her small mounts completely covered by her bra. 

“I think I’d be more offended if you weren’t,” said Carly. “What does this do for you?” she asked before turning directly to Sid. She lifted up her chin and the two women kissed.

“Oh fuck,” Tyler groaned. “This is torture.” He started to move toward the two women, wanting to do everything to them, wanting to do anything they would allow.

Carly stopped him with an upraised hand. “Wait. Watch.”

She went down to her knees and kissed Sidney’s tummy. She then pushed down Sid’s yoga pants but was careful to leave her g-string in place. 

“Fucking hot,” Tyler declared, looking away from Sidney’s still mostly hidden tits for the first time.

“Wait, you haven’t seen it all yet,” Carly said as she got back on her feet, pulling down her own pants in the process, showing off her trim ass to Tyler, giving him a much more explicit view of her body than the simple side view Sidney was giving him. “I think thongs are more sophisticated and classy than slutty g-strings, don’t you?” she asked Tyler as she carefully turned both her and Sidney’s bodies so the only man in the room could get a good view of their asses. 

“Hey! You two matched!” He said, suddenly cluing in to the fact that they were wearing matching lingerie at his request.

“Thank you!” Carly said boldly. “Do you know how hard it is to find matching lingerie in completely different sizes?”

“Uh…no. But I’m going to go with very difficult.”

“Smart man.” Carly smacked her girlfriend’s ass, making the flesh jiggle. “And doesn’t she look like a slut in a g-string?”

“I like sluts,” Tyler declared. His hand had gone to his crotch. He was starting to massage himself through his khakis. 

Seeing him awkwardly masturbating, Sidney said to her girlfriend, “Come on, Car. Let’s go to bed. My nipples are begging to be sucked.”

“Oh!” The little noise that Tyler made sounded painful. 

The two women ignored him and paraded out of the kitchen and toward their shared bedroom. 

Tyler admired their asses for a moment before he chased after them.

The two women fell onto the bed together, having agreed to tease their guest a bit first. Watching them kiss was incredibly arousing for Tyler. He didn’t know what to do with himself. This was his every fantasy made real.

“Do you…do you mind if I jerk off?” he asked. His cock had gotten hard to the point of pain. He needed to do something.

Sidney sat up. “Wouldn’t you rather play with us?” she asked. 

“Well, yeah, but I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt.”

Carly moved behind her girlfriend and, with a little effort, managed to unhook the four stiff closures that held the bra shut. As soon as the pressure was released, her brassiere practically slipped off her shoulders. 

Sid shimmied her torso a bit, letting the cups fall free of her breasts. She arched her back to better show off her huge tits.

“Or would you rather suck on my nipples?” She cupped the bottoms of her breasts, offering the soft orbs up to Tyler, keeping the large pink nipples exposed. She ran her thumb over her erect nipples, hiding them and then making them pop out again.

“Oh…fuck yes! Can I?” Tyler’s excitement was obvious in every way, and he was still fully dressed, having only kicked off his shoes.


“Yes, please do,” echoed Carly, moving aside so that her co-worker could suck the tits of her girlfriend.

There was a bit of moving about as the two got into a position that suited them both. Tyler was polite enough to kiss the tops of Sidney’s breasts before he lowered his lips to her nipple.

Sidney groaned. She could feel her milk welling up.

Carly sighed. Seeing a man with her lover made her pussy gush. 

Tyler just made little sucking sounds as he nursed from Sidney’s breast.

Then he made a little sound of delight. Sidney’s eyes met Carly’s and they shared a moment and an emotion neither of them could describe.

After only sucking on her tit for a few seconds, Tyler abruptly pulled off. “Holy shit your milk is sweet!”

Sidney blushed. It was a compliment she didn’t really expect or want, but when she heard it, the power of his words went right to her clit. “Thank you.”

“Sweeter than mine?” asked Carly. She was watching them closely, her hand tucked down into her thong so she could finger her pussy.

Tyler looked at her. “I don’t know. Can I compare?”

“Of course.”

It would have been more exciting if one of the others took off her bra for her, but Carly wasn’t going to complain. She smoothly unhooked her bra in the back, tossed it aside, pushed back her shoulders to show off her small but full breasts, and moved closer to Tyler, offering him a nipple that was threatening to burst forth with milk.

Showing no shame, Tyler eagerly moved from Sidney’s large soft breast to Carly’s much smaller one. 

Carly shivered as his mouth made contact and he started sucking. It felt fantastic. Her milk was right there and a moment of nursing started her flow. 

It also started her other breast dripping. The rich white liquid fell down onto Sidney’s neck and shoulder. She did the only appropriate thing and turned her head, catching Carly’s leaking nipple between her lips.

“Oh…yes…please,” she moaned as she was simultaneously nursed by the two of them.

It was so wrong and that’s what made it so right. Carly clutched both of their shoulders and focused on what their mouths were doing to her tits. It was everything she wanted.

“Don’t stop,” she begged. “Please don’t stop. Make me cum. Make me cum.”

Her lovers were in an accidental competition with each other. Sidney knew how much milk Carly could make. Tyler was impressed with how her milk kept flowing and flowing even with her tiny tits. 

He was surprised at how easy it was to make the slight brunette orgasm just from some double nipple stimulation. 

“Oh FUCK! I needed that!” Carly declared and pulled back from the two of them.

Tyler, always smart and in control of himself, looked back to Sidney. “I wasn’t sure if hers was sweeter or yours was. Can I sample you again?”

Sidney offered up her tits again. “Please. But don’t just sample. Indulge.”

That Tyler could easily do. He glommed onto her breast, sucked up the nipple, and nursed like he was starved. 

Carly backed up a little, watching the other two. This was exactly what she wanted to happen, what she wanted to witness. 

Sidney closed her eyes and focused on the beautiful sensation of Tyler nursing on her tits. Taking an opportunity, Carly leaned in and kissed her girlfriend, causing Sidney’s eyes to flutter open. 

“Is this what you wanted?” asked Sid.

“Yes. And I want to watch him fuck you.”

Glancing up at Sid’s large tits, Tyler briefly let go of her nipple. “I’m all for that.”

“Let me help,” said Carly.

As Tyler resumed nursing, Carly did all she could to help Tyler out of his clothes. It was made difficult because he insisted on continuing to suck and play with Sid’s tits, but that was also half the fun. His shirt was the hard part because it involved unbuttoning or pulling it over his head, which broke his latch, but she managed. 

More fun was opening up his pants and stripping them off his legs and releasing his cock. She stroked his hard length as she helped him get naked. Nothing serious, just enough to continue to show her interest and to check that he was sufficiently ready to fuck her girlfriend.

“I’m indulging, but there’s not a lot here,” said Tyler, wetly releasing Sid’s nipple from between his lips. 

Sidney groaned in annoyance.

“But she has huge tits,” giggled Carly.

“I mean she’s all out of milk,” said Tyler. “But she does have big and lovely tits,” he agreed.

“You need to fuck her,” said Carly.

That caught Sidney’s attention. She nodded eagerly. “Yes! Yes! He needs to fuck me.”

This was the strangeness that pulled at the essence of Carly’s sexuality. What they were doing was wrong, but in the moment it felt wonderfully kinky and wonderful. There was nothing wrong with it.

Carly went so far as to help Sid take off her g-string. That left Carly as the most dressed of the bunch. 

She only wished she had a better view of his cock filling up Sidney.

Once he started pounding away at her pussy, that didn’t matter.

“Fuck her,” Carly encouraged him as she pushed her hand down into her wet thong. It seemed only right to masturbate next to the rutting couple. Taking off the thong was somehow going too far. She wanted one of them to take it off her.

Amazonian wasn’t a wrong way to describe Sidney. Tyler was older than them but ruggedly handsome in a sophisticated way. He wasn’t old, but seemed mature. For some reason Carly felt like she was back in high school doing something she wasn’t supposed to. 

She liked watching his trim ass tighten up as he slammed into Sid’s pussy. They were two beautiful people born for each other and Carly was the ugly duckling.

That didn’t stop her from making herself cum. She let them know by her loud moans. Sidney gave her a glance and blew Carly a kiss. Tyler was focused on fucking. 

Sidney wasn’t a stranger to the simple goddess of orgasm. They all wanted this so Tyler didn’t have to put in all that much effort to make her cum. He continued pounding away as her body shook with her climax. Only when she was done did he pause. 

“Is it okay if I…if I stop?”

“You already did,” Sid pointed out.

“Yeah…Is it okay if I stop and fuck Carly before I cum?”

The two women locked eyes. They knew the answer in an instant.



It was a struggle for Tyler to pull out of Sidney, but she wanted to see her friend fucked as much as Carly wanted to be fucked. But the small brunette insisted on getting on all fours so that Tyler could fuck her from behind.

“She’s got a tight little ass,” commented Tyler as he pushed into her.

“Are you saying I have a fat ass?” Sidney teased.

“No!” Tyler was frightened he had just fucked himself over with his casual comment. “You’ve got a great ass! It’s perfect!”

The two women giggled at him. “Come over here, Sid,” said Carly with a gesture.

The big blonde cupped her breasts. “I’m all out of milk.”

“That’s fine, I want to eat your pussy.”

“Oh…fuck yes!” Tyler exclaimed as he started pounding away at Carly’s pussy. This was a dream realized. He would have loved to ask to fuck her in the ass, but he didn’t want to push his luck.

Showing no hesitation at all, Sid positioned herself on the bed, legs spread, on her back and scooted down so that Carly could lick her pussy while getting pounded.

As much as he wanted to, Tyler couldn’t hold out. He was good for another minute and then he exploded in Carly’s pussy, grabbing her ass for balance, moaning and grunting as he came. 

She wasn’t distracted at all. Carly focused on sucking Sid’s clit and pistoning her fingers in and out of the other woman’s pussy, teasing her g-spot. Tyler was exhausted from his orgasm, but stayed inside Carly as she worked Sid hard and long enough for the other woman to cum.

“I just want to thank the two of you for this night,” he said. He had stayed hard after his orgasm and through Carly’s cunnilingus. Only now did he withdraw from her. 

“You’re more than welcome,” said Carly as she slumped to the side, tits up next to Sidney who was still quivering with aftershocks. 

“Yeah. It’s been great.”

Tyler was kneeling on the bed and he flicked his eyes back and forth between the two women. “Sidney, I don’t want to be rude, but Carly’s breasts are literally leaking milk. Would you mind if I…?”

Sidney’s eyes opened up. “I don’t mind if you don’t mind,” she said as she rolled to her side and moved down the bed. She found Carly’s left nipple and started sucking. 

Seeing that he was being invited, Tyler got on the other side of Carly and resumed nursing from her. 

Being pinned between the two larger people didn't bother Carly in the least because she was getting her milk sucked out. The only thing that wasn’t perfect was her inability to use her hands; she wanted to play with her pussy.

It didn’t matter. Her milk flowed. Sid and Tyler exchanged kisses. Carly was on edge for the excruciating minutes as she was milked. Only when Sid was bold enough to put her hand between Carly’s legs was she able to cum again.

Carly didn’t like that. She wanted a nipple orgasm, but had to do with a clitoral one. She didn’t complain but she did start to wonder if her body was starting to betray her.

Tyler was disappointed that eventually Carly’s milk gave out. He did observe that her breasts were slightly smaller than before but he was quick to mention that was in no way a disparaging remark and that all breasts were beautiful, big or small, he loved them both.

They laughed at how hard he worked to keep the both of them happy.

After their first intense round of sex in the bed, it was decided that drinks and snacks were in order. After that particular need was sated, Tyler had a request.

“I’ve never had the opportunity before, but would you two mind giving me a double blowjob? I might never get the chance again.”

They were both amenable to that request. Sidney made a big show of it, sliding her lips up and down his cock. Carly was happy to share kisses with her over and around his cock. She was happy to suck his balls while Sidney deep-throated his shaft. It was crowded but fun. Doing a double blowjob was a first for the both of them as well. 

When Carly was sucking on his balls and Sidney was pumping his shaft with her hand, Tyler abruptly said, “Better stop! I’m gonna cum.”

It was Carly who said, “Want to cum in my mouth or on our faces?”

Tyler didn’t know how to answer.

He was shocked by Carly’s answer. “Our faces!”

Carly had blurted out the answer before she had thought through her answer.

“Holy fuck yes!” Sid blurted.

Tyler had his cock in hand and pumped it twice before he unloaded onto the two of them.

Carly was smart enough to shut her eyes as his hot spunk landed on her cheeks and nose. Sidney had done this sort of thing before, but the sensation was still thrilling.

“I’m never, ever going to forget this!” Tyler panted.

Sidney opened her eyes to see Carly covered with semen. The sight inflamed her; it was too fucking hot. She kissed and licked the spunk from her girlfriend’s face, smearing the spunk on her own face back onto Carly. She got the idea of what she was supposed to do after a few seconds and eventually they cleaned up each other.

“Well, it’s not milk, but I still like it,” said Sidney, licking the last drops off her fingers.

“I’m all out of milk,” Carly pouted.

Sidney gave Tyler a sly smile. “If you spend the night, I guarantee her tits will be full in the morning.”